In his previous life, Li Zheng was not only a professor at Huaqing University, but also a dean of the National Academy of Medicine. He is no stranger to this medical problem that rages on the frontline of the clinic 30 years later.

Li Zheng remembered that one week before his sudden death, the Chinese Ministry of Health also gave a large-scale work report on the issue of "drug-resistant strains" at the National Health Conference, and made it a part of the next five-year plan. Provinces and cities have followed up on this key task. The health departments of many provinces and cities even listed the frequency of antibiotic use as an important indicator of the year-end assessment of hospitals.

In Li Zheng's view, this is unavoidably overcorrected. In many large hospitals in large cities, patients who have a fever of less than 39 degrees Celsius are absolutely free from drinking water. This has caused the strange phenomenon of many patients abandoning large hospitals and squeezing into small clinics.

"Pop." Zhang Yuejun put a large box of materials on the table without effort.

"These are all the materials and manuscripts in Professor Xu's laboratory."

Li Zheng nodded, flipped through the box, and found a leather notebook that was a little yellowed.

This is Xu Mingsheng’s project notes. He hastily flipped through it. His preliminary preparations have been done perfectly. All the materials are divided into categories, and which materials can be used to draw conclusions are clear. This provided great convenience to Li Zheng's subsequent work.

"The samples from the hospital haven't been delivered yet?" Li Zheng looked at his watch, frowning more tightly.

It was already half past nine in the evening, and the rain and snow hit the glass windows of the laboratory, making a soft knock.

"I told the security guard when I just came in. Someone will call as soon as they come."

Li Zheng pursed his mouth. He put the notebook in his hand on the table, took off his white lab coat, put on his coat and ran into the rain while holding an umbrella. Every minute and every second in the race against death was tense. Precious, he is not used to sitting in the laboratory waiting.

"Hey, Li Zheng, I'll go with you!" Zhang Yuejun yelled from behind, ignoring a change of clothes and putting on a raincoat and quickly followed.

Xiangjiang implements a capitalist system. The capitalist system attaches great importance to the protection of private property. However, because of this, the urban construction of Xiangjiang is not as good as inland in later generations. Because most of the land in Xiangjiang is private, you have to pay the rent to the owner of the land every month if you want to erect a street lamp. Therefore, the infrastructure in many parts of Xiangjiang is not commensurate with its prosperous economy.

For example, on the road from Qingyuan to the city center, there are so few street lights. In the cold and dark night, only a little bit of dim yellow in the distance gives people hope.

After Li Zheng and Zhang Yuejun walked for about ten minutes, they saw a person in the rain and snow with a flashlight in one hand and a large cardboard box in the other.

The cardboard box was already a little wet. The little girl almost lay on the cardboard box, shielding the rain and snow with her body.

The white nurse's uniform was particularly conspicuous in the dark, and Li Zheng stepped forward quickly.

"People from Mary's Hospital?" he asked.

The little girl raised her head when she heard the words, her body still kept the shape that covered the entire carton, and the whole person showed a funny form.

"I'm Li Zheng."

"Are you Mr. Li Zheng?"

The little girl called out in surprise, "I'm sorry, I sent the sample to the airport first, and it was a little late to come."

Queen Mary Hospital discovered the first patient with drug-resistant strains as early as two days ago, but because drug-resistant strains infection is a very rare phenomenon in Xiangjiang, the hospital did not pay enough attention to it, and just let the cleaning aunts Strengthen disinfection.

It wasn't until a large-scale outbreak of drug-resistant strains in the hospital that doctors found a scholar's paper on drug-resistant strains in international journals. The moment they saw the paper, the doctor's cold sweat broke down.

According to the instructions of the British General Hospital, the Queen Mary Hospital immediately blocked the hospital to avoid the further spread of drug-resistant strains, but for people in the hospital, especially for patients whose inflammation has not completely subsided shortly after the operation, this is a time. The test of life.

Li Zheng took the box from the little girl. He took off his jacket and covered it on the carton. Then he said to the little girl, "Let’s go, come to my laboratory and have a cup of hot water, otherwise you will have one more resistant bacteria when you go back. Infected."

With that, he ran to the laboratory quickly holding the cardboard box.

The little girl was already wet, but the information in the carton was indeed good, and she was not wet.

Zhang Yuejun looked at Li Zheng, who was not wearing a jacket, with a slightly thin back, and he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if there was an extremely passionate emotion in his heart that was about to burst out at once.

He trot all the way to keep up. When he ran into the laboratory, Li Zheng had already put the sample into the culture tank.

