Basketball Commander

Chapter 235: Locker room

When Han Miao appeared in front of the two women the next day, he was wearing a pair of black sunglasses.

why? It's not because Jessica played a little bit yesterday, making one of his eyes a little swollen.

"You won't tell me, your eyes are swollen?" It seems that Jessica is in a good mood today, and he still wants to make a joke on Han Miao.

"What do you think? The culprit..."

Han Miao had a headache. This sister really didn’t do anything lightly. Fortunately, it didn’t cause any more serious incidents. Otherwise, if Han Miao played the All-Star game with a bruised eye today, he would be laughed to death. .

"Oh, it's not very serious. Yesterday Xiaoxian used eggs to help you apply. Besides, it's not that you deserve it..."

Jessica's voice weakened. After all, she was indeed a bit cruel to start, which was a loss.

"Eone should apologize."

As the youngest, she has no right to speak in front of her sister, but this does not prevent Xu Xian from secretly supporting Han Miao.

Actually, Han Miao was just thinking about how to be in the same team with James and other big guys yesterday. However, because of his height, his sight is just the most prominent part of someone’s body, which is regarded as a pervert. pause.

Han Miao was also very helpless. At the time, I was clearly thinking about how to deal with people who had bad intentions. Why did I end up becoming someone with bad intentions?

Moreover, if it weren't for being reminded by Jessica, Han Miao wouldn't have seen it.

But luckily, Han Miao only had one eye slightly swollen. If you don't look at it carefully, you won't be able to tell.

But just in case, Han Miao decided to wear goggles during the game. Anyway, the All-Star is a game that needs gimmicks. He wears goggles on the court to attract a little more attention.

But thinking about it now, Princess Iceberg is indeed quite predictable, very good and powerful...

"I will go directly to the players' locker room after I go in today, so I won't accompany you to the seats. This is the ticket for you yesterday."

As a participating player, Han Miao had to go to the locker room first and then play, so he could only bring the two women in from the player channel and leave early.

But what made him a little helpless was that when the guard saw him, his eyes showed a gaze that a normal adult male could understand.

In fact, Han Miao wanted to say that he invited people to dinner yesterday and was beaten by the way, and then he obediently laid his eyes on the hotel.

But who would believe this? Two delicate beauties are by your side, do you still have the face to say that nothing happened last night? What a shame!

Well, at this point, Han Miao feels that he is different from most of the "livestock" guys in the NBA. He even wants to yell:

"I am very conservative!"


There are already many people in the Eastern All-Star locker room.

In fact, the big guys have been in Los Angeles these days, and all sorts of people-friendly activities are indispensable. Han Miao came to a low-key, secondly, the coffee position has not yet arrived. Thirdly, Yao Ming, the current number one center forward, is the representative of Chinese stars. These activities are nothing to him.

In the east, the Big Three of Celtics, "Warcraft" Howard, and "Little Overlord" Stoudemire have all arrived. These big masters are bragging and chatting with each other. For them, two topics are necessary. Yes, that is basketball and women.

And when Han Miao walked into the locker room, the big guys also rarely stood up to welcome him.

"Yo-yo-yo! Our magical Dongfang boy is here!"

Howard came up to Han Miao very easily, and at the same time Stoudemire also came over to give Han Miao a bear hug.

This is normal, after all, Han Miao is a seedling of a super point guard. For the inside, it is their dream to have a good point guard who can pass the ball.

So Howard, Stoudemire and Han Miao are all paying good attention. After the match, it can be said that they don't know each other. Everyone is friends.

The Big Three of the Green Army were deeply impressed by Han Miao. In the first game at the beginning of this season, the rebuilt 76ers defeated the super rookie of the Green Army. Out of the attitude of the seniors and the younger generations, they also have a good impression of Han Miao. .

"I heard you signed Adidas?"

Garnett, as a member of the Adi Five Tiger Generals, has such a level of relationship with Han Miao, so he is naturally closer to him.

"Yes, thank them for signing me. I like the atmosphere of Adidas."

Facing so many senior stars, Han Miao's attitude is neither humble nor overbearing, polite, and not arrogant because he is a starter.

"Work hard and try to beat those people at Nike."

Garnett said half-jokingly that, in fact, Adidas was suppressed by Nike in the basketball field, even during the Adidas Five Tigers period, it was barely 50-50.

"I work hard, I work hard."

Han Miao can only say that, otherwise, what else can he say, saying that he will definitely kill Nike? How could it be possible that even Rose couldn't do it later.

"Yeah, it's all here, it's very lively."

While the whole locker room was chatting lively, suddenly someone came in.


Garnett and the others looked up and saw three people walking in side by side in Heat uniforms.

Yes, like the Celtics, this year the Heat are also three people!

James obviously saw Han Miao, but he has no good feelings about this newcomer who grabbed the start of his brother and broke his home score record.

He originally wanted to perform Janway in the All-Star Game, but now James urgently needs to change his image so that people can see his changes instead of being said to be a man who abandons his old master.

But the appearance of Han Miao ruined his plan.

Han Miao is one of the starting backcourts, and from the two encounters, James feels that this guy has nothing to do with him.

Not all the way!

So James didn't think he would get along well with Han Miao.

"China Han, I hope you have a good performance today."

But as a senior, James wants to save face and cannot openly throw a black face at Han Miao in front of so many people.

After all, if he did that, then the two will officially break apart, and the big guy in the locker room is not the only one. The Big Three of the Green Army, "Warcraft" Howard have beaten him, and Cane The special qualifications and honor are there. James is not the best in the East locker room, at least not now!

"Well, thank you LeBron, I will work hard, and I hope you can have fun today."

Han Miao knew that James must be dissatisfied with him, but he didn't say anything about it.

Anyway, when you are on the field, you can play whatever you want. As long as you don't trouble me, I will cooperate with your performance, so what.

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