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Chapter 606: dismantling

   Chapter 606 Demolition

  Irene got up and said to the crowd in the conference room that things like RICK's acquisition of Gucci and the establishment of a luxury group are far less important to Irene than the listing of ICQ.

Even if RICK acquired Gucci, it would be a multi-billion dollar transaction at most. Even if LVMH Group, the leader of the luxury industry today, has a market value of only tens of billions of dollars, compared with what ICQ has to do, that is Far better!

   Another point, although RICK is somewhat related to ICQ, it is related to Song Yang, Irene, RICK and Eric, but they don't have much friendship.

   "Everyone who can come here must already know the current situation of ICQ. ICQ is now the largest social platform in the Internet industry. It is estimated that before the end of the year, ICQ's global users will officially exceed 100 million!"

Wang Po wants to sell melons and boast. As soon as Irene came up, she also touted ICQ. As for the 100 million users, only ICQ knows how big the water is. Anyway, a user now, as long as he is busy, even applies for an application. Hundreds of accounts, ICQ does not object.

  ICQ's user composition also includes former Hotmail mailbox users, users of Xue Leshan online platform, etc. Users of these websites can directly log in to ICQ social networking sites and communities.

ICQ is all good, at least I didn’t play the Yin Soldier’s trick. There are major social networking sites similar to ICQ, as well as forums, Yahoo Messenger, AIM, Microsoft MSN, campus social networking site ClassMates, OpenDiary community, etc. It is blowing, the user is less than one-twentieth of ICQ, but the user activity is much higher than ICQ, so many users, where did they come from, only the ghost knows!

Hearing that ICQ's global users will soar to 100 million, there is still a bit of agitation in the conference room. Even Paulson, Edison and others who are used to seeing strong winds and waves, can't help but look a little bit after hearing this data. Variation.

  The Internet is an industry full of miracles. It can make people rich overnight. Song Yang, Mark Anderson, Yang Zhiyuan, and other young people who have not yet reached their thirties, can get the worth of other industries, which requires a lifetime of tossing, or even several lifetimes.

Paulson and the others are already used to this, but 100 million users is still a bit too shocking. The total number of people in America is less than 300 million now, and there are only millions of people in many countries, and ICQ users , but it has soared to 100 million, even if there is water in it, just hearing this number makes people feel a little scalp numb.

  As long as you have studied the social industry, you will know the acquaintance effect. When everyone around you is using ICQ, you may have to download it whether you like it or not, unless you break away from all social relationships.

At that time, ICQ will no longer be the reason for countless users to like it or not. Even if it turns into a piece of shit, when their relatives, classmates, colleagues, and partners are all on ICQ, they can't get away from it. ICQ, forced to contribute to ICQ's user activity!

Paulson, Edison, and a group of Wall Street executives sitting here feel as if they need to re-examine ICQ. They feel that ICQ may live much longer than they thought, even in the future. Many people don't like it anymore...

"In the instant messaging software industry, ICQ has an absolute advantage in technology, whether it is Yahoo's Yahoo Messenger, AOL's AIM, Microsoft's MSN, or other social software, communities, etc., all use ICQ's patents and technologies, ICQ technology Ahead of other social software, more than two to three years!"

  Wesley also said that ICQ controls more than half of the technology and patents in the social software industry. Online transmission, offline files, screenshots, copying files by connecting to a printer, as well as emoticons, fonts, etc., have become standard in social software.

   Now chatting online without sending a few emojis is simply outdated, and ICQ controls the world's largest emoji library. Yahoo Messenger, Microsoft MSN, etc. are all subject to ICQ.

  After Wesley finished speaking, Greg, who was sitting in silence for a while, suddenly said, "If necessary, ICQ will spare no effort to protect ICQ's patents and technologies from infringement!"

Paulson raised his brows. They were all human beings. As soon as Greg said this, he knew what was going on. Greg's words sounded fine, but if Yahoo Messenger, Microsoft MSN or other social software were to be dismantled When they were separated and listed, ICQ suddenly sued them, and the listing of these social networking sites was basically yellow!

