Back to 1990

Chapter 836: Gentle President Lu

Several store managers did not want to face the conflict directly, and there were rumors within the group about the relationship between Lu Feng and Ermi, so they were reluctant to manage more, and a few started fighting because of verbal conflicts.

Directly-operated stores are directly managed by the group's sales company. There are not many stores, but they are all opened in the most prosperous areas in first-tier cities. As they reported to the sales company, the person in charge scratched his head in sorrow when he heard this.

The above attitude towards Nokia is very ambiguous, now this matter has become a hot potato, how to deal with it is troublesome, the best way is to continue to report.

As the contract with Nokia was signed by Lu Feng himself, no one dared to deal with the matter. They were handed in layer by layer. At noon, the documents were covered with official seals of all levels and placed on Wei Yandan's desk.

"It's lawless, so I won it!"

Wei Yandan looked ugly, stood up and prepared to go to Lu Feng's office to talk about it. After all, such a big cooperation was involved, but when he looked up, it was already 12 noon.

After leaving the office, he asked the president secretary's office next to him: "Did Mr. Lu go to dinner?"

"Mr. Wei, Mr. Lu has just left and went to the cafeteria."

"Okay, I see." Wei Yandan closed the office door and walked towards the cafeteria.

In the private room, Lu Feng sat in his seat and was eating. He talked about the half-year financial report without a pair with Bao Zong. Wei Yandan opened the door and walked in. He took a plate from the side and picked up some food. Fen'er Rice sat next to Lu Feng, and said politely to Mr. Bao: "Good Mr. Bao!"

"Mr. Wei is good!" Mr. Bao said politely.

"Mr. Lu, let me tell you something that happened this morning."

"What happened?" Lu Feng turned his head to look at her, wondering a bit.

"It's still related to Nokia. The direct-sale store opened this morning. The person in charge of each Nokia store asked to change the counter to the best position, and forcibly occupied the counter that exceeded the contract. There was a conflict with our people. There are two stores. Long was beaten, this matter is very bad, because it involves Nokia, a more important partner." Wei Yandan said.

Lu Feng's expression was a little unpleasant, he slowly put down the chopsticks in his hand, and asked, "The manager of the direct-operated store was beaten? There are only a few of them. Our staff lacks practical ability. Why? Can you get beaten? I don’t understand why there are more than a dozen people in a direct store, right?"

The rest of the people at the dinner table were stunned. It seems that Mr. Lu's focus is not right, right?

"I haven't learned about this. I think we should fight back against this kind of cannibalizing counters, or it will gradually become more and more serious. This kind of cooperation will give other partners a lot of trouble. Good head." Wei Yandan said worriedly: "For such a partner, we should have measures."

"Partner? What kind of partner? You tell the manager of the directly-operated store who was beaten, I will call him the shots in the afternoon." Lu Feng said solemnly.

Wei Yandan looked slightly surprised, how from Mr. Lu's tone, it feels that Nokia has been kicked out of the partner.


Manager Zhang of the Marketing Department of the Nokia branch smiled today. She was very happy about the forced occupation of the counter today. Now all the best counters in the Jiafeng Electronic Direct Store belong to them.

Knocked on the door of the president's office, Mr. Zhang pushed the door in. Elmi and Monica were talking about things. Mr. Zhang happily said: "There is particularly good news. We have achieved complete success at the sales channel counter. At present, the best counter booths of the 27 directly-operated stores are all ours."

"Wow! Good job!" Monica smiled, bent her eyes, clapped President Zhang, and said: "I said before that Zhang is always a capable person, and this period of time has indeed demonstrated Her ability."

"Is the process going well?" Elmi asked.

"There was a little episode, but overall it went smoothly. They still have to worry about some international companies as a signboard. After all, they rely on us for food, not to mention that Lu Feng wants to develop internationally and needs us to lead. Yes." Mr. Zhang self-channel.

"Let me see, he will call you today. It must be furious, but we don't care!" Monica leaned on the chair and thought for a while. We will give him a step first, and transfer the responsibility to the following, saying that he will be rectified as soon as possible. When he is relieved, we will use R&D cooperation as a bait to give him some hope and help him go international."

Elmi is very familiar with this kind of bad check method. Big stick is really good. Sweet jujube is the moon in the sky attic.

"OK, then I'll just wait for him to call." Elmi smiled slightly, a bit gorgeous.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Feng directly took a group vice president, sales company experience, and four or five strong young men to the direct-operated store in Shenzhen.

It is when Lieyang is at the head and the store is least crowded. Some employees sit at the counter and close their eyes unconsciously.

