Basketball Commander

Chapter 268: Your lore?

Because of West, there was a lot of turmoil in this game.

The same person took off his pants for the second time, which made Whiteside so angry that he didn't know what to say.

Therefore, he is a flying leg facing West!

MMP, just now, with a sincere expression on his face, he told me that it was an accident, but when I turned around, I took it off again. Fortunately, I was dressed tightly inside, otherwise I would be the one who was ashamed today!

Of course, this flying kick did not hit West because he was directly stopped by his teammates, and the other side quickly pulled West away. TNND, it’s really shameful. He looks so handsome, so why didn’t he pay attention? So this guy is gay?

But there is no way, after all, West is his own, can't watch him be beaten, that's not good.

Therefore, the Hornets can only go up and pull West back to a safe area.

"Don't go, dare to take off my pants twice, if you don't give an explanation, dare to go and try!"

The aggrieved person of Whiteside is really funny and a little distressing.

On the 76ers' side, because Han Miao and Paul just "wrestled" on the ground because they grabbed the ball, the boss is not here now, and they can only rely on their teammates to separate the two.

The referee ran over. This time, they couldn't help but give Whiteside and West a T first.

Whiteside's grievance, I am a victim, OK? Why give me T!

Why? Who was the flying leg just now? Playing flying kick on the court, are you afraid that you want to die?

The people in Philadelphia hurriedly held Whiteside down. Really, you are not afraid of death, but you dare to challenge the referee. You are really stunned!

West is also a little depressed about his own T. What did I do? I didn't push or hit anyone, didn't I just pull my pants... I pulled my pants!

The referee looked at him with disgust, why did he not accept it? If it wasn't for you, there would be such a mess? Pulling the pants for the first time didn't give you T already, it gave you a lot of face, OK!

West still wanted to make a case, but the referees had no patience and explained a fart, not listening!

Ever since, another T was given out, and the referee let West go to rest.

In all fairness, the referee gave two T's not too much, as for West's performance today, he should have gone down long ago.

"Pants off the madman" West, after today, this nickname is really impossible to escape.

Whiteside saw that West had eaten two Ts, and he finally felt a little more comfortable in his heart. It was good, and finally the scam was gone.

But Whiteside wanted to be arrogant, so he pushed his teammate away and wanted to talk to the referee.

But the referee is very upset now. Whiteside came here to find his own death, so the referee also gave him a T without saying anything.

Two people, one person and two T's, each playing 50 boards, go down and have a good rest!

Yes, sometimes referees are so headstrong!


Before Whiteside spoke, Han Miao, who came over, covered his mouth, and then dragged it down. It’s really, how could there be such a second-class teammate? When West was sent off, he should Shut up, it turned out to be silly and want to talk to the referee without any vision. Now it's all right, let's end it together!

Paul also dragged West off the court. In any case, the shame of West today is that West was right. In the future, I am afraid that many people will say that the Hornets are a **** team.

After the Hornets lost West, their combat effectiveness immediately dropped to a level! West’s firepower has always been something they rely on. Now West is down, which means that the pressure of the Hornets’ offense is on Paul!

The 76ers are a little better, after all, Whiteside's offensive power is not high, but after he went down, the team's ability to protect the frame inside the team was a little worse.

Because both of them took a T and took the free throw, Han Miao and Paul took the free throw instead of them, with two Ts on each side, which means 4 free throws per person.


For Han Miao, free throws are still stable, and the silver-level free throw ace is enough for Han Miao to deal with free throws in various situations.

However, after losing West, Paul suddenly ran away in the following time!

Han Miao always thought that as long as Paul was physically confronted, he could be restrained.

But after West was off the field, Han Miao discovered that Paul really broke out, and he couldn't do it for others to fight against!

Too slippery! The fully accelerated Paul is like a loach, and Han Miao can't catch him at all!

The simplest change of direction, worship Buddha, Crossover, with the blessing of Paul's full speed start, made Han Miao really embarrassed, it is normal to be shaken, and he almost fell over several times!

This is the first time that Han Miao has been so embarrassed by his ball control skills!

Fortunately, on the offensive end, Han Miao used his body to beat Paul a few more, and once he used a layup fake to make Paul jump up after a breakthrough, and then staged a dunk to "2+1"! This way he was not completely beaten.

But the Hornets' three-pointer on the bench suddenly seemed to be activated at the end of the fourth quarter. Paul used his pass and a pass error from the 76ers to hit a 6 in the final half minute or so. : 0! Abruptly chased the difference to two points!

In the last half-minute, the 76ers got the ball and they also led by two points!

"Take the time out!"

Stevens shouted at the players. Paul chased him to this point. It can only be said that Philadelphia is not lucky. West's end forced the strongest Paul, the current point guard, even if it is Han. Miao faced him and now had to stand aside.

Han Miao is a little nervous now, this is the pressure Paul brought to him, even if Paul is just standing in front of him.

This ball has to be sudden!

Han Miao made up his mind. Passing the ball is impossible. Let’s not talk about whether they can score by passing it to his teammates. Han Miao’s sixth sense feels that if this ball is passed, Paul will probably cut it off. Drop!

Let's break through!

Protecting the ball sideways, accelerating in an instant, Han Miao moved forward against Paul. It seemed that this time he was going to win a match with Paul!

However, the imaginary resistance was not so violent. Han Miao only felt that he had touched Paul a little, and then almost passed him!

How could this happen?

Han Miao, who felt that it was not in seconds, immediately prepared to stabilize himself, but at this moment, he suddenly heard a familiar voice!


Han Miao felt his right hand waved in the empty space! The connection between basketball and yourself is cut off!

Paul, after the physical contact just now, he flashed away from Han Miao, and when Han Miao was about to pass him, he stretched out his hand and broke the ball!

"Quick Break!"

Ariza, who had been ironing for a whole day, ran so fast at this moment, and is now far ahead of everyone!

"Give me in!"

Paul threw the ball hard! The time on the timer is also passing When Ariza makes a catch from the three-point line, there are almost a dozen seconds left!

Take off, shoot!

Ariza did not choose to rush in to layup and tie, but chose a three-pointer!

After finishing the whole game, he even dared to shoot a three-pointer at this moment!

At this moment, Mullin, Miller, Ray Allen and other three-pointers were with him Ariza, even if he could not make 10,000 goals before, Ariza still made this one!


Three points! In the last 10 seconds, with the help of Paul, Tieza scored a goal that allowed the Hornets to overtake!

Ariza, is this your lore?

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