Basketball Commander

Chapter 259: Wasp with imbalance inside and outside

New Orleans, Louisiana.

This is a magical city. For most Chinese people, the first impression of New Orleans is often a kind of food...

New Orleans grilled chicken drumstick, or New Orleans grilled wings.

Yes, it's rather boring. It is obvious that New Orleans is a big city. As a result, the first impression has become synonymous with food, and who is embarrassed.

It's like mentioning Beijing, the first impression is not that the Great Wall is not the Forbidden City, but a duck... You say embarrassment is not embarrassment.

The New Orleans team is still the Hornets. They haven't changed their names to the Pelicans. The Queen Bee is still Paul, although this is Paul's last year here.

In all fairness, Paul brought a lot of honor to the Hornets. Although the Hornets had star players like Larry Johnson and Alonzo Mourning before him, no one can bring the Hornets out of the Western powers like Paul.

Someone once said that the league owes Paul an mvp, um... this statement is not very accurate, after all, Kobe was also very fierce that year, and in the final matchup of the regular season, the Lakers led by Kobe defeated the Hornets led by Paul. Therefore, it is normal for Kobe to be given mvp.

What's more, Paul was young at that time, and everyone thought he had more opportunities.

But who would have thought that it would be Paul's closest approach to mvp.

The Hornets are not as good as their original peak period, mainly because Paul was injured and his strength was affected to a certain extent. Then the inside barrier Chandler went to Dallas next door, making the Hornets very disadvantaged inside.

Although they now have Okafor, the Rookie of the Year in 2004, the problem is that Okafor is no longer the man who can overpower World of Warcraft in 2004 because of injuries. To be honest, his role is not as good as Chandler.

The Hornets now rely mainly on the cooperation between Paul and David West.

West is a magical man. He is not tall, only 206cm tall, and he weighs less than 110kg. However, this guy has a wide range and is a thief in the middle distance!

A power forward can actually reach beyond the three-point line, and the mid-range is extremely stable. In the current league where small **** are not popular, only Lewis and Nowitzki can compare with him.

Space power forward, West should also be one of the representatives.

Of course, West is a bit better than Lewis, because Lewis is too obsessed with three-pointers. West is the best in the middle distance. Long distance is okay. He also has one or two shots in the post. The inside line is back singles or hooks. It can also be good. It can be said to be able to inside and out, but the height is not enough, the athletic ability is average, so the rebound protection is not good, and on defense, West's ability to protect the frame is not good.

Originally, when Chandler was in the Hornets, they didn't have to worry about this issue, because Chandler was a very good frame protector.

Now replaced by Okafor, although the offensive end is better, but on the defensive, Okafor is more than one street behind Chandler.

The Hornets’ inside guards this season are really bad. The points lost in each game are ecstatic. It seems to be a hindrance. If it weren’t for Paul, Belinelli and other outside lines, I’m afraid the Hornets every game. It will be tough.

The dragged inside line, the tough outside line, this is the current state of the Hornets, Paul is really fighting this season, and 11.5 assists per game is also his strongest state!

However, there are too many great gods in the west, and the Hornets just barely wander on the edge of the playoffs, and can be regarded as the west's playoff goalkeeper.

The Hornets did a terrible reinforcement this season. There was basically no reinforcement. Coupled with a big problem in the management, the team has become the kind of no father, no mother and no salary. All kinds of blows have hit Paul. It can also bring the team to the top eight in the Western Conference, which is already very good, and someone else might have already kneeled.

Of course, West played very well with Paul’s help. This guy has been very bright in the past few seasons. Although he has taken advantage of Paul, the statistics are really good. He can average 20+ scorers per game. Last big contract!

"Seventeen-foot Assassin", this is Paul's nickname given to West. He and Paul's pick-and-roll match, a bit of Stockton and Malone's original meaning.

And West is also good at holding the ball, and can even break through with the ball in the high post! This guy is really great value.

So this year's Hornets are in a state of imbalance inside and outside.

"Yes, the power forward is going to be bad for Elton."

On the plane, Han Miao and Hayward were looking at the intelligence of their opponents. Because they knew that West was good for a long time, Han Miao took a look at West's data this year.

Scored double figures in 41 games, of which 28 were 20+ and 8 were 30+. Tsk tsk... This offensive firepower is really leverage.

Brand definitely couldn't prevent West. After the injury, Brand slowed down. Although West was not athletic, he was compared with Brand...cough, that was West faster.

Moreover, West’s range is too wide and Brand has to guard against it, but the problem is that if Brand is pulled to a high position and West chooses to force a breakthrough, then Brand can’t help it!

Although Brand has averaged 15+8 per game so far this season, he is not at all shocked by West's 20+7. It can only be said that after the captain is old, everyone wants to step on him.

"Stop talking about him, talk about you, Chris is now the league's number one point guard, and your trouble is even greater."

Hayward said happily. After all, from the current situation, he has to face up with Ariza. Although Ariza is defensive but not offensive, he is the famous "Tieza", so Hayward feels that his pressure will Much smaller.

"Chris, actually Chris is good to say."

What came to Han Miao's mind was the appearance of Paul who was later transferred to the Rockets. Paul is now younger, running faster, shooting more accurately, and passing the ball more sharply.

But then Han Miao remembered that people later called Paul "3 Cannons", nicknamed "Luo 3 Cannons", hiss... Suddenly he felt that Paul was really happy, "Ro 3 Cannons", hahahaha... …

"Hello, what are you laughing at?"

Hayward looked at his good friend who suddenly and suddenly felt a chill in his back.

Mom, isn't this guy scared silly?

"It's okay, just think of a joke."

Han Miao indicated that he had no problem. It was indeed that he wanted to laugh when he thought of Paul's face.

The cute little fat guy with big eyes...

"Host, in theory, Paul is not fat..."

The system can't help but complain.

"Oh, but his big **** looks fat."

"Tsk tusk... People are concerned about this person's skills, you actually care about their ass, host, your thoughts are very dangerous..."

Han Miao: "..."


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