Basketball Commander

Chapter 519: Playing, happiness is the most important thing

Hayward's position in the 76ers has always had the feeling of being a back door.

No way, whoever makes the coach be his college coach, the core is his iron buddies, and he is still a current person, not to be blamed by others.

Coupled with the sudden runaway of Paul George in the same grade this year, and he hit terrible data, he has a feeling of turning over and being the boss, and it can't help but make people feel like they lost their eyes when the 76ers uniform group changed rookies.

Don't talk about Hayward, just talk about this year's Thompson. It is the No. 6 overall pick. His performance is not as good as the 22nd rookie brother Faried. It also makes people say that the Sixers had a problematic vision at the time.

Who can blame this? Blame Hayward for being too low-key.

It is true that Hayward cannot be blamed. There is no way. According to tactics, Hayward is not the main attacker of the 76ers. As a wing terminator, Hayward's mission is to be as versatile as possible.

This makes his data look less outstanding, so naturally he gets less attention.

But Hayward didn't pay much attention to this matter, because he himself was not a person who likes to show off.

He prefers to indulge in games. As for basketball, although it is also very important, Hayward is not too overbearing on the court. He believes in the principle-just be happy.

That's right, Hayward is like this. If he is given more shot power and tactical status, how could he not be able to score 20+ with Han Miao feeding the ball, Hayward is just unwilling to do it.

You can win the game with 15-20 points, so why do you want 20-30 points?

This kind of salted fish thinking is one of the reasons why Hayward has not been able to further improve his status in the arena.

Another reason is naturally because Yao Ming came this season, Hayward instantly dropped from the second to the third, so he can maintain his own data is already very good.

However, this does not mean that Hayward is a master on the court, he is still very domineering sometimes.

Just like now, after Hayward was beaten by Wallace, he was also a little unhappy, so this time, he was also ready to play singles.


Hayward got stuck and motioned to Han Miao to give him the ball.

"It should have been long ago."

Han Miao hit the ground flexibly. The basketball crossed Deron's defensive line and came into Hayward's hands. Hayward received the ball, turned his back, and Wallace was behind him!

Is this guy preparing for AnswerBall?

Wallace lowered his focus, he was not a fool, he could feel the light in the eyes of the young man in front of him!

That is... the light that this ball must score!

"Be careful!"

This is Wallace betting on the dignity of a senior!

Of course, Hayward wasn't provoking Senior, he didn't mean that, but he didn't respond to it after being scored by Senior.

Test Wallace's strength with his back, and then suddenly turned around! Hayward is ready to push against Wallace!

Wallace's nerve response from years of defensive training is not blowing, he directly retreats while sliding sideways, blocking Hayward directly with his feeling!


Two people bumped into one full of arms, no wonder, after all, Hayward wasn't fast enough, this was replaced by Han Miao, and he broke through.

The road ahead was blocked, and Hayward was not depressed. He turned 360 degrees in the reverse direction again, and then leaned on Wallace to take off, pull the rod in the air, and backhand!


Beautiful response ball! The difficulty of this ball is not low!

If Wallace is a few years younger, this ball may be directly capped. However, he is indeed older now and has been injured several times. Sometimes his body can no longer keep up with his consciousness.

"OK, that's it."

Hayward is happy after playing this ball. It's OK. You don't need to worry about it anymore. It's enough to score this goal. One goal in response to Wallace is enough.

"Can you get a few more shots, do you still have to let me attack?"

Han Miao was also helpless to Hayward's indisputable temperament, taking out the domineering attitude of hacking people to the bottom when you were playing games! Can it last longer?

"Give it to Yao first. If I don't get a goal, just leave it alone."

Hayward humbly gave up the offensive power. In fact, he was a little scared in his heart. Wallace really had to catch the ball just now. If it weren't for jumping too late, Wallace might have lost it.

So Hayward doesn't plan to give Wallace a chance to get back on the court. Anyway, he feels that with Wallace's current offensive level, the Nets can't make him the main attack, so he should be responsible for defense first.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated this time, returning to the offensive end, the Nets still got the ball from Wallace!

"Damn, why are you again..."

Hayward is depressed, and hates this kind of one-on-one with the main attack point!

Wallace also turned his back, as if he wanted to tell Hayward that I would do what you would. You hit me with the back just now, and now I will give you one back!

The muscles hit Hayward, making his handsome face look a bit hideous. This was painful. Although Hayward was also strong, he had no advantage in front of black athletes of the same height and tonnage.

However, Wallace couldn't make the pull rod after continuous turning. The reason was very simple. The action was costly and Wallace's current state was not suitable.

Therefore, to force Hayward to the bottom line, Wallace collected the ball and shook his shoulder, then suddenly turned around and prepared to pick the basket with a low hand!

This set of actions is actually very good. It may be flying if it is replaced by someone else. However, Hayward is a man who has been used in training by Yao Ming. This kind of back-to-back footwork, when it is a pit, and when is he shooting Probably guessed it.

"Senior, this trick is too small for me!"

Wallace was surprised to find that a big white hand appeared above the hand where he stretched out his hand to pick the basket. At the same time, the big hand was pressed directly on the basketball, blocking the upward flight of the basketball!


Blocks, the ball goes out of bounds, but still the net ball.

"You kid."

Wallace glared at Hayward, but didn’t say much, because Wallace’s own talents were limited and he trained hard in the eyes of everyone who looked down on so he wouldn’t go easily. Mocking others.

Especially when he saw that Hayward was surrounded by two Chinese geniuses, and Paul George, who was the No. 10 pick in the same session, should be bigger and better. For a moment Wallace even felt that he had seen the past in Hayward. Yourself!

Hmm...If Hayward heard this, he would definitely not agree. From skin color to facial value to senior, do you look like me?

"The virgin cap of this year's playoffs? Happy or not?"

Hayward's blocking cap is very handsome, which makes Han Miao feel very envious. There is no reason for Han Miao's blocking ability. Because there is no block badge bonus, his blocking depends on the sky.

"Very good, but I suddenly felt that I could play a few more balls, or else, you give me the ball first?"

Ok? Did you hear me wrong? Hayward what's wrong with you! It smells so fast?

"Oh, playing football, happiness is the most important thing. I am very happy now, so you can give me a few more..."

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