Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 329 Killing the pig and dividing the meat 1

Seeing the meat, the children were so happy that they covered their mouths tightly, fearing that their excited screams would be heard.

Lu Tianjun and Guan Cheng didn't need Feng Qingxue to do anything. They quickly boiled a pot of hot water, washed the beef and beef leg bones separately, divided the beef into seven or eight pieces, and chopped the beef leg bones into three pieces with an axe.

The two children lit the stove and cooked the pot at night, stewing the beef and beef bones.

Boil it over high heat, skim off the foam, and simmer it over low heat. The strong aroma was fragrant, and no one passed by outside, so naturally no one knew or noticed it.

"Tomorrow morning, you will have soup to drink and meat to eat." Feng Qingxue sent the children back to sleep, and she stayed in front of the stove, studying Lin Qiaozhi's works while watching the fire in the stove.

She recently sorted out the books in the space and found all of Lin Qiaozhi's works, which was a pleasant surprise.

When she collected books from all aspects, she didn't have time to read many of them, so she bought them all and put them in the space.

Lin Qiaozhi was a pioneer in obstetrics and gynecology in her country and a medical scientist. Her works contain her experience, her research results, etc., which are very meaningful for Feng Qingxue now.

Because she has the most contact with mothers and babies.

Feng Qingxue rubbed her eyes after reading until her eyes were sore and looked at the time. It was ten o'clock.

She turned off the fire, put the sand basin upside down on the lid of the pot, washed her hands and face, soaked her feet, ate a bowl of rock sugar bird's nest that was stored in the space after stewing, brushed her teeth, tidied up and went to sleep at half past ten. When she woke up, it was six o'clock.

Adequate sleep and rich nutrition made her very energetic.

She was in good spirits and her skin was in good condition. She was white and rosy and radiant.

It was still dark and the children were all asleep. Feng Qingxue got up quietly to wash, drink water, and cook. On the way, she did not forget to drink a cup of hot milk and eat a handful of red dates, walnuts and fruits.

The soup in the pot had solidified into a layer of snow-white oil, sealing the soup.

Feng Qingxue knocked open the oil seal, took out the bones and meat and put them in a vegetable bowl beside. There was a lot of soup in the pot, so she took a piece of meat from the bowl and put it on the chopping board, then scooped half of the soup from the pot and poured it into the bowl.

The remaining soup boiled, and when the family got up, they put in the rolled black noodles and chopped green onions and cabbage leaves.

When the noodles were almost cooked, they added the sliced ​​beef slices, and the fragrant beef noodles were ready.

Thinking about having meat to eat, the children got up half an hour earlier than usual, washed their faces and brushed their teeth in a hurry, and each of them appeared in the kitchen with their own bowls, staring at the hot pot eagerly.

The old and young in the family each had a big bowl of noodles with soup, but Feng Qingxue only drank a bowl of soup.

Beef is hot in nature, and drinking a bowl of soup on a cold day warms the whole body.

Later, Feng Qingxue heard from Wang Jiao that several families also stewed meat soup at night, and ate it secretly before other families got up or after they fell asleep at night, hiding it during the day, for fear that the smell of meat would spread to the neighbors and people would smell it and report them for hedonism.

Beef bones are very durable, and they are boiled once every night. At first, the soup is snow-white and still fragrant, but later it becomes clear water.

At this time, Wang Zhengguo announced to kill pigs!

The words "kill pigs" fell, and the whole production team was boiling.

Kill pigs and eat meat!

Many families have not tasted meat for several years. Only some strong laborers who participated in the weddings of Lu Jiang and Wang Jiao can eat meat.

So, when they heard about killing pigs, men, women, old and young all expressed their willingness to go and help.

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