Returning to the End of the World

Chapter 35: Defense alert

Biquge, the fastest update to return to the last chapter of the last days Tian Luo Jing Yu!

Hou Fei didn't know what the half-old child was thinking. He just stared at Shen Chi. You know, he hasn't felt this kind of heartbeat for too long.

Shen Chi looks very good. His good looks are even more flawless because of the looks brought by the game. After all, the looks made by machine data are still slightly different from real people, even if he has flesh and blood and ordinary people are not. Difference, but under normal circumstances, where can anyone be so perfect that even the fingertips are so beautiful?

When Hou Fei was looking at people, he actually looked at the figure first. Although he was separated by a leather coat, he could still see how good Shen Chi ’s body was wrapped in the leather coat. Such a contour and such proportion were simply not better. Yes, because he has too much contact with the body, only one glance knows that a man of this size is enough to score more than 95 points.

He is a homosexual, which is innate and cannot be changed by himself, but not all homosexuals are sissy in the eyes of prejudiced people. Hou Fei himself does not like sissy men. Since It is homosexual. Of course, it is men, not men who like women. It is better to look for women than men who look like women. He loves men with a tall and fit body like Shen Chi, who look and look good.

Such a figure is the real bone erosion on the bed.

Hou Fei thought, the corners of his lips bent.

Shen Chi was fine, Shen Liumu's hair was almost up!

The opposite man's eyes were burning, and he could not wait to swallow his father, and Shen Liumu's face quickly gloomed.

Ji Jia next touched his elbow and whispered, "... Are these the same people as Dr. Yang?"

The thought of this made her uncomfortable.

Where did Shen Liumu answer his thoughts, Shen Chi heard it, and said with a smile: "It's not all the same Jiajia, like Mr. Xu is a good person."

Ji Jia seems to understand.

Hou Fei's eyes flickered. "You brought in Dr. Xu Mengzhi Xu?"

"Yes, let's treat him."


"My son is a wood-powered one."

Hou Fei was stunned. At this time, Shen Liumu's eyes only paid more attention to what he was about to say. Three Russians with high noses and blond hair sat next to him, and frowned slightly.

"Meet again." The oldest of the three said in jerky Chinese.

Shen Chi nodded to them, and as expected, the three Russians lived in the institute. Without Cheng Haiyi's translation, they obviously had a hard time telling Shen Chi what he meant, but Shen Chi guessed that they wanted to invite the three of them to Russia. Now is not the time to talk about this, he just pretended not to understand, but Hou Fei looked around and smiled and said nothing.

Observation at this moment is very useful, at least Shen Chi matched his faces.

In the peaceful era, there will be gala evenings on New Year's Eve, and the tastes of the audience are picky year after year. Later, they often scolded the lively and colorful evening parties, but when they reached the end of the world and never saw them again, in In the cafeteria of the academy, I saw a party disc played on DVD, but I felt a little bit sad.

Almost everyone gazed at those shows that were boring and boring in the past, or laughed or wept, and were very focused.

Only after you lose it will you know, especially at this time when you think of the family who was sitting around a few years ago, you will inevitably miss it.

Shen Chi is also a bit embarrassed, maybe because he is too far away from the peaceful era, he does not have such deep feelings as those around him, and Shen Liumu's memories of the peaceful era are not good, and Mingyue grew up on the mountain. Only Ji Jia was feeling down.

"Let's go," Shen Chi said to the three children after dinner.

Hou Fei quickly said, "Wait!"

Shen Chi turned inexplicably.

"This is my number. If you have any questions, you can find me." Hou Fei quickly wrote a note to Shen Chi. His hand was very nice. The numbers and the concise "Hou Fei" are very nice.

Hou Fei is a very attractive man. However, Shen Chi's eyes are always covered with a cloud, so don't expect him to see the charm of this person in front of him. Take the post-it note and touch his finger. At Hou Fei's dry fingertips, Hou Fei's eyes flashed, and Shen Chi didn't notice at all.

Shen Liumu almost jumped up!

"Thank you," Shen Chi said distantly, but walked to the corner and threw the note paper into the trash.

No matter what attention Hou Fei hit, Shen Chi sneered, even if he saw something, he would not give up, as long as he was not caught by his tail, afraid of what he did!

Shen Liumu was relieved.

"Here are the same people as Dr. Yang." Shen Chi said suddenly.

Ji Jia looked up, "Uncle Shen says we can do whatever we want."

Mingyue nodded. "Some people there just gave me a bad feeling."

Shen Chi hooked his lips and smiled. "So, let's start tonight."

On New Year's Eve night, almost everyone relaxed their vigilance. Some people were drunk and drunk. Some people looked at their loved ones in tears and fell asleep. Some people were as old as the old days and looked at the white snow outside the window.

