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Chapter 1150: monster room

  Chapter 1150 Monster Room

   "Dong Song!"

  Hearing Fang Qiuyu say these two words, the executives of the Star Wish Foundation all pricked up their ears.

Since the establishment of the Star Wish Foundation, Song Yang has never been here again, but it does not affect it at all. Song Yang's influence on the Star Wish Foundation, everything Song Yang has done in America, the Star Wish Foundation and the domestic Internet , The technology industry is also very rare, not to mention Song Yang's status as the richest man.

The greatest confidence of the Wishing Star Foundation has never been how many Internet companies it has invested in, or how investment vision is, or how influential it is in the industry. Chance to get back on your feet!

"I see!"

   "The Wishing Star Foundation will definitely entertain the "guests" who come from afar!"

Hearing Song Yang's explanation on the phone, Fang Qiuyu couldn't help being shocked. Song Yang's explanation to him was very simple, so feel free to add obstacles to Yahoo. Anyway, Yahoo can't run around here unscrupulously. Yahoo's reputation is big, but the layout of the Wishing Star Foundation over the years is even better!

  With Song Yang's explanation, Fang Qiuyu was completely relieved, and the worry about competing with Yahoo was completely dissipated, showing the aura of the godfather of the Internet in Asia.

   "Keep an eye on Yahoo. No matter which company it invests in, the Wishing Star Foundation will follow up immediately. I want to know whether domestic Internet companies choose foreign monks or the Wishing Star Foundation!

   Go to the head of Yahoo in China and tell him that as long as he is willing to get out of Yahoo, the Star Wish Foundation is willing to invest in him. No matter what the project is, 10 million US dollars can be credited immediately! "

Hearing that Fang Qiuyu wanted to force the Wishing Star Foundation to fight Yahoo, all the executives were taken aback for a moment, and then they couldn't help getting excited. If they win, the Wishing Star Foundation's dominance in the Asian technology industry will basically be was confirmed above.

That is Yahoo. It is also one of the top Internet giants in America. Except for ICQ, Microsoft, etc., the ability to overwhelm Yahoo. Who dares to say that it can win Yahoo? In the current Internet industry in China, it is even more crushing. Existence, according to the current exchange rate, the market value of Yahoo in China is more than 480 billion soft sister coins, and the cash on hand exceeds 24 billion. Pull out, and how many can compete with Yahoo?

Wrestling with Yahoo, the Wishing Star Foundation is not the parent company, so naturally it is not so confident, but this is Yanjing, the site that the Wishing Star Foundation has painstakingly managed for many years, there is no reason to be afraid of war, if you see Yahoo I'm afraid, after that, when other giants in America, such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle and other giants from all walks of life come, will the Wishing Star Foundation have to back off, behave like a man with its tail between its legs, and put the market and even investment in its hands The company's shares are all handed over?

Star Wish Foundation, if it wants to be the Goldman Sachs investment bank of the Asian Internet, it will sooner or later take turns to wrestle with Yahoo, Microsoft and other giants. With the support of the Star Wish Foundation, if there is no fight at this time, when will it be!

With Fang Qiuyu's order, the Wishing Star Foundation began to start up like a war machine, preparing to fight Yahoo in the country. We will see whether this tiger crossing the river is stronger or the Wishing Star Foundation, a local snake, is better. .

  In the best star hotel in Yanjing, this place was built by an American hotel company, and it is also the favorite hotel for American companies and foreign businessmen who come to Yanjing.

   "Damn it, is this the desert of the Internet reported by those media?

  An Internet desert with 87 million Internet users, which may exceed 100 million in the second half of the year, and the number of broadband users is close to or even surpasses that of America? ! "

In the hotel room, Semel, CEO of Yahoo, was both excited and cursing. He felt that this trip to Asia was definitely the right one, and he couldn't help scolding the media in America. If he hadn’t come here in person this time, Semel might still be kept in the dark.

When he got the domestic Internet data, Semel couldn't help but start to tremble with excitement. Although the consumption power of domestic Internet users is quite different from that of America, the strength of advertising sponsors is not the same. But that's hundreds of millions of users.

  If it can occupy the domestic Internet market, Yahoo will almost create a new Yahoo outside of America!

Although there are many Internet companies here, in Semel's eyes, they are all vulnerable. Although there are companies in the five major Internet industries of portals, e-commerce, search, games, and social networking, they are not comparable to those in America. , There is a gap in the level, Semel said, as long as Yahoo comes in, it will definitely beat a lot of opponents in these industries!

  "Bruno Song has seen this for a long time. At the beginning of the rise of the Internet in Silicon Valley, he predicted that there will be more than 100 million Internet users here, and it will become another Internet center outside of Silicon Valley!

