Basketball Commander

Chapter 478: Scoring is that simple

Thunder and 76ers game night.

The Sixers team was changing in the locker room. Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a man who was obviously wearing a different uniform walked in.

"Yeah, Kevin, why are you here?"

Han Miao and Yao Ming are ready to change. The two are chatting, especially Yao Ming's recent performance on the MVP list is very strong. If he can win today, maybe Yao Ming can surpass Durant and become the second in the MVP list!

"Come and see you guys."

Durant has a better temper, which everyone knows, so Han Miao, Yao Ming and others have no other ideas, so they just came up to say hello.

"How do I feel, you are taller again?"

Yao Ming watched Durant joking. Everyone knows that Durant is 206 centimeters tall. This is a fake, but no one knows how tall he is.

Yao Ming feels it, because he is tall. When Durant is standing next to him, Yao Ming always feels that Durant is not shorter than some centers... but Durant often hunches back, so it doesn’t seem to be. Think he has the height of a center.

"No, no, where am I so high."

Durant hurriedly waved his hand, seeing through it without breaking it. He had been teased many times because of his height.

"Kevin, what are you doing here? Inquire about the enemy? Then it shouldn't be you."

Han Miao asked with a smile.

"It's okay, I'll just come over and take a look."

Durant didn't continue to say anything, and ran away after a few greetings.

"Gordon, I guess you will be out of luck tonight."

Seeing Durant leaving, Yao Ming suddenly said to Hayward that Hayward didn't talk to Durant much just now, obviously because he was afraid of being too embarrassed.

"Normal, that guy is amazing, I have learned it last year."

Hayward raised his head and said calmly.

"It's weird for you to be calm."

Han Miao said with some worry that Durant made it clear today that he was going to explode, so Hayward would be really troublesome. He is so calm now that he is really afraid of problems in the game for a while.

"Don't worry, it's not the first time I have played against Durant. I know what to do."

Hayward smiled. He doesn't feel any pressure. Durant is very powerful, but what about James? James is more powerful. Hayward has no special circumstances facing James. How could he be daunted when facing Durant? This white small forward is not so hard!

"Are you ready, let's go!"

Coach Stevens was also ready at this time. After taking a look at his players, he signaled everyone to go!


Recently, the triumphant 76ers team roared behind the coach and went out together, without the feeling of being on the road at all.

The Thunder will start the five Tigers today, Perkins, Ibaka, Durant, Safrosa, Westbrook.

The 76ers are also a regular starting lineup: Yao Ming, Faried, Hayward, Thompson, Han Miao.

Perkins and Yao Ming jumped the ball, which made Han Miao very sure, because Perkins, a meat shield center, really couldn't jump, and compared with Yao Ming in size, Perkins was really nothing.


Easy jump to win, Han Miao pressed Westbrook to receive the ball, and then slowly advanced with the ball.

After all, Yao Ming is in very good shape. It is better to play him the first ball today.

Both Perkins and Yao Ming came inside, and Yao Ming asked for the ball directly. He didn't need to be in a good position. Any stop was a good position.

Perkins is also very strenuous. Although he weighs 122 kilograms, it depends on who is compared. Yao Ming weighs 135 kilograms far more than him. The tonnage that Perkins is proud of is a joke in front of Yao Ming.

The main reason for the Thunder's introduction of Perkins is because of his tonnage. Perkins can use his tonnage to help the Thunder get stuck, grab rebounds, and fight against tall centers.

It is a pity that Yao Ming he needs today is taller than him and heavier and better than him. Perkins is really helpless.

Take the ball, turn your back, hard top twice, and then turn to the small hook.

Yao Ming's movements were smooth and unequivocal. Before Perkins could react, Yao Ming finished the goal.

This is no wonder, after all, Perkins's speed is relatively slow, especially the traverse speed is really hard to compliment, although Yao Ming is heavier, but he can't hold him flexible!

"It doesn't matter Kendrick, push him more, don't let him turn around and catch the ball easily, if you can make a shot, just interfere."

Yao Ming can easily beat Perkins. This is something the Thunder thought of early on, so they are not surprised. In their opinion, Perkins can consume Yao Ming's physical strength.

Westbrook is in possession of the ball. Han Miao has been teasing him and wants him to go head-to-head with him. But today Westbrook doesn’t know what’s going on. Although he was stunned, he actually suppressed his passion. After entangled with Han Miao for about ten seconds, he passed the ball to Durant!

Durant catches the ball and shoots directly! There was no extra movement at all, and it looked like it didn't give people a way to survive.

Hayward is already very attentive. However, Durant's direct dry drawing speed is too fast, and from a height, facing the direct dry drawing Durant, Hayward is useless even if he reaches out for the first time. His hand can only stand in front of Durant's eyes. Durant, with his many years of shooting intuition, steadily hit this two-pointer!

"Is it so simple to score?"

Perkins saw Durant easily complete a jumper. His heart was envious. Whether it was Yao Ming or Durant, Perkins admired their strong offensive ability. Sometimes he even thought of using himself. Weight, to change their shooting ability.

Han Miao wants a pick-and-roll. Yao Ming’s pick-and-roll quality is very high. After Han Miao shifts to the side, this direct shot is also very straightforward. Perkins is too slow to be able to defend at, don’t let them. Too easy, go up a bit! "

Brooks felt like yelling, because Ibaka is going to watch the 76ers Faried, who can also fly, so it’s very important for the Thunder to defend Perkins today. If he doesn’t keep up, he will be like Yao Ming, Han Miao and Hayward. These people with the ability to cast the Thunder will easily kill the Thunder.

But at the beginning of the scene, Durant's gun was full of bullets. How could he watch the team fall behind? Turning back to face Hayward, it was another in-situ jumper after catching the ball and hitting the equalizer again.

Is it difficult to score? No, it's that simple!

"Brother, let me play with Westbrook first. If Durant is allowed to play smoothly, it will be difficult to play today."

Han Miao took the initiative and said, after all, judging from these two balls, Durant feels very good today. In this case, if you want to win, you can only use some small means.

For example, let someone's head first...

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