Adults, not even parents, can take the place of children's playmates.

A large group of children were having fun on the grass outside the camp, in small groups, boys playing with boys, girls playing with girls, in small groups, playing different games, chirping like little birds.

Xibao broke free from Feng Qingxue's hand and ran over happily.

Feng Qingxue saw a small meat ball rolling on the grass, rolling in front of eight little boys, and stopped moving.

This group of little boys are not very old, probably between five or six to seven or eight years old. They are all lean and tanned, with rosy cheeks. Their clothes are very simple, with seven patches piled on top of each other and one without patches.

Xibao raised his fat face and smiled sweetly, "Let's play!"

He reached out to pull one of the little boys, who was about five or six years old, and he immediately took two steps back.

"I won't play with you!" the little boy shouted.

The other four children echoed, "That's right, that's right, we won't play with you."

"You're so young, go away!"

"Go away, go away!"

"If he doesn't leave, let's go away. The place here is really big. There are horses, cattle and sheep. Come on, let's go and see if we can ride a big horse. It must be very majestic."

The last sentence came from the oldest boy, who had a strong voice and great leadership skills. With one order, several people agreed.

A group of children roared away, and Xibao chased after them anxiously, "Let's play! Let's play!"

Feng Qingxue quickly followed.

Although Xibao was fat, he ran fast with his legs and feet. He accidentally fell to the ground, got up and continued running forward. He actually followed the group of children steadily, waving his hands to call them, until Wang Xiaowu stopped them all. Child, "That's the training ground for the cavalry company over there. Who among you is responsible for being kicked by a cow or a horse? You're not allowed to go there!"

Xibao ran forward panting and reached out to pull one of the children but was waved away.

At that scene, Feng Qingxue who was following behind felt embarrassed for him.

Seeing that Xibao's straw hat was crooked, his face was red from the sun, and his forehead was stained with sweat, Wang Xiaowu felt distressed. He squatted down in front of him and straightened the straw hat for him, "Xibao, why are you here? Where is your mother?" "

"Let's play!" Xibao pointed at the group of children and looked at them helplessly, not to mention how pitiful they were.

Wang Xiaowu realized in his heart, "They don't want to play with you, do they?"

"Yeah!" Xibao was so wronged that he almost cried.

Wang Xiaowu stood up, held Xibao's hand with the hand that was not holding the whip, and asked the group of children: "You are all playing, why don't you play with Xibao? Xibao is so good, he is not naughty at all."

"We don't play with babies!" the oldest child said loudly, "babies are the most annoying. They can't run fast and cry all the time. If you don't play with them, they cry, fall down, cry, and like to grab other people's things. We couldn’t get anything, and we cried again. When the adults saw it, they said we were bullying the baby! We don’t want to play with the baby!”


"That's right, we don't play with babies!"

Echoes echoed one after another, and a group of children advanced and retreated together.

Xibao seemed to understand a little bit, and cried loudly, "Mom! Mom! Mom!"

The oldest child pointed at him and said to Wang Xiaowu: "Did you see it? We just didn't play with him, so he burst into tears. The adults will definitely be angry when they see it, and we are unlucky."

"You also know that the adults will be angry if they see it?" A woman came out of nowhere and slapped him hard on the back. Her voice was very clear, "You know you don't take your brother to play with you?"

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