   This approach is definitely not authentic, but it is absolutely effective. ICQ's hard-core means of attacking opponents can maintain its own advantages.

   Merrill Lynch President Stan O'Neill couldn't help but say at this time, "What about profit, as far as I know, ICQ's profit is not good, especially after the split out of Xue Leshan!"

This is the most important reason why Stan O'Neill and Paulson are here today. If Xue Leshan is still in ICQ, then ICQ is a golden bowl. It needs users to have users, traffic and traffic, and Xue Leshan. This money printing machine, a proper Internet big white horse, does not need them to worry at all, let alone 1.8 billion US dollars, even if it is a few hundred million more, it is estimated that they do not need to worry too much.

But without the ICQ of Xue Leshan, even if they are still eating under the same roof in name, they are like tigers without teeth. things to worry about.

After Irene heard the words, her eyebrows were raised, showing the look of a strong woman, "ICQ's revenue this year will exceed 800 million US dollars, which is the highest revenue in the global Internet industry. ICQ's global revenue next year will be Over one billion dollars, will become one of the most profitable companies in the world!

ICQ has social networks, portal websites, ICNC TV stations, NTF avatars, advertising revenue, etc. ICQ is now developing the mobile phone user market. In the next three years, ICQ's user scale may double again. In addition, ICQ has the largest Internet industry. traffic…”

Irene is telling this group of Wall Street gluttons that even if Xue Leshan is separated out, ICQ is still a money printing machine. Come, ICQ is still the most profitable.

   "However, ICQ still lost more than 40 million dollars this year..."

Goldman Sachs executive Pellet Greeni said ruthlessly, ICQ seems to be booming, earns more, and spends more, laying servers all over the world, recruiting technicians, and earning a little advertising fee, compared to Spend out, is far less.

   Seeing that he was going to talk about it, Song Yang said at this time, "If ICQ can cultivate one Xue Leshan, it can cultivate a second one. As long as there is traffic and users, ICQ will be the most profitable one in the Internet industry!

  ICQ will raise US$1.8 billion this time, this will not change! "

As soon as Song Yang opened his mouth, there was a moment of silence in the conference room. Song Yang's words were very clear. This time, he came to New York to let them, such as institutions, help ICQ issue stocks, not to listen to their complaints. If it is easy to handle, then Why did ICQ ask them to do it? The distribution fee plus the publicity fee, this time more than 70 million to 80 million US dollars, must be handed over to Goldman Sachs and their institutions!

   "Goldman Sachs is willing to support ICQ, and this time Goldman Sachs is willing to complete the subscription and fundraising of one billion dollars for ICQ!"

Paulson's opening made Edison, Stan O'Neill, and the others froze in place. Why did they work so hard to pick ICQ's thorns? It's not for the sake of getting more benefits and charging more ICQ points. Yes, but Paulson turned around and sold them without paying back the price. He directly agreed to ICQ's conditions.

Song Yang also looked at Paulson with uncertainty. Paulson noticed Song Yang's gaze and smiled "kindly" at Song Yang, which surprised Song Yang even more. He always felt, Paulson, the old fox, seems to be thinking about something.

  Irene was overjoyed when she heard Paulson's words. With Goldman Sachs taking the lead, Deutsche Bank, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan will definitely not be dragged back.

   "ICQ is expected to issue 30 million shares this time, priced at $60 per share, for global investors..."

  ICQ's issue price is much higher than that of the double-click listing, and the scale is also much larger. If you buy it at a price of $60, at least the stock price of ICQ will rise sharply, and only those who buy it will be able to earn it.

Paulson has already agreed on behalf of Goldman Sachs. There is no room for Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch to return to the world. Edison glanced at Paulson and agreed happily. He didn’t know what Paulson was thinking about. But he knew that with Paulson's character, it was definitely impossible to make a loss-making business, which Edison probably knew better than Paulson!

   "Deutsche Bank is willing to subscribe for ICQ's $400 million equity offering!"

As soon as he heard Edison, he also took $400 million in one go. Stan O'Neal couldn't help it. The original fundraising of $1.8 billion seemed a lot, but Goldman Sachs ate nearly one billion in one go. The US knife, plus what Deutsche Bank took away, the rest is more than 400 million US dollars in issued equity...

