Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 163: Everyone's worries

"What's the matter?" Aunt Yang was surprised when she saw Luo San holding Tang Xiaodi, but when she saw her asleep, she didn't ask him, but asked Luo Xiaohua who was behind her.

"Today is really thanks to you for telling me, otherwise, Xiaodi will suffer a lot this time."

When mentioning this, Luo Xiaohua couldn't help being frightened. This time she really scared her to death.

If she stayed with her grandfather a little longer, Xiaodi would be picked up by the family.

"No? You all parents, have you misunderstood?"

After listening to Luo Xiaohua's words, Aunt Yang still couldn't believe it. No matter how bad the parents were, no matter how cruel, she couldn't sell her daughter, right?

"Misunderstanding? If it is a misunderstanding, it would be fine, you don't know, she used a thousand yuan gift money to press me, not let me take Xiaodi away, I directly used a thousand yuan to hit them."

"Isn't it?"

This time, not only Aunt Yang was surprised, but Yang Jialin was also surprised a lot.

"You can't let the Tang family refund the money, why bother to spend a thousand yuan?"

That's a thousand yuan, they can't save that much in a year.

"Uncle Yang, you don't know what was going on at that time. If you know, you would definitely want to throw a stone."

Luo Xiaohua recounted the whole story. Despite the atmosphere, the Yang family still felt that smashing with stones was much better than smashing with money.

"But, if you smashed the money, it won't help. As long as Xiaodi hasn't gotten married in a day, if you sell it for the first time, can you sell it for the second time?"

The two girls have a good relationship. This is what they usually see, but this matter should not be left alone.

"I have already thought of this. Let her marry my third brother and ask my dad to issue a certificate. They don’t have anything to do with the Tang family. They are willing to let her marry from the Tang family. Organize a warm and romantic wedding for them, and the Tang family will come as soon as they want to, not to bring it down."

The back is so wide, it must be no problem to put twenty tables.

In fact, Luo Xiaohua was afraid that the people of the Tang family would make insidious tricks. On the day of her marriage, she would not be allowed to marry, and if she hid her by the way, she would lose her head.

So, she thinks it's fine to get married directly here, isn't there a suite opposite Xiao San, and we will make them a wedding room at that time. Anyway, both of them are working in the city, which is really convenient.

"You kid, I don't know what to say about you?"

She has a big temper, and she seems to be a little bit afraid of using money to kill people, which is what she can do.

Be careful, indeed, I thought of all aspects.

"You have arranged everything, so why don't you ask me whether I agree or not?"

He took Tang Xiaodi into the dormitory and found an erythromycin ointment for her to wipe the wound. Luo San, who came out, heard the arrangement of his younger sister.

"Didn't you agree?"

"I agreed?"

If it were not for certain that he did not have transient amnesia, Luo Laosan would think that he had really agreed.

However, from beginning to end, he didn't say a word.

As for the two couples of the Yang family, they couldn't help but laugh after seeing their respective expressions. It seems that the brother was cheated by the younger sister.

"Huahua, it's late, we'll go back first."

"Okay, okay, then you slow down, Uncle Yang has worked hard tonight, or tomorrow night, I get up early?"

Luo Xiaohua also felt very sorry. Uncle Yang came at six o'clock every morning, and he hasn't gone back today.

"It's okay. You should sleep a little longer. You couldn't wake up thirty years ago, and you can't sleep thirty years later. I doze a little. I will open the door tomorrow."

Now the business is on the right track, and those who come prematurely are almost at that point. He only needs to fry the ingredients and check the goods.

"Thank you then."

Luo Xiaohua is not hypocritical, after all, it is almost twelve o'clock when the goods are delivered. This is afraid to get up before closing his eyes. For a person who can't wake up, it will be a difficult task.

"What's the hard work? The crayfish I collected today are all there, and some screws have been collected. The money is still in this box."

Before leaving, Yang Jialin still handed over everything.

"By the way, Lao Wu's goods are all made by me. They don't taste good, don't you blame me?"

This was also the first time the bride got on the sedan chair. Usually he went back at noon after finishing the work, and Luo Xiaohua was processed in the afternoon, so he had never seen how she processed it, but Lao Wu came to get it. Good, he just insisted on it.

The freshly fried taste was not good, so he told Lao Wu to let him cook more on the stove over there.

"Your craftsmanship is so good, the taste is definitely not bad, it's too late, should you let my third brother send you back?"

Luo Xiaohua is such a careful person, and also a particularly caring person. Therefore, she is able to retain employees and has a very good relationship with them.

Some bosses change people every three days and don’t want to leave their wages because they don’t know how to do things.

"No, no, you are still busy. It's okay for me to take a walk with your aunt. It's not far anyway, it's just a few steps away."

"That is, your uncle and I are in good health. You can walk more and exercise."

It was not far away, but Luo Xiaohua's words just sounded comfortable.

The old man in the Yang family left after speaking, and it was indeed late. They still had a son to take care of.

"Then I'll go back first, Tang Xiaodi's place, you should pay more attention, don't let her think about it."

This person's heart is full of flesh, and it's all fake if you don't worry about it. In fact, Luo San's biggest worry is that she can't think about it. After all, whoever encounters such a thing will feel uncomfortable in his heart. Are they his biological parents?

"Okay, okay, you go back quickly, I'm busy here."

Now the crayfish in Nancheng has also become She is not only the first company to purchase crayfish, but also the most recent one, and the purchase price is not low. Therefore, she still has no worries.

However, for the normal operation of the business in the future, she plans to build a breeding base by herself.

Their village is close to the river, and there is no need to worry about water sources. In addition to the two years of sea tides, there must be many people who are unwilling to plant land. Therefore, the land is empty, and she has contracted to raise crayfish. Or, let the villagers raise them directly, and she will be responsible for the purchase.

She hasn't planned the specific plan yet, but she already has this idea anyway.

"Tingling bell... Jingling bell..."

While she was still thinking about the future, the landline in the store rang.

She hurried in, and she knew who it was as soon as she looked at the ID. Seeing the number, she became a lot happier.


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