Basketball Commander

Chapter 532: The older the better

Kidd's look made Stoudemire calm down, which made Han Miao suddenly alert.

Old demon Kidd. According to the legend, the person who was about to retire had a look and finally power, which made Han Miao feel incredible, so he suddenly became vigilant.

Old Kidd holds the ball calmly. As an elderly point guard, when Kidd holds the ball, he will control his speed and adjust the rhythm according to the needs of the team.

Stoudemire has just been dunked, so this ball must be given to Stoudemire to get him back.

Han Miao didn't rush to grab, Kidd's physical condition is not good, but the ball is still at the top of the league, rushing to grab will only cause mistakes.

"Han, your ball handling and passing are the best among young people I have ever seen."

Kidd looked at Han Miao who was defensively in front of him, and suddenly said.

Ok? What is the situation, isn't it in the game, why suddenly it becomes a chat mode?

"Thank you, Jason, you are also one of the point guards I admired."

This is not all lie. Although Kidd was short-tempered when he was young, he did play the ball well, and he was very handsome (the bald old guy). The best proof of his strength with the Nets in the finals. Coupled with the formation of the Nets Trident with Carter and Jefferson later, the game became more enjoyable, and it made Kidd a wave of fans.

"Yeah, but I see your routine, you are more like Steve or another Jason."

Kidd's passing is relatively simple, he is versatile and can adapt to a variety of tactical systems, or Kidd has his own tactical system.

At this point, he is stronger than Nash. Nash's bombardment tactics are absolutely top-notch, but with other tactics, Nash's effect is not as good as Kidd.

As for the other Jason, White Chocolate Jason Williams, like Nash, he is best at Princeton tactics and the best passing, but he is worse than all-around and still not as good as Kidd.

"Don't you know that young people like fancy?"

As Han Miao said, there was a sudden movement on his hand, a step forward with his right hand to steal!

In fact, this is a fake move. This step is not to steal, but to force Kidd to change hands and dribble, so that Han Miao can complete the steal with his other hand!

But Kidd will not be affected. He takes a step back from the hip to avoid Han Miao's hand, and then waits for Han Miao to move his eyes from Kidd's lower third to upper third again. Gone!

So fast pass! The defender has no time to react!

"nice shot!"

The person who received the ball was surprisingly Stoudemire. This time after he received the ball, he stepped forward and jumped and dunked the ball with both hands!



This time because Kidd passed beautifully and Stoudemire followed up in time, so not only did the dunk succeed, but it also caused a foul!

Faried looked helpless, what Stoudemire had just avoided was his defense, and then Faried did not catch up to Stoudemire, and could only attack from behind, and the result was a foul.

"This ball..."

"This ball is not Kenneth's fault, I am responsible."

Just when Faried was about to apologize to his teammates, Han Miao took the lead to admit his mistake.


Faried was surprised, obviously because he was not defending in time, why did Han Miao come out and admit his mistake.

"Because of that pass, I didn't see it clearly."

Han Miao took the initiative to admit that Kidd’s ball just reminded Han Miao of Nash in the All-Star Game!

"Pass without extra action?"

When attacking again, Han Miao also controlled the ball with one hand while chatting with Kidd.

"Yeah? You know."

Kidd was a little surprised. Han Miao, a young man, actually knew this kind of pass that only old point guards knew.

"Steve told me at the All-Stars."

Han Miao remembered that there were hardly any extra passes in the All-Star Nash at the time, and that kind of pass made him almost impossible to catch.

Kidd's ball just now seems to be more powerful than Nash's! More simply!

"It turned out to be so, but since Steve told you, I won't say much."

Kidd is indeed closer to the realm of returning to basics than Nash in passing (if any), so if Nash's pass has a little extra action, then Kidd really is a pass without extra action. It’s impossible to guess the timing of, and you can’t catch it if you don’t concentrate!

"What about you, besides the unexpected empty pass just now, what else do you have?"

Kidd took the initiative to test Han Miao. This is something that the seniors will do when the younger generations have expectations.

"Do you want to see it? That's optimistic!"

Han Miao didn't talk nonsense. He continued to dribble the ball from his hips, and then made a breakthrough. When he controlled the ball with his right hand and made a movement of pulling behind and changing hands, his wrist suddenly shook and the basketball flew straight into the hands of Thompson!

Receiving, shooting, three-pointers, Thompson faces JR's defensive pressure is still relatively small, how can JR's youthful eyesight have defense? He only has the basket in his eyes...


After scoring three points, Han Miao didn't watch people pass the ball from behind, which really made people feel like seeing white chocolate.

"Sure enough, your routine is another Jason's."

Kidd was also emotional. Han Miao’s passing just now really reminded him of White When Kidd was at his peak, White Chocolate was also at his peak. The most gorgeous starting point guard for the Kings, you never know. Where will he throw the ball in one second? It belongs to one person passing the ball, and nine people are nervous.

To be honest, in terms of fancy passing, NBA point guards after White Chocolate didn't have a good shot, even Nash, it was because of the bombardment tactics that his passing looked good.

"But, boy, do you know that no matter what kind of pass is when you are young, when you are old, after all, this kind of pass without extra action is more popular!"

Kidd used actions to tell Han Miao what is meant by "the older the more the demon"! Han Miao clearly watched the ball in Kidd’s hands for the last second, but the next moment the basketball swiped past his head and came to Anthony’s hands behind him. The latter hit a mid-range and gave it to Kidd. De added an assist!

"Interesting, are you going to teach me how to pass the ball?"

After being connected by Kidd, Han Miao felt like he was going to roll up his sleeves and have a big fight. TNND, is this bullying the young point guard?

"You can continue to use your favorite pass, but I won't tell you what the consequences will be."

Kidd lowered his body and seemed confident in himself.

"Pretending to be 13 was struck by lightning!"

Han Miao didn't take it seriously. The old demon's defense was not very strong because of physical problems. Han Miao didn't take it seriously.

Continue to dribble the ball in a fancy way and make an extraordinary deception. When Han Miao estimated that the time was almost the same, he again decisively did not watch people pass the ball behind his back!


But this time, a hand suddenly appeared on the orbit of the basketball flight and shot the racket out!

"Oh, it's really old, otherwise, it should be a steal this time..."

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