   "Merrill Lynch is willing to subscribe..."

  Stan O'Neill said on behalf of Merrill Lynch Investment Bank, he couldn't help but glance at Song Yang, he didn't know what ICQ was, and people started to rush to raise money.

   "Congratulations, Song!"

  When Greck, Marcus and the legal and financial staff of Goldman Sachs and other institutions made an agreement, Edison smiled and said to Song Yang, "When ICQ goes public, you should be one of the ten most valuable people in America!"

  Addison has a ruthless personality. He once said that a small goal of less than a hundred million dollars in Wall Street at the age of forty is considered a loser.

But compared to Song Yang in front of him, Addison felt that his past few decades did not seem to be doing very well. Even if he brought Bill Gates of the same age over, he was worth more than Song Yang. I'm afraid it can't compare!

  Song Yang listened to Edison's words and signed the document as a major shareholder, "Anything is possible, who knows how the stock price will perform after ICQ goes public!"

When Wesley and other ICQ executives saw Song Yang, Irene, Paulson and others signed their names one after another, their faces couldn't help showing joy. , is definitely far inferior, but even that small part is enough for them to achieve financial freedom!

When   Song Yang signed the letter, it meant that a new batch of billionaires were born, and there were also a large number of people whose worth was going to soar a lot.

Among ICQ insiders, Irene and Wesley each hold 5% of ICQ, Greck holds 3% of ICQ, Marcus holds 1%, as well as managers above the ICQ department level, with all staff , and jointly obtained a 10% stake in ICQ.

In addition to these ICQ insiders, Eric used 35% of RICK to take 5% of ICQ's equity from Song Yang, Enron President Kenneth and Jeff Skilling also took 3%, and then In addition to General Electric, Enron, Microsoft, and Comcast, the combined stake in ICQ is also around 10%.

ICQ has given up a lot of equity. Song Yang's current stake in ICQ is still around 40%, and he is still the largest shareholder of ICQ. Of course, after the listing, Song Yang's equity in ICQ will also be cashed out. The status of the largest shareholder is basically impossible to be threatened.

   Wall Street can drive Yang Zhiyuan out of Yahoo, but it is basically impossible to drive Song Yang out of ICQ!

Pellet Greene and the others did a simple calculation. From the perspective of paper, when ICQ went public this time, Song Yang's net worth directly increased by 10 billion dollars, which was equivalent to doubling directly. Sounds really scary.

However, this is mostly paper data. Song Yang will have to wait a year and a half to cash out, and then cash out bit by bit. If Chi Guoguo is cashed out on a large scale, then ICQ's stock price will probably be long overdue. collapsed.

"The latest news from Wall Street, some media revealed that ICQ officially reached a stock issuance agreement with Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Merrill Lynch, Morgan and other investment banks today. It is expected to issue 30 million shares and raise $1.8 billion from the world. This will become a technology The largest fundraising issue in history!

   Goldman Sachs director Pelle Greene declared that Goldman Sachs believes that ICQ is the most worthy investment company in the technology industry, and Goldman Sachs will be responsible for ICQ's roadshow and promotion on the West Coast! "

  ICNC TV, the latest news broke the news, we all know the relationship between ICNC TV and ICQ, this news is basically a real hammer.

   There were rumors before, but when everything came true, the news was like a nuclear bomb, detonating the entire Internet and technology industry!

   "The richest man in the world will change hands?"

   "The Internet will give birth to the most valuable technology upstart in history!"

  The media began to bombard all kinds of ICQ-related news, and all kinds of sensational and eye-catching headlines began to appear one after another.

  ICQ will log on to Nasdaq as the number one valuation on the Internet, and directly become one of the heavyweight stocks of Nasdaq, alongside Hewlett-Packard, Dell, WorldCom, and Intel!

There are rumors about Song Yang's worth, and there are rumors that Song Yang will be worth more than Bill Gates. The myth of making wealth has also directly ignited Silicon Valley and the Internet industry.

   (end of this chapter)

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