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Chapter 76: gongs and drums

   Chapter 76 Gongs and Drums

  Song Yang also tasted a roast duck, and he felt that the taste was very authentic. He didn't taste the difference in Xie Qing's mouth, but only felt that the taste was very good.

   "After that, you can come to Houston more!" Song Yang said to Xie Qing.


   With the investment of Song Yang, Forita has new business and partners, which makes Xie Ping also in a good mood.

   In this store, there is actually a burnt knife wine brought from China. Song Yang and the others asked for a bottle, and a few people toasted it.

   Song Yang and Xie Qing both took a small sip, and Gailo, who didn't know the depth, directly drank a glass of wine, Song Yang and Xie Qing both silently looked at the warrior in front of them.

   In less than a few seconds, Gallo opened his mouth wide and his face turned completely red. It took dozens of seconds before he recovered, "What kind of wine is this, stronger than vodka!"

   In terms of degrees, the 80 degrees of burning a knife may not be as good as vodka directly poured with alcohol, but in terms of taste, it feels much stronger than other wines.

   But after that sip of wine, Gallo began to have a soft spot for burning knives. Compared with the drinks he had drunk before, there was no doubt that baijiu was better in its long taste.

   Most of the knives in the bottle went into Gallo's belly, while Song Yang and Xie Qing drank and talked about things.

   "Have you practiced sports too?" After Song Yang heard that Xie Qing had practiced sports, he felt that the two were quite similar.

"Volleyball," Xie Qing, who was tall and strong, said to Song Yang with a nostalgic look on his face. It was obvious that he missed the days on the other side of the ocean, "I practiced at Chahai Sports School. Eight years of volleyball!"

Speaking of this, Xie Qing couldn't help but mention the past in China. Xie Qing was born in a Huaqing family, and his parents worked in Huaqing. Xie Qing was also born in Huaqing, grew up in Huaqing, studied in Huaqing University, and even Julien Xie Qing and his brother's names are Xie Qing, Xie Hua...

When    came to America, Xie Qing’s parents wanted him to further study for a Ph.D., and then return to China to teach in Huaqing, continuing the inheritance of the Huaqing family.

   Who knows that Xie Qing’s brain is hot, especially the popularity of the Internet in America this year. Stanford should not have too many people running out of school this year to start a business. This made Xie Qing also apply for a leave of absence from Stanford and began to establish Fortinet.

Speaking of this, Xie Qing also began to become melancholy. Before building the flying tower, he put all his mind on the flying tower and didn't care about anything else. Now he is a little worried. If his family knew about it, he would throw Stanford away. I went to Silicon Valley to toss, and I still don’t know what will happen.

"Have you ever thought about going there, five years have passed, and you don't know what it will be like?" After taking a sip of wine, Xie Qing said to Song Yang, Xie Qing thought, if Feita If he can develop, then he will return home.

   Song Yang heard this, the hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, and then put the wine glass down.

   "Look at the opportunity. If you go back to China, you will accompany me back then!" Song Yang said to Xie Qing with a smile.

  If Song Yang goes back to China, he will basically go back under the banner of investment. Next year, there will be an opportunity. Double-click company can establish a branch in China.

In the future, Song Yang would be able to establish a foundation in China to invest in the industries there. Song Yang's current identity is an upstart in America's Internet, and in China's current Internet, it is also a top-tier company. the identity of the man.

  The originator may be able to win one. After all, Song Yang has also created the era of digital advertising. Buffett, the lousy old man who criticized the Internet, can be invited by various universities to give speeches.

If Song Yang went here, universities, TV stations, and major companies would not be vying for him to hold a symposium. In order to listen to Song Yang's speech, the auditorium should not be smashed. Underneath sat a group of people surnamed Ma and Zhang. Do you, surname Ding, etc. to take notes? !

   "The Great Wall, Panda..."

Half the bottle was burned with a knife, and Gallo, who had been drinking the latest hazy, suddenly said, for Gallo, from childhood to adulthood, except for the occasional news about the mainland on TV, it was in some On popular science, travel and other channels, the Great Wall and pandas he heard were all his impressions.

  Xie Qing stayed in Houston for a few days, negotiating with Willis and the Hotmail mailbox development department, and then returned to Silicon Valley to start Fortigate to develop a virus scanning software for Hotmail mailbox web pages.

  This software does not need to be much advanced, as long as it is made, some loopholes and patch defects are occasionally scanned, and a reminder that there is too much garbage in the cache is enough. In this era, this is the most advanced antivirus scanning software in the world!

   On the road to a farm below Harris County, two cars drove fast. Today is the day to see the old Bruno couple. Song Yang, Gleek, Daana, Gallo and others all went there together.

