Basketball Commander

Chapter 228: Los Angeles is so small

After the rookie game, Han Miao had a day off.

Because he does not participate in individual events such as the dunk contest on the second day, he can have a day before the start of the race.

Hayward was fine, but he didn't want to go back so quickly. He finally came to Los Angeles. If he didn't play, he would be condemned to go back.

Of course, Hayward's play... it must be related to games!

As the deadly home of a well-known game, Hayward has long coveted the game store in Los Angeles.

However, when he was in college, Hayward didn't have much money, and he was busy after entering the league, so there was basically no chance to visit the "sacred place" in his heart.

It's rare to come here to play this time, so how can I take a tour?

But, Han Miao refused to go with him this time, because Han Miao was killed and did not want to admit that he was also a game house.

"You just aren't honest enough in your heart, boy, you obviously played more happily than me when you were playing together, but now you are beaten to death and don't want to admit it."

This is Hayward's evaluation of Han Miao, this kind of person, huh, wretched, too wretched!

Without going shopping, what Han Miao can do is to hit the iron in the hotel gym, and then wait for the individual competition to start.

No way, Griffin wants to participate in the dunk contest, as a new buddy, Han Miao had to join in.

Well, it can be seen that Griffin is still a very good person, honest and honest, kind and deceptive, and a good candidate to be taken advantage of.

Griffin said to invite him, then Han Miao can't help but give face, and Han Miao can guess that this guy was very happy to receive his pass yesterday, and today I guess he will let him pass the ball to help complete the dunk.

Um... well, I will do my brother a favor this time. If you have this kind of thing next time, please contact my agent and let's talk about the price first...

The individual events are much more interesting than the rookie games, at least judging from the queue at Staples, there are more people today than yesterday.

"It's only the next day, and I'm almost full of Staples, what about tomorrow?"

Because Han Miao is a player and is also familiar with gatekeepers, he can enter the arena directly without queuing.

Fortunately, there is no need to line up, otherwise, when will Wu Yangyang's team line up?

The special channel for players is not only for those who participate in the game, but also for guests who are invited to the All-Star Game. If the number of family members and friends of the players is not large, they can also follow.

This is quite conscientious, otherwise, if Han Miao had to line up to enter, he might not bother to cheer for Griffin.

Looking down at the phone while walking towards the player tunnel, Han Miao was obviously absent-minded.



Facts have proved that it is not a good habit to walk and look at the phone, especially when there are many people, it is easy to bump into people. This time it seemed that the impact was not light, and the person almost fell into the crash.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it."

Han Miao quickly raised his head, and then prepared to stretch out his hand to help others.

Han Miao was taken aback when he looked up.

I don’t know if it was bad luck or too good luck. The one he hit this time was a beauty!

Hmm... the height is not very high, it is estimated to be a little bit in the early 160cm, the face is very delicate, the figure is very good, at least the S-shaped line looks very seductive under the clothes.

Dyed yellow hair draped over her shoulders, making the girl look like a princess in a fairy tale.

Moreover, the most surprising thing is that this petite girl actually exudes a icy breath, like an iceberg, which makes people feel retreat.

"I went... this luck..."

Han Miao wanted to look up to the sky and sigh, why is Los Angeles this place so small?

This kind of height, this kind of breath, besides the legendary Jessica, who else?

Han Miao's previous life has read a lot of traverse texts, among which two female characters are impressive.

"You must push when you cross, Jessica Alba, and you must push when you are born again, Jessica Jessica."

This "East and West Jessica" is the best choice for the protagonist to enrich the harem in all the major crossing stallions.

What Han Miao encountered now was naturally Dong Jessica-Jessica Cheng.

"Han, Han Miaoopa?"


Han Miao was still thinking about this thing about Jessica, but suddenly heard another familiar voice in his mind.

Turned his head and looked, heh, there is no such thing as luck, Los Angeles is so young...How could Xu Xian, a girl, be here?

Why can I always meet you in Los Angeles? As the idols, shouldn't you be very busy? Nothing to do, stay in Korea, why are you here?

"Hello Xu Xian, this one, it should be Jessica? I'm really sorry just now, I didn't look at the way."

Han Miao hurriedly said hello, how to say he bumped into the front, at this time he had to apologize a bit.

After all, from a physical point of view, this gap is not ordinary. Fortunately, Han Miao didn't use much force just now, otherwise it would be troublesome to bump into a problem.

"Forget it, it's okay."

Sure enough, it was an iceberg, and this cold answer sounded like an angry one.

"Well, are you going in to watch the game today?"

Han Miao took a look at the situation. This place should be in the queue. He just wanted to cross this area to go to the player channel.

"Yes, there are a lot of people here. We have been waiting for more than ten minutes."

Xu Xian whispered, to be honest, she didn't know why she would come to the United States with her sister, but when she heard that Jessica O'Neill wanted to come to Los Angeles to watch the All-Star Game, she followed in a ghostly manner.

"So, then, to apologize, let me take you through the player tunnel, so you don't have to line up."

Han Miao thought for a while and thought this was a very good solution, so he treated it as an apologize.

"Ah? Well, can you not queue up?"

The upright youngest maknae was a little surprised.

"It's okay. The player channel is for players, but you can also bring a few friends together."

Han Miao said that there is no need for pressure, and taking a special channel and jumping in line are two different things.

"Okay, thank you."

There is still a cold answer, but this time it seems to be a little better...Wait, this answer is Jessica?

Yes, this time, without waiting for Xu Xian to speak, Jessica agreed first. To be honest, she was hit by the big man just now, which really made her unhappy who didn't like to have too much contact with strangers.

But looking back, this guy apologized very sincerely. He seemed to be a little bit demanding. He knew his maknae and saved himself the trouble of queuing... Well, in that case, I will forgive me compassionately. Hello, though, this girl doesn't know you.

Han Miao didn't dare to delay any longer. Someone from behind was already showing dissatisfaction. Although it was said that Han Miao was a player, it was still very annoying to be in this team.

"Come with me."

With a big guy like Han Miao leading the way, the two women quickly walked out of the crowd and went straight into the court.

"Han, these two are..."

At the entrance to the players, the security guard asked Han Miao routinely. They knew the Chinese who won the rookie MVP here yesterday.

"My friend, can we go in together?"

Han Miao's attitude is very friendly, and his sincere smile makes people unable to fault.

"No problem, go in."

The Staples guard is not stupid. What happened to Han Miao, the current popular fried chicken, and the future superstar bringing people in?

What's more, people still carry two beauties, and at first glance they are "impure motives." How can they not give face at this time.

"Han Miao? That Chinese rookie in Philadelphia? Oh, no wonder..."

At this time, Jessica saw the poster posted in the player’s channel, plus heard other people’s conversation with Han Miao, and then looked at Han Miao who was talking to the door guard, and then realized afterwards that she understood what was in front of her. Who is the yellow race who looks familiar?

"Hey, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Jessica Girls' Generation. Just call me Jessica."

While talking, he stretched out his white tender little hand.


Han Miao turned his head and saw that the legendary iceberg was reaching out to him. He didn't dare to neglect, and he hurriedly responded:

"Hello, Philadelphia 76er Han Miao, nice to meet you."

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