   Now, everything he said has come true here! "

Yang Zhiyuan was not as excited as Semel, but rather melancholy. When he came to China this time, he found that there was someone everywhere in the domestic Internet industry. It was as if he was not in the arena, but there were legends about him everywhere. .

  As the chief of the Internet, Yang Zhiyuan, who almost debuted with Song Yang, naturally has his own pride, but now he feels that he is picking up people's teeth. Even if Yahoo's strength is greatly increased by relying on the domestic Internet, it is difficult for Yang Zhiyuan to feel excited.

Hearing Yang Zhiyuan's words, Semel frowned. He didn't expect to hear Song Yang's name across the Pacific Ocean, but he was not Yang Zhiyuan. If you can't raise Yahoo's stock price and market value, can you get dividends, bonuses, and equity rewards!

   "I heard some rumors that Bruno Song established a Star Wish Foundation here and invested in many Internet companies, but so what, we are Yahoo, and we established the Internet industry!"

  Semel said loudly, "Bruno Song is not here. This is his biggest failure, and it is also Yahoo's opportunity. As long as we defeat the Internet companies he invested in, we will be able to occupy this market with more than 100 million users in the future!"

Semel's voice fell, and a group of Yahoo executives immediately applauded. So what if Song Yang discovered this first, as long as Yahoo occupies this place, it is Yahoo's. Yahoo can rely on it to surpass ICQ. To become the world's largest Internet empire, the stock price, market value and so on will be at your fingertips.

  Yang Zhiyuan looked at Semel, who was already "successful", and reminded him that Song Yang may not be easily defeated after so many years of deployment in the Internet and technology industries in various parts of Asia.

During this trip to Asia, Yang Zhiyuan also went to other places in Asia. On Japan’s side, Japan’s Yahoo!, jointly established with Softbank, is the largest Internet company in Japan, but the largest broadband company in Japan is an agent of Softbank The American Telecom Japan Benzene Company, the largest social platform, is also ICQ, which is represented by Softbank, as well as Fortinet Antivirus, Google, Wikipedia, Amazon, etc.

In the Bangzi technology industry, Song Yang is even more powerful. The major shareholders behind Bangzi’s three most famous Internet companies, Nexon, Actoz, and NCsoft, are all Song Yang. Bangzi’s Telecom, SK Group, etc. When Soros was cutting leeks in Southeast Asia, he was taken away by Song Yang.

Singapore, Siam, Cochin and other places are similar. In Yanjing, the Star Wish Foundation established by Song Yang invested in the domestic Internet many years earlier than Yahoo. The head of Yahoo in Yanjing The leader in red also reported to Yahoo that the Wishing Star Foundation is powerful here. Semel wanted to easily defeat the Wishing Star Foundation. Yang Zhiyuan felt that it was not so easy, not to mention that if Song Yang's attention was finally drawn, Lured here from Silicon Valley? !

But when he got to the point of speaking, Yang Zhiyuan paused again. The problem is still the same. Yahoo is now a company controlled by Wall Street institutions. Wall Street needs good news from Yahoo to increase the stock price. It is not to listen to him complain about any difficulties. Even if he said so, Semel and the Wall Street institutions would stop?

  Yang Zhiyuan thought about it, and he knew it was impossible, so he was probably wasting his words in vain.

  At this time, Semel's phone rang, and after the connection, Semel, who was originally excited, suddenly changed his face, "Zhou resigned?!"

  But then, Semel's expression returned to normal again, and he just responded coldly, "I see!"

Yang Zhiyuan was taken aback when he heard the resignation of the leader in red. He knew that the resignation of the leader in red was related to Yahoo's preparation to invest in Alibaba. Baba, whoever will listen to you from now on, the leader in red is not willing to be behind Boss Ma.

  But the sudden resignation of the leader in red at this time also disrupted Yahoo's domestic pace, which made Yang Zhiyuan feel a little strange. He vaguely felt that this trip to Asia might not go so smoothly.

The Internet industry in Yanjing is surging, and Song Yang added a little fuel to the fire. Domestic Internet companies will also officially start to fight against veterans in Silicon Valley. Road, they can only gain a foothold if they resist the attack from Silicon Valley old guns, and then they will involve. After the monster room in the domestic Internet reaches the full level, they can come out and kill indiscriminately around the world...

  The wind of the Internet in Asia has not yet blown to America. At present, the center of the global Internet is still in Silicon Valley, and it will not change for at least ten or eight years.

   As the American Internet giant, ICQ is a little turbulent, which is a major event in the entire Internet industry. As the most profitable game business under ICQ, the release of new games by Sierra Mountain is also a major event in Silicon Valley and Wall Street!

   "World of Warcraft is going to be tested?"

   Song Yang looked at the flying over, and asked Ken Williams, who was in charge of the game business of Xuele Mountain.

  (end of this chapter)

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