With a click, the panic caused by the power loss of the entire research institute is not as big as usual, but the research institute is no more than elsewhere. Once many research projects are powered off, the results may be very serious So, the repair team quickly ran to the special power distribution room of the institute.

"what happened?"

"I don't know!" In the darkness, the light from the flashlight came and went.

"It just jumped somehow."

"The circuit burned out?"

As soon as the electric box was opened, a chill hit the face, and the repairman shivered suddenly, muttering in his mouth, "How can it be so cold ..."

His goosebumps were getting cold.

He frowned and looked inward, neither tripping nor the burnt wires, which made him feel a little trouble.

Of course, with his eyes, he couldn't see a layer of black gas inside.

"Hee hee ..." I didn't know where the laughter made him goosebumps.

"Hello, did you hear that?"

"What did you hear?"

"Child's laughter."

"Don't be kidding! How come there will be children running out!"

To put it bluntly, the repairmen were all sweaty, and felt that their fingers were freezing.

After the power was cut off, all the cameras stopped working, and he was in the dark like walking on the ground. His eyes were not afraid of the dark, and he had maps and alarm functions. He walked around the academy outside of which he was unfamiliar. Without stopping.

He only has twenty minutes, which is the limit after tomorrow's calculation.

As a Taoist priest, Mingyue can drive the imps to do anything, but even the imps he has grown up for the longest are not without scruples. The circuit of the entire academy was frozen. He released all the imps to his ability. After more than twenty minutes, it will be backswept.

So Shen Chi's footsteps quickly.

With a squeak, the silver door slid open.

When Hou Fei ate with him face to face, he didn't notice that Shen Chi's hand touched his identity card on his chest. The identity card was placed in the sleeve. Shen Chi put it in the sleeve when he touched his identity card. Hou Fei didn't even notice that card was in his game backpack.

Tonight is New Year's Eve, Hou Fei is not Yu Qing, Yu Qing is a person who can't wait to sleep in the research room. He is in the research room almost twenty-four hours a day, but Hou Fei is not as crazy as he is, Shen Chi I guess he won't enter the research area tonight. As long as he doesn't return to the research area, he won't swipe his card, and he can't find that his identity card has been lost.

The biological gene research laboratory's authority is B. Shen Chi's original ID card has only F authority and can only enter the outermost accommodation area. Hou Fei's ID card is one level lower than Yu Qing's, which is just B level. This is also Shen Chi. Tolerate the reasons for him to eat opposite him and let him influence his appetite.

You know, Shen Chi vomits when he sees these familiar faces.

He brought it to his own door, better than Shen Chi himself.

Three minutes later, Shen Chi opened a door again, fast! fast! fast! Be faster!

With the help of the map, he walked quickly, and suddenly he walked.

There are many powers in the Academy, not only those who are researchers in the brain, but also some powers who specialize in protecting the Academy. Most of them are powerful and have rich practical experience and can be recruited into the Academy. , Proves their ability.


Sure enough, someone in front of me is still an acquaintance. One of Yu Qing's assistants is a research expert on bats. In his last life, he made a lot of his "kinds", but unfortunately less than one percent survived. .

Shen Chi kept walking, and threw a thunder son directly. Where did he know that this man's footsteps slipped and turned into a bat and escaped the danger!

The bat can find objects by ultrasonic waves. Shen Chi's invisibility is rare and has no effect in front of him. "So brave, dare to break in here!" The bat's voice was sharp, and Shen Chi's heart was stunned, knowing that he must report to him Kill him before the news!

Mysterious nails!

The most troublesome part of the magic nail is that once the attacking opponent's coma is released, Shen Chi can only deploy two hidden killers within these six seconds—


"Squeak--" Yan Rong gave a rattle-like scream. He fluttered his wings and wanted to run away. He first reported the news, but after a while, he saw that the two invisible organs had a hidden killer. Life hits the bottom instantly.

Looking at Yan Rong, who was gradually returning to a human posture, Shen Chi didn't even have time to look at him again, and went through the door again.

In front of outsiders, he only used Jingyujue. The skills of Jingyujue will leave his unique arrows, but Tianluo ’s tricks will not, and Tianluo ’s secret weapon is poisonous. If someone checks it tomorrow Yan Rong's body would only think he died of poisoning.

Smelling the familiar scent, Shen Chi felt that his cold hair was all up.

This place still left him a great psychological shadow.

With almost no hesitation, he turned to the door on the left.

The sound of "嘀嘀 嘀嘀 嘀" keeps ringing. Fortunately, the electronic devices that control the door are not relying on the main circuit, but have a separate power storage. Under such circumstances, Shen Chi was able to open almost all the doors here.