"Isolate measures before you come in." Li Zheng said without raising his head when he heard the voice at the door.

The drug resistance mechanism of bacteria is very complicated. The production of antibiotic inactivating enzymes and the change of the target of antibiotic action require a variety of antibiotics to try and find a suitable one. It is definitely not an easy task.

If it is a multi-drug resistant infection... Li Zheng held the test tube tightly, then the existing antibiotics may not be able to work.

"Zhang Yuejun, classify all antibacterial drugs into lactams, aminoglycosides, macrolides, tetracyclines, lincomycins, etc., and we will try them slowly one by one," Li Zheng said.

Repeated attempts. This is a boring and non-technical thing. Li Zheng hasn't done similar work by himself for a long time, but in the face of life, there are no honorary professors, research institute deans, or pharmaceutical geniuses, only one effort. A man who races with death.

When you focus on doing one thing, the time will pass very quickly, and the sky is bright before you know it.

Zheng Lingling and a few classmates walked slowly towards Qingyuan.

"That's it, just take a look. If Li Zheng is doing an experiment, you must not go in and disturb." Zheng Lingling couldn't help but exhort again as everyone looked around.

After the opening ceremony of Qingyuan, Li Zheng has not yet returned to school to attend classes, but the news that he owns a private laboratory has long spread in Xiangjiang University.

The students are still struggling to learn to be intrigued for the qualifications to enter the laboratory. A new transfer student actually has his own laboratory, and the news praised Li Zheng's advanced laboratory equipment, beautiful environment, and faintly. Putting it on top of the existing biomedical laboratory will naturally arouse the attention of people in the circle.

Li Zheng's classmates, although they have not yet graduated, they are not insiders anyhow. Based on the principle of satisfying curiosity, a group of students quickly targeted Zheng Lingling who was recruited by Li Zheng.

"This is actually a laboratory! This is the villa area!" A girl couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This used to be a villa area, because it was close to the school, my mother planned to buy me a set here. Unfortunately, the developer went bankrupt after half of the villa was built."

"No. 1 and No. 2 are Li Zheng's own laboratory, No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 are still vacant." Zheng Lingling introduced to the crowd.

"That's it, I can only take a look." Zheng Lingling emphasized again.

Seeing everyone nodding their heads, Zheng Lingling led the people to Lab 2 nervously, but strangely, there was no one in Lab 2.

Is it in Lab 1? But didn't Li Zheng say that he would go to Laboratory 1 only if he did work on vaccines, bacteria, and viruses.

"Lingling, I saw the student council's initiative in the morning. It's not a flu outbreak, and there are not enough medical staff. Students in our medical school can be volunteers." A girl suddenly said.

It is customary for medical school students to be volunteers in the hospital, especially for members of the medical school student council, which is almost mandatory.

Zheng Lingling's brows frowned. She is indeed a member of the Student Union, but now she has a job and a boss. She can't do anything else with Li Zheng's salary.

"You can ask Li Zheng to go together." The girl said that, a blush quickly appeared on her cheeks.

Zheng Lingling...

Don't think she is stupid, she also has a boyfriend, can she not see the girl's mind?

Zheng Lingling shrugged, "Try to invite you to have a look." Although she only worked in the laboratory for a few days, Zheng Lingling fully understood Li Zheng's essence, and that person was a workaholic.

She felt that Li Zheng could spend a lifetime with the laboratory.

The girl lowered her head and said nothing.

In front of Laboratory No. 1, Zheng Lingling pushed the door in. As soon as she stepped into her right leg, she heard a serious voice coming from inside.

"Change clothes, wear a mask, and take protective measures!"

Zheng Lingling was startled, only to discover that there were three people in the laboratory. Li Zheng and Zhang Yuejun kept repeating each other, making mixed movements, and writing and drawing on the notebook.

Is this an experiment?

She immediately changed into a white lab coat and put on a mask, even if she couldn't get her hands on it, she had had an eye addiction.

The other classmates looked at each other and saw that Li Zheng didn't mean to greet them. They couldn't help feeling a little unhappy. With some achievements, they became proud, so many classmates came together without even saying hello.

Classmates, look at me and I will look at you. There is a trace of embarrassment on her face. The girl who spoke before, with the encouragement of her companions, said: "Li Zheng, now the flu is breaking out, the major hospitals in Xiangjiang have tolerated the lack. Are you interested in being a volunteer?"

"Tetracyclines can be ruled out, and the response of drug-resistant strains is so weak that it can be ignored." Li Zheng said to Zhang Yuejun as he drew a big cross on the four words tetracyclines in his notebook.

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