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Chapter 316: Tinder

   Chapter 316 Tinder

  In order to distribute the country-level Internet domain names such as Tuvalu, the American Internet Society and the World Wide Web Consortium must be jointly implemented.

   If it is a small Internet company that operates domain names such as TV, it is tantamount to being a child in a busy market. I am afraid that there will be all kinds of ghosts and snakes, and even places like Tuvalu will jump out in the future.

   But using the name of the American Internet Society is different. It represents the entire Silicon Valley and the Internet industry. Anyone who wants to use these domain names must consider whether they are qualified or not!

   "America Internet Society, if it operates Internet domain names such as TV and geek, if it can make a profit, it will distribute the domain name revenue in proportion to all the members of the Internet Society!"

Song Yang looked around and said to a group of small and medium-sized Internet companies, this is a carrot and a stick, and told these Internet companies that if they will fight for the American Internet Society in the future, then the dividends of these domain names will naturally be a part of them. If not , then wait for them to be cleaned up.

   "If the Internet industry continues to heat up in the future, the demand for Internet domain names may continue to increase. Maybe in the future, this is a billion-dollar market, and even a higher market is not necessarily!"

  The demand for Internet domain names, although we all understand that it is a game of drumming and spreading flowers, but there has always been a market. As long as the Internet industry still exists, the demand for domain names will always exist.

Whether in America or in China, there are more than one or two companies that have made their fortunes on the Internet by playing Internet domain names, and even many cities and famous landmark domain names, such as Cidu Town, have been robbed. , even auctioned at high prices…

If the domain name sale of the American Internet Society is really played, it will not be as pitiful as those domain name hooligans, as long as it becomes the world's largest Internet domain name operator, it is enough to use these profits to tie Internet companies to On the chariot of the Internet Society, it charged towards the opponent.

For Microsoft, this domain name dividend is nothing, but for other small Internet companies that are still struggling, they can get millions or even tens of millions of dollars in domain name dividends every year, which is definitely worth them. Go hard.

   The establishment banquet of the Internet Society has ended, and countless Internet companies have returned to Silicon Valley and other places, but unlike when they came and left, many founders of Internet companies have expectations on their faces.

   If it is true as Song Yang said, then joining the Internet Society of America would be beneficial for many Silicon Valley companies, and naturally it would not be a loss.

After the establishment of the American Internet Society, it immediately regarded itself as the "orthodox" of the American Internet, and its official website, regardless of whether other Internet companies agreed or not, the Internet Society was written at the beginning, and it was a consortium of "all" Internet companies in America. , is the representative of all Internet companies in America!

No matter how those Internet peers feel, anyway, the Internet Association of America will represent them in the future, including dealing with the federal government, state and municipal departments of the United States, and the Internet Act of the Capitol Hill Protocol, etc., all by the Internet Society of America. "Well, these things involving Internet industry rules and policies are all subject to the Internet Society.

   This is the Internet giant. For small and medium Internet companies, it is like the oil, military and other industries. Although there will be new companies, they must abide by the rules of the game formulated by those old companies!

The Internet industry will be the same in the future. As an emerging industry, the Internet will be updated quickly, and new Internet giants will definitely appear. However, it will definitely not be as easy as the past two years. The explosion of Netscape, Yahoo, AOL, Double-click, ICQ and so many companies.

   What attracted the attention of the outside world was naturally the bill known as Article 230 of the Internet. After the establishment of the Internet Society, the Management Committee immediately formed a professional lobbying team in Washington and began to lobby members of Congress on Capitol Hill.

A large number of Internet companies such as Microsoft, Netscape, Yahoo, etc. have all made their voices heard, claiming that the 230 Act is of great significance to the Internet industry. Tinder" to report.

   Otherwise, how can you say that the media will engage in public opinion? Even Bill 230, which is comparable to Prometheus's Tinder, can be said, and it directly has the upper hand in public opinion!

   Under the "request" of the Internet Society, a large number of Internet companies have also petitioned to the Capitol Hill and the states of America to let Bill 230 enter the agenda of the Capitol Hill and federal state governments.

A large number of state legislators have begun to come forward one after another, and many members of the Capitol Hill openly support it. Like the party, this time it is rare that they did not oppose the bill, although some senior conservatives expressed concern about this bill, thinking that "this bill that would take the federal government out of control of the Internet," but none of these voices became mainstream.

