Basketball Commander

Chapter 329: Bite one game abruptly!

In the Magic period, McGrady was almost invincible during the same period in terms of heads-up ability.

Han Miao had all the skills of McGrady in an instant. If it wasn't for his physical fitness, he could become an enhanced magic wheat.

The Feitian just now buckled and buckled, and let Lewis out of Howard, his actions were not only chic, but also extremely domineering.

"I really have an illusion, who are we playing against? Why do you always think it is Tracy?"

Lewis is also someone who has seen McGrady’s bright moments. Just now, Han Miao’s self-deduction, although he unfortunately became the background board, but he was convinced, that level of self-deduction and self-deduction, you let him show off in actual combat. He is really not showing up.

"Like you, I think so."

Carter smiled bitterly too, he was the one that shocked the most, because he was the most familiar with McGrady.

He also couldn't think that after spending so long in the league, one day he would actually feel the feeling of his cousin in other people!

It's not that no one has imitated McGrady for so many years, but like Han Miao, Carter can feel that he is almost playing against McGrady. There is only one Han Miao for so many years!

The Magic turned around and continued to attack, Howard returned to the inside to force, but Whiteside is determined to fight Howard today, even if Howard is to force himself again, he will not retreat!


I don't know why, although Howard was very fierce this time, he didn't even get in the last button!

Buckle fly!

Howard can actually deduct the flight?

Iguodala pressed Carter to take the ball, and then pushed back!

"Throw it up!"

Han Miao ran at the forefront. Although Nelson interfered by his side, he still demanded the ball at Iguodala.

Although Iguodala felt a bit surprised, he still slammed the ball at Han Miao's position!

Nelson stood against Han Miao and did not give Han Miaoqiang a chance to accelerate.

But Han Miao didn't intend to take the ball. After jumping up, he shot the basketball with one hand in the air!


With a simple shot, the basketball changed direction in the air, and then flew straight to the basket!

What kind of fairy ball is this? Want to enter this way?

"Kh, kah, kah..."

But the facts are so shocking, Han Miao's seemingly casual shot, he actually shot the ball in!

Da Van Gundy: What the hell?

Nelson: My slot!

Magic others:...

What kind of fairy ball is this?

And Han Miao, after scoring the goal, just turned around and turned back to defense, as if he had just done a trivial thing!

This is B...what do you make Nelson think?

"Host, if the ball just wasn't lucky, you probably would be the top five."

System Xiaohui said silently, it was obvious that the ball that Han Miao had just wanted, made this system a little surprised.

"Don't if, just score. Now this goal can only be the top five."

Magic Mai is also an arrogant person. After possessing his body, Han Miao's tone of voice with the system naturally changed.


The two teams continued to attack each other in the third quarter. Most of the 76ers' offenses relied on Han Miao, all sorts of magical breakthroughs, unreasonable shots, and of course, occasionally one or two subtle passes.

The Magic's offense is relatively normal. Although Whiteside does have a bit of an effect on Howard, it can't completely limit Howard. The rest of their team is playing relatively stable, so they can barely make contact with the 76ers.

However, it was originally 5 points behind in the first half, and at the beginning of the second half, Han Miao had several consecutive shows, so by the end of the third quarter, the Magic had lost a full 10 points!

Han Miao scored 21 points in a single quarter! In the playoffs, scoring in this single quarter is also very scary. I had known that Han Miao would score more than 20 points in the first game.

Grand Van Gundy said that he had tried his best in the third quarter. Carter, Pietrus and others took turns in the battle. They all took out their wheels and still failed to deal with Han Miao.

What's the use of Magic offense? When both sides can score, the Magic that is already behind is even less able to play!

"Coach, what should I do?"

Because it is the playoffs and not too far behind, the Magic did not give up hope, but they hope that the coach can come up with limited tactics to restrict Han Miao.

Van Gundy looked dumbfounded, what can I do? This Chinese obviously started to hang up from the second half, all kinds of fairy balls, how can such a person be able to prevent it?

Moreover, Big Fan Gundy is not his younger brother, Little Fan Gundy, Big Fan prefers offense and Xiao Fan prefers defensiveness. You let Big Fan Gundy deploy exquisite defensive tactics... This is also a bit difficult!

"Keep it aggressive, let's bet he can keep going through the fourth quarter!"

Unfortunately, Da Fan can only continue to order like this. Obviously, he acquiesced to his players to play black hands and remain aggressive. It depends on how the players understand.

"Until the last minute, do not relax! When defending, rest their three-pointers!"

On the 76ers' side, they are taking time to rest and regain their strength. Finally, Han Miao can play so well. They must seize the opportunity today and strive to win the next game.

Han Miao has only the idea of ​​winning now. If he can't win after using the possessed card, then he has no meaning in using the possessed card.

"Must win!"

Han Miao said silently, then stood up and said to the whole team.

After playing again in the fourth quarter, as expected, the Magic's defense against Han Miao has become much stronger, and almost every time they come in contact, they will be cruel!

And because the action is relatively hidden, Han Miao hasn't been able to commit a foul yet.

But fortunately, Han Miao's ability to pass the ball is excellent, and while being violated several times, he cleverly sent the ball out.

The 76ers and others are also better, successfully converting Han Miao's pass into an assist!

Magic can only say that he was unlucky today. Everything went well, but he accidentally injured Hayward, which inspired Han Miao to use the Possession Card.

But, unfortunately, the possession card in Han Miao's hand happened to be a powerful offensive magic wheat!

In the fourth quarter, the Magic tried to launch a counterattack many, but no matter how they counterattacked, Han Miao could return.

In the most terrible time, Han Miao rushed into the post, with two people hanging on his body, and then confronted Howard head-on. He could actually throw the ball in before he fell!

How can this be prevented?

Magic never narrowed the difference to less than 5 points!

This is the ability of possessing cards!

It wasn't until the last 30 seconds that the Magic had to give up this game because they were still 6 points behind. Therefore, the Philadelphia 76ers struggled to bite the victory of the game away!

The score was 115:111. Han Miao scored 12 points in the first half, 21 points in the third quarter, 18 points in the fourth quarter, and scored 51 points in total!

Especially in the second half, he blasted 39 points and almost led the team to kill the Magic alone!

The big score is 1:1! The two teams are tied!

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