This store is located on the first floor of the integrated mall. When you enter the door, you will find the counter of Jiafeng Electronics. It is the best counter. This is where the Nokia man and the store manager conflicted in the morning, and the other people in the mall opened it, but the store manager’s face There are still a few bruises on it.

The first floor of this mall is basically all electrical appliances, and further down there are Changhong TV, Konka TV, Skyworth TV, all the names and surnames in the industry are here.

When they were doing the work in the morning, the people at these counters were watching the show. Instead, they were the tellers of the Chrysanthemum TV set. This is a brand that young people have never heard of, but it did survive in the 1990s.

The three cars parked at the entrance of the mall. The sales company manager hurriedly got out of the car and ran to Lu Feng to drive the door. Lu Feng looked at the 40-year-old man in front of him and said, "Go in and gather people together and tell them. No one can bully people from the Jiafeng Group!"

The manager turned around and left. Lu Feng got out of the car and sorted his clothes. The others got out and gathered and walked inside.

The manager came over and saw a few tellers sitting there with their heads napping, and said, "Don't sleep, where's your store manager?"

"Welcome, may I ask what is needed?" The teller woke up suddenly and hurriedly stood up and said subconsciously.

"Your store manager!" The manager said in a deep voice, "I am the general manager of the sales company. Where is the store manager?"

"Manager Qian is resting over there." The teller hurriedly walked towards the back.

A middle-aged man came out with bruises on his face. He was taken aback when he saw the manager, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Wu, why are you here? Don't say a word in advance."

"Let everyone wake up, the leader is coming, hurry up!" Manager Wu turned around and saw that Lu Feng had already walked in. He was talking to the people next to him, as if he was talking about the decoration and the future of such large supermarkets. develop.

In less than half a minute, more than a dozen people stood in a row, and the Nokia next to them was still lying there and squinting. The movement here shocked them. They opened their eyes slightly and took a look. Several people yawned and appeared. Somewhat impatient.

Lu Feng came over with a smile on his face and looked in a good mood. Manager Wu said, "Let me introduce to you, this is the vice president of our group, Mr. Xiao, and this is the chairman of the group, Lu Feng. Everyone applauds and welcomes."

Everyone clapped their hands, but they were a little puzzled. Why did such a big boss suddenly come to the store?

"Okay, okay, what about me, I just heard about something, so come and see, who is the store manager?" Lu Feng said, his eyes have fallen on the store manager Qian.

"Hello, Mr. Lu!" Shop Manager Qian came out and said, "I am the person in charge of this store, my surname is Qian."

"I can see that he is a responsible person. What's the matter with the wound on his face?" Lu Feng asked him.

"There was a little conflict in the morning and people were fighting, but it doesn't matter. As long as the overall situation of the company is okay, I will be fine." Mr. Qian said that he was very sad in his heart, but he could only say that. Many people did it all morning. He works, and the middle management told him that this is a strategic cooperation of the group.

"Is this fight so dark? Which one?" Lu Feng asked.

The manager Qian didn't expect that the boss would ask this when he came. He looked at another man in a suit and leather shoes and said, "It's him."

Lu Feng turned his head and looked at the outermost position of the counter. A man in his forties looked very He looked at Lu Feng without hesitation, and walked over and said: " I am the person in charge of Nokia mobile phones here."

"So you can hit someone, right?" Lu Feng asked, staring at him.

"It's just a little conflict." The man smiled dismissively, and looked so disdainful. He raised his hand and waved to the store manager: "I'm sorry, brother."

"Is it over?" Lu Feng stared at him closely.

Everyone on the scene thought that Lu Feng would pass by asking him a question. Unexpectedly, he would still stare at himself. The man's face was a bit unsightly, and he said, "I have already apologized. Besides, this is not your responsibility. , Take care of your internal affairs."

"The person you hit me, he is our insider, I can't control it yet?" Lu Feng asked, staring at him with his hands on his back.

At noon, there were no people on the first floor. The people at the other counters raised their heads and looked here. You can't miss the excitement.

"Who is that person? It seems to be fighting!"

"This fight, I didn't expect there will be a follow-up, don't lie down, get up to watch the excitement."

"This person gets more and more familiar as he sees it. Isn't that the one, shit, isn't this Jiafeng's boss?"

Many people stood up and leaned their necks to look here, and the originally quiet mall began to agitate.

"Why are you all right? You came here to take care of this at noon? Such a big group boss, idle?" The man rolled his eyes and sneered, "I changed my head, why? Come on, let me see how you made it for him today?"

Manager Qian and Manager Wu were a little embarrassed. Mr. Lu looked more elegant. Today he was wearing a suit and trousers with a white shirt on his upper body. The people were pure and gentle. Facing such a rogue, it was a showman who met a soldier, for sure. Suffer!

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