Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 45: densely packed on the reef

  Chapter 45 Densely packed on the reef

   Seeing so many shellfish on the reef, everyone was excited again, and the disappointment just now disappeared without a trace.

  Ye Yaodong was also overjoyed, the tide had just receded a little, and when it receded to the bottom, more rocks would be exposed on the surface.

   "Everyone acted separately."

  After speaking, he was not in a hurry to dig. Instead, he searched around first. He didn't bend down to dig with a screwdriver until he saw a rock covered with small wild abalones.

  This small wild abalone adsorbed on the reef is different from the abalone sold in the market. It looks completely different. It is much smaller, only a little bigger than a one-dollar coin. It is oval and its shell is also very thin.

   This is his favorite food. It can be steamed with enoki mushrooms and scallion oil. It is delicious.

  Using a screwdriver to pry a little bit, the whole piece fell off. He happily used the bucket to pry off the whole piece, and then continued to search around.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a large piece of bergamot in the crevice of the reef next to it, densely clustered, and this is also worth some money.

  The bergamot is also called the pen holder. The scientific name of this is Guizu. According to Song "Sanshan Zhi", "it is named after its shape, the flesh in the depression is beautiful, and the big one is like a palm."

  He put on gloves first to prevent his hands from being scratched by those spats, then reached into the crevice and dug it out with a screwdriver.

   It wasn't until he had dug out the entire piece of bergamot that he shifted his position and continued searching. When he saw a big snail, he picked it up by the way.

   The most common snails on the reef are spicy snails, as well as horseshoe snails, green shrimp snails, sesame snails, and flower snails.

  As long as he is big, he will not refuse anyone.

  Everything he digs with his hands can be sold for some money. He digs the valuable ones first, and he doesn’t move on the worthless mussels, sea melon seeds, and bull’s eyes.

  He didn’t pry the spats with sea oysters growing in them, and waited until he dug up almost all the valuable ones, and then slowly cleaned those.

  He bumped into Ah Guang after looking for it, and took a look in his bucket. He had everything, and he would not refuse anyone. He probably dug whatever he saw, and the whole bucket was almost full.

   "It's all full, why don't you pour it into the bag?"

   Ah Guang said innocently: "I only brought one bucket!"

  Ye Yaodong couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, "Then your bucket is full now, can't you just sit and watch?"

   "Let's pack it first. I only pick up abalone and big snails now. I was too excited at the beginning and put everything in the bucket. Now it's full and there's nothing to pack. I have to pick."

   Ah Zheng also raised his head nearby and said, "My bucket is almost full..."

  The fat man sat on the reef and sighed, "My bucket is already full, and I have been resting for a long time. Who knew there were so many things to dig on an isolated island."

  Ye Yaodong was also speechless to them. They saw him carrying a sack yesterday, but they didn't even prepare for it today.

  Suddenly, he couldn’t help secretly laughing. Fortunately, he brought two sacks on purpose today, because when he went ashore yesterday, he glanced carefully and saw the densely packed area. He thought there should be a lot of goods, and he was afraid that one sack would not be enough.

   "I see Dongzi, you still have a big bamboo basket in the bucket in the morning?"

"That's right, there are still two sacks in the big bamboo basket. I asked my wife to prepare them for me today. I told you yesterday that there must be goods on the isolated island, but you didn't make much preparations. This is good. Now, when your barrels are full, you can sit next to them and rest, and when the tide recedes, you don't have to go to sea!"

   "How could we have imagined that we went to the boat to get tools again without looking carefully when we came ashore yesterday."

   It is a pity that everyone did not prepare early. After the bucket was full, they could only sit on the rock and watch Ye Yaodong dig.

  Ye Yaodong is also very excited. Wherever there is any goods on the pier reef, he chooses the big ones from the short ones. Wherever it is like an isolated island, there are densely packed good goods, and they are very big.

   Like that mussel, there are two varieties of wild mussels, one is emerald green, the other is black with a little purple, and the ones that are all black in the market are farmed.

  The emerald green ones are as big as eggs, and the black and purple mussels have a little white head and are slightly smaller in size, but they are still quite big.

  After the bucket was full, he took it down and put it on an open space, and took out a sack to hold mussels. When this thing grows, it grows in pieces, and it is very simple to dig.

  After digging the mussels, he dug the eyes of the nearby cows, mixed them together, and picked them out when he got home.

   Their local dialect is called bull's eye, but the officials don't know what it is called, because this kind of thing can't be farmed, and it can't be seen on the market.

  It is also a kind of shellfish, like a scallop, but the meat is not as big as a scallop, and the shell is round and the color of a stone. It is especially good to put some **** and garlic in the soup!

  When digging mussels and ox eyes, he also digs sea melon seeds and picks up snails. He digs whatever he sees.

   It wasn't until the whole sack was almost full that he dragged it to the beach and shook another sack out of the bamboo basket.

   "Are you tired, Dongzi, you really prepared two sacks, why are you so diligent, one sack is not enough, do you want to rest for a while?" Xiao Xiao lit a cigarette, watching Ye Yaodong busy with leisure.

"It's not good if you don't work hard. It costs a lot of money to build a house. My elder brother and second brother went to sea with my father. All the money I earned was used to build the house. I also have to work hard. It's okay to spend more seafood as food for the workers." It can reduce the expenses of the family."

   "Otherwise I have to pick stones and transport sand. If I don't do anything else, my father will break my leg."

   Ah Zheng smiled lightly: "Heh~ Your father must be just talking about it. Does he know whether you can carry your shoulders or hands? You have grown up so much, and you have been beaten less often. What does it matter?"

"You can't say that. My eldest son is already 5 years old. Don't I lose face when I'm an old man? Besides, building a house is also a big deal. How can I not care about it? I must help do something. Wait. After the separation, I still have to support the family."

  Xiao Xiao nodded: "It makes sense!"

   Ah Zheng followed up and said positively: "Anyway, we are idle and we are idle. Let's help you tomorrow."

   "It's a hot day..."

   "It's okay, we'll just help out."

  Ye Yaodong thought for a while, "Either I go back and ask the workers if they have called enough, and if not, you can help me."

   "There are enough people, we can also come to help, anyway, there is no need to count the wages, just take care of the food."

   "Okay, I will definitely take care of the food, then you can figure it out, go when you are free, and forget it if you are not."

While talking, he had already pried out half of the bag of spats. He didn’t have time to open the sea oysters right now. Instead, he dug out the whole spats and threw them into sacks, and waited for the women who brought them home to open them slowly. .

   "Can you help me carry that sack onto the boat first?"


   As a result, they realized that they had done a stupid thing as soon as they carried the sack onto the boat!

   Tomorrow's follow-up reading is very important. It is related to whether this round of recommendations can be promoted, and whether the book can have more exposure. Don't keep books, you must follow up to see the latest chapters tomorrow!

Thank you so much! bow!



  (end of this chapter)

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