Basketball Commander

Chapter 389: Hayward's mouth escape

Gordon Hayward also has a special place in the 76ers.

This white small forward has been famous in NCAA since college. In the small Butler University, this guy and his teacher Brad Stevens created a dark horse miracle!

In the NCAA Finals last year, if it weren't for the three-pointer that hit the frame at the last minute, then Duke's champion would be Butler's, and Hayward and Stevens would be more famous as their masters and disciples. Big!

Of course, although his career in the NCAA is a bit pity, Hayward was also selected to the NBA at a high position. The No. 9 pick, this position is definitely not low.

Although, he was traded before he played a game on behalf of the team. As a lottery pick, this is really not very happy.

But we can't deny Hayward's ability. As a flank terminator, Hayward is definitely capable.

Moreover, although he was traded, he was traded to his mentor Stevens. For him, this is not only not a bad thing, it may be a good thing.

Facts have also proved that he was indeed traded to the 76ers, which is a very good thing.

Under his mentor, Hayward got a lot of opportunities. After all, it was his direct line. Stevens must have given some convenience, especially to let him grow up faster. Stevens worked hard. , Last season has allowed Hayward to accept the abuse of various people at the small forward position.

Although Hayward was miserably abused in the beginning, as time went on, let alone anything else, at least Hayward's mentality was very good.

At present, the top few small forwards in the league have abused Hayward to varying degrees. For him, there is no worse result.

Of course, Hayward proved himself at the end of last season. In the second half of last season, the bigger the better. Although he was still abused against the league’s top small forwards, he has already The wind won't fall.

He continues to grow and grows into a trusted second-hand for the Philadelphia 76ers!

The last rookie team of last season also proved that Hayward is indeed good. With the team sitting on the best rookie, he also played a level that meets his own worth. Therefore, the Philadelphia locals are willing to put Hayward as well. As one of the future core of the team.

Of course, with Han Miao, Hayward would inevitably be drawn out for comparison last season. Especially when Hayward was abused, many media also mocked him, saying that he can’t do it, and he can only rely on the coach to be Only your own teacher can mix.

At that time, Hayward's situation was not much better than Thompson is now.

However, he survived.

Therefore, when he felt that Thompson had some emotional problems, Han Miao gave Hayward a glorious and arduous mission-to save the ideologically lost youth!

Keke, referred to as mouth escape.

"You know when I played with Han last year, he already showed the shadow of a super guard and played very well in every game."

Hayward was chatting with Thompson right now, and the first trick was to pour bitterness and draw the distance between them.

"At that time, everyone said again, how good Han was, a talented rookie on the point guard, averaging 20+10 per game like eating and drinking."

"What about me? No one noticed. At most, James Durant, Anthony, etc., would bring me up when the newcomer small forward who beat the 76ers in the game."

"I'm also the No. 9 rookie anyhow? How can I say that I was a man with a face, do you think I felt good at the time?"

Thompson did not speak, but listened silently. He knew that Hayward had no need to lie. Indeed, at the beginning of last year's season, Han Miao's name was often seen in the media, but Hayward... was basically forgotten.

"Later I thought, is I really not as good as Han? Why can he adapt to the NBA rhythm faster than me?"

Here comes the second way to escape from the mouth-reasonable analysis to find the root of the contradiction.

"I thought about it for a long time, and then I had to admit that, indeed, I am not as talented as Han. But even if there is a gap in talent, I won't behave that badly!"

Hayward's face showed a deep expression in time, this kind of moment is to have a feeling of recalling the hard and difficult life of the past!

"At that time, I was very good at training all day, because I always felt that the coach was my mentor, the core of the team was my good buddy, and I had a good girlfriend and a decent contract. So what should I try? Is it? So I would rather play games every day than practice more. Sometimes I don’t want to show the limelight on the court. Anyway, as long as I get more than 10 points per game, I can get around. So what am I trying to do?"

"Senior, did you really think about it that way?"

Thompson was surprised. In his opinion, although Hayward is the kind of senior who does not fight or fight, he will never have that kind of psychology. He has seen it in these five games, except for Yao Ming and Hayward. Decai is Han Miao's most trusted helper.

Looking at his overall data of 18.6 points, 5.6 rebounds and 4 assists per game in five games, Hayward is the third firepower point of the team.

"Is it good for me to lie to you?"

Hayward gave Thompson a dissatisfied look. You kid, when I got a little emotional, you interrupted me. Don't you know it's rare for an actor to be in good shape?

Thompson stopped talking. As a rookie, it's best to shut up when Seniors speak.

"You know last season, we also had a newcomer, Hassan Whiteside. At that time, I was in a bad mood, so I wanted to find him, because although he was very talented, he played with Han's help. Both are close to double-double data. I always thought that he had that data only by eating cakes, but that day, in the training hall, I found that I was wrong."

"He trains himself every day! Because he is too thin, after training every day, he trains his muscles in the gym, and then ties a sandbag to his legs to practice bounce. Although there is no technical content in eating cakes, Hassan abuses himself. The amount of training I have never done before!"

"You know, Hassan is only a second-round pick. He works so hard, but what about me?"

Hayward remembered what happened last year. This is not a lie. The most diligent person in the 76ers last year was Whiteside. If it weren't for Yao Ming this year, Whiteside would definitely be on the team.

"What happened later?"

"Later..." The preparation is almost complete, and the third move can be made-the mouth escapes the ultimate meaning, the voice is strong, and the soul is directly!

"Later, I locked myself in the room for a whole day without playing games or with my girlfriend. I was reflecting on what I did? When others are working am I doing? Be the media What am I doing when we criticize me?"

"Then I trained with Hassan, even Han didn’t know. At that time, I quit the game and practiced my skills every day. Even if I didn’t perform well in a short period of time, I didn’t lose my confidence, so I just insisted. After coming down, I have been waiting, waiting for the opportunity to change from quantity to qualitative change!"

"Then, when Han was injured once, I managed to achieve my own worth in the game. Since then, no one has said that I can't do it anymore."

Thompson listened to the whole story in silence without saying anything.

"I'm still optimistic about you, come on, the sixth show! When you are confused, think about who you are! Think about what you play for!"

Hayward patted Thompson on the shoulder, then left the training hall, leaving Thompson alone, sitting silently in a basketball training hall.

"When you leave, remember to clean the arena."

Hayward's voice drifted away, and Thompson sat there with a basketball and thought about life...

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