He glanced at the electronic watch, his heart sank, not good, too late!

Several explosions followed, and many of the researchers who had fallen asleep in the institute were shocked to sit up.

"what happened……"

"Oh, what a power outage!"

"I said why is it so cold."

The whole residential area of ​​the academy was in chaos. Everyone didn't know what had happened. All they heard was the sound of an explosion sounding at their feet.

The accommodation areas are all on the ground, and the research area is underground. The grenade that had been hidden for a long time came in handy, and it also expanded the incident. He knew that he couldn't delay anymore. !!

He appeared at the door of the unmanned Chongqing Mountain City Research Institute, opened his backpack, and used stagnation to eliminate the cool-down time of a thousand miles.

Reading for the second time, walking thousands of miles!

This time, it was in the lobby of the Beijing Research Institute.

In less than a minute, he ran to his place.

The lights are bright.

"What happened?" He pretended to speak to the "neighbors" in surprise.

His neighbor is a mother and daughter, and should be the wife and daughter of a researcher.

The middle-aged woman, already forty or fifty, shook her head in amazement.

But anyway, it's been four years since the end of the world, and they're not at a loss.

"Dad." Shen Liumu held Shen Chi tightly and made a look of fear.

The middle-aged woman comforted him, "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen here."

Shen Chi patted Shen Liumu's shoulder, squinting his eyes, and glanced at the camera in the corner without a trace.

Everything in the academy returned to normal. At this time, Xu Mengzhi was urgently called back from the Nie Ping family. There was a major accident in their biological gene laboratory!

Shen Chi looked at the red light and red alarm not far away, holding Shen Liumu's hand back to the room with a smile.

Yu Qing and Hou Fei are both experimental researchers. Unlike Yang Ronghui, Yu Qing even brought back some rather dangerous experimental items. It was because of those experimental items that he could be reused at once. Yang Ronghui's hands were important. It's the data, but Yu Qing's are the * experiments.

Perhaps Yang Ronghui originally planned to bring some experimental products. However, something happened before, and all the experimental products escaped. He couldn't bring them anymore.

Yu Qing and Hou Fei both brought some experimental products, because the security level of these experimental products has not reached the later level just after they arrived in Beijing. They were only kept in the observation room of the laboratory for a while. Drilled late.

Danger level-A level! Activate the highest defense alert.

All experiments in the Biological Genetics Lab escape!

All the doors and safety locks in the Institute came under the control of Dianyilai, but there were quite a lot of dangers in those experimental products, and the entire Institute was in chaos for a while.

This is exactly the effect Shen Chi wants.

Xu Mengzhi appeared facelessly in front of Shen Chi, with an apology, saying: "I'm really sorry, this happened just now. The Institute is understaffed now. I wonder if Mr. Shen is free?"

Shen Chi hesitated for a while before he said, "What's wrong with outsiders like me in the academy?"

"Well, I can't take care of it now." Xu Mengzhi shook his head. "The number of talents recruited in the academy is not enough. Some people have already proposed to go to the General Affairs Office to find outsiders to come in. Trusted high-level powers, relying on us alone, I ’m afraid it ’s not so easy to do. I ’ve read your information. You have performed well in Chongqing, with a high rating, and Shen is a wooden power ... You can rest assured that we will give you a certain compensation in accordance with established practice. "

Shen Chi looked at the three children behind him, "Is it dangerous?"

"There must be some danger." Xu Mengzhi said directly, "Now most of our researchers don't dare to go down. Only by the protection of the psionicist can we pass by. Not to destroy all these experimental items, we must first trap them. People are rescued. Researchers from our Biological Genetics Lab will take you deeper. The closer you get to the laboratory inside it, the more dangerous it will be-Dr. Yu is in the innermost laboratory. "

"Okay." Shen Chi agreed, and of course he knew Yu Qing was in it. If-if he was given another ten minutes, he would have liked to kill him first.

However, it's okay to give him hope first, then let him despair.

Xu Mengzhi smiled. "Then you prepare, and come to the conference room in half an hour."

Shen Chi nodded.

This night is New Year's Eve and a sleepless night. For Shen Chi--

It was a **** night.

"Uncle Shen, I'm ready." Ji Jia put her doll down, and Xiao Huo followed her with fanned wings.

Mingyue carefully packed a pile of runes into her pocket.

Shen Liumu came to take Shen Chi's hand and smiled cutely, "Daddy, let's go."

Shen Chi smiled, "Let's go."

In a short period of time, the underground building of the institute has become hell. This is the evil they have made, and they should let them taste it for themselves.

It was them who brought these monsters to the world, didn't they think that there would be such a day?

Depriving others of their life and freedom, one day, you will have to use blood to pay them back.


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