The antitrust school headed by Ella Cherry stood out and clearly opposed this bill, but this time it was different from facing Song Yang, the emerging Internet industry. This time, Ella showed its influence in America. Cherry's voice didn't even appear in front of the mainstream media!

Wall Street also stood on the side of the American Internet Association and began to fuel the flames behind the scenes, because after the public opinion of Article 230 appeared, the Internet stocks of Nasdaq rose collectively again, and even the tepid double-click company, Shares rose 7%.

As for Yahoo's acquisition of Internet stocks, not to mention that investment institutions also believe that the 230 Act is a major benefit for the Internet industry, and it can spawn more Internet giants, and even overseas Internet stocks, such as Japan's SoftBank, etc. Following the surge, the influence of America's Internet industry began to appear in the global investment market.

This wave can be regarded as "popular", except for some people such as Ella Cherry, many other industries have expressed "support" for Section 230, which makes the voice of the bill when it appeared on Capitol Hill, naturally not small.

The Internet was created by the great leader, and he will definitely not object. The Internet is regarded as the new vote base of the Donkey Party, and it is also the main force in promoting the 230 bill this time. The elephant party is also under the lobbying of the Internet Society. Yang invited the Elephant Party whip Tom DeLay, the veteran New Jersey congressman Tara Li and others to come forward, and let the Elephant Party also hold their noses and say nothing about this matter, and Article 230 was quickly nominated on Capitol Hill.

   However, we still have to go through the process again, otherwise it will be too much. The entire 230 bill, if there is no error, will be passed on Capitol Hill in the second half of the year, and then introduced by the states of America.

"I'm not sure what effect the Section 230 Act will have on the future of the Internet, but now that it's here, it's a good thing for the current Internet, it avoids the "publisher" responsibility of Internet sites, which is There is no need to be responsible for the books published like traditional publishing houses, but in the future…”

Wired magazine, in its latest weekly issue, also reported editor-in-chief Kevin Kelly's views on the matter, "As we all know, nothing is completely without side effects, even if its purpose is good, It's like Prohibition in the 1920s!"

Kevin Kelly, who has always supported the Internet and is known as the Internet trumpeter, has implicitly expressed his concerns about this 230 clause. He has not experienced the chaotic and disorderly prohibition era of the federal government, but he has also heard of the madness of that era. .

At the time of Prohibition, the original intention was the same as when Section 230 appeared today. Of course, it represented "justice", but as a result, Kevin Kelly certainly supported the Internet industry, but this kind of Internet bill like "a gold medal" is still beyond his expectations.

   Kevin Kelly doesn't believe that with the eyes of people like Song Yang, Bill Gates, Jim Clark, who can't see this, but still insists on implementing it, it's a bit intriguing.

However, in today's atmosphere, Wall Street, ordinary investors in America, and overseas investment institutions are all enjoying the excitement of the soaring stock price of the Internet concept on Nasdaq. No one wants to hear the negative news of the Internet, even if there is, will ignore it too!

The current leader needs to rely on the Internet to establish his historical status, the Donkey Party needs the Internet's vote base, Wall Street needs the Internet to cut leeks, and no one wants to see the Internet fall. This is the status of the Internet in America today. Indulge in one.

   Of course, Kevin Kelly also vaguely expressed his concerns, expecting him, like Ella Cherry, to stand up and oppose it clearly, that is simply overthinking.

   You must know that Wired Magazine also enjoys the "bonus" brought by the Internet. Wired Magazine can now be among the top and authoritative technology media magazines, thanks to the Internet.

   Let Wired Magazine oppose the Internet, this is tantamount to losing your mind, oppose yourself?

   "From the emergence of the Internet to the emergence of a wave in 1995, the Internet industry has also experienced several years, and there have been countless people who are enough to change the Internet."

   This issue of Wired magazine is definitely not to oppose the 230 bill, but Kevin Kelly launched the power list of the Internet industry!

   "Wired Magazine, decided to select the top ten most influential people in the global Internet industry every year in the future, so that more people can see their influence in the Internet industry."

  The power list can't be so obvious of course, but the top ten influential people, everyone knows what's going on.

"Jim Clark is definitely the most influential figure in the American Internet and even the global Internet industry since last year. He may not be as well-known as Mark Anderson, who is also the founder of Netscape, but the Internet industry will eventually remember , is a man named Clark, who created Netscape where the Internet frenzy started!"

  Kevin Kelly puts his old friend at the top of the Internet Power List.

   (end of this chapter)

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