   After leaving downtown Houston and passing through several towns in Harris, I began to enter a large plains ranch, and the western wilderness that appeared in Hollywood movies all the year round began to appear in front of my eyes.

The real farm is definitely not as poetic as it is on TV, and it is even a bit boring. There are endless cornfields on both sides of the road. Occasionally, there are pastures and farms interspersed among them. In these thousands or tens of thousands of acres of land, people may stay there. Just a few.

   After the car passed through several large farms, it entered a place with a sign of Bruno Farm. Song Yang knew that he had arrived when he saw this.

  After passing through a small road, a two-story ordinary building appeared in front of him. Hearing the movement, a burly big man came out of the house and worked on the farm all the year round. Naturally, he was not small.


   Seeing Hall coming out from inside, Gallo yelled at him, and Song Yang also waved to Hall.

   Seeing Song Yang, Gallo and the others coming, Hall replied to Song Yang and the others, then touched the back of his head, turned and ran inside, to tell the people inside that Song Yang and the others had arrived.

Hall is also one of Song Yang's eldest cousins. He lives on the farm with his parents, another cheap uncle of Song Yang, Mason, and the old Bruno couple. In fact, he helps old Bruno manage the farm. The old Brunos were not young after all.

   As soon as the car stopped, a pair of little old men and an old lady who were notified by Hall ran out of the house.

   "My little Bruno!"

The old lady Krista who came out from the inside first called Song Yang, then hugged Song Yang, Aiwu Jiwu, the youngest daughter of the old Bruno woman, Katherine, and left early. As for Song Yang, the old The Brunos are naturally different from others.

  Old Bruno is a thin old man dressed in old Italian clothes. He is not young, but he looks quite energetic.

   After watching Song Yang, the old Bruno couple held Millia back again. As for Gallo and others, they were ignored, but Gallo was used to this kind of scene.

   "Millia also knows that she and little Bruno will come to see Grandpa together!" Old Bruno pulled Millia and pointedly said to Greg.

   Gleek pretended not to hear this. Gleek and Gallo had a tacit understanding on this point.

  Song Yang, Gallo and Hall entered the room together, and there were a few people sitting inside. In addition to the cheap uncle Masson, there was also an aunt Daisy in Texas.

   Today, most of the Bruno family arrived at once. Except for the old Bruno and his wife, two cheap uncles Greck, Mason, and aunt Daisy were all present.

There is still an aunt and family in New York, and the last cheap uncle is tinkering with the gold rush in Arras, which is not a shit. scolding person.

   As for Gallo, Hall, Nathan and others, they are basically Song Yang's peers.

   "Little Bruno, let me see the genius of Bruno's family!"

   As soon as Dai Qian saw Song Yang, she immediately stood up, very enthusiastic, and said to the old Bruno couple, "When I saw little Bruno, I thought of Catherine, little Bruno's father was also a genius..."

The old lady, who was originally happy, had a tendency to wipe her tears when she heard Catherine. Old Bruno also glanced at Dai Qian angrily, remembering that she didn't say that in those days. Regarding Song Yang being with his mother Catherine, Dai Qian has always been optimistic, but now she has changed her tone.

   The people of the Bruno family are naturally lively together, especially after a few glasses of wine, with Gallo present, and the addition of Millia, Mason, and Daisy's children, it is even more noisy.

However, the old Bruno couple liked this kind of noise. They smiled and watched Millia and the others fighting. Krista, regardless of her body, still had to go into the kitchen to let Song Yang and Gallo recall the taste of a meal made by grandma. , Da Anna hurriedly followed.

  Old Bruno sat on the lounge chair by the door, took out a pipe, stuffed it with tobacco leaves, and started smoking.

  Song Yang sat next to old Bruno, "How are you and grandma here?"

  Song Yang and Greck both intended to bring the old Bruno couple to live in the city. After all, the living conditions and medical conditions there are a bit better than here.

   Although old Bruno is old, he is still shrewd. As soon as Song Yang opened his mouth, old Bruno said, "Everything is fine here, little Bruno, don't worry about us!"

   Hearing old Bruno change the subject, Song Yang can only talk about other things, "How is the farm now?"

   Mentioning this, old Bruno started blowing his beard and staring, "Those vampires, they are destroying everything here, they want to control this place and let the farm work for them!"

   Song Yang knew what the old Bruno was complaining about. America's farm had entered the era of mechanization, and a few people could manage thousands of acres of farms, but because of this, they began to be closely linked with the market.

   Just like other industries in America, farms and ranches, these small farmers who used to work alone, are being taken over by large groups in America.

   (end of this chapter)

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