Back Before I Became a Vegetative State, I Became An Immortal and Invincible

Chapter 280: Daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are pregnant at the same time

 Qiao Ningxun: "Yes, I only accept cash every time. Please have cash ready when the time comes."

【OK. 】

【good. 】

Qiao Ningxun: "Okay, those who like clothes will continue to buy clothes, and those who like to listen to fortune telling and fortune telling, let's start now. The ninth fortune teller is the first quota today."


Soon, the ninth fortune teller appeared, nicknamed my little sun.

People in the live broadcast room now know the rules very well, and generally do not need Qiao Ningxun to remind them. They pay consciously and apply for connection.

Qiao Ningxun connected to the line, and a woman wearing a mask appeared in the live broadcast room.

 Qiao Ningxun: "Hello, my little sun."

 My Little Sun: "Hello, anchor."

Qiao Ningxun: "What do you want to do?"

  My Little Sun hesitated for a moment, then said it, "Anchor, I would like to ask, should my daughter's child be kept?"

As she spoke, her tone was filled with tears, "My daughter is so pitiful. Just three months after we got married, my son-in-law died in an accident. But God made a joke with her. She already had some blood in her belly. "

“My son-in-law is the only son in my in-laws’ family. He was very happy when he found out that my daughter was pregnant, and he gradually got over the sadness of losing the child.”

"They said that as long as my daughter gives birth to a child, all the property of their family will belong to my daughter's child. After the child is born, they will give her a house and one million in cash to ensure that she will not be responsible for raising the child alone. And live in poverty.”

“But I’m worried that they are just painting a cake for my daughter. After all, who can say for sure what will happen in the future, and there are also cases where a girl’s parents-in-law turn against her after giving birth to a posthumous child.”

“That girl is living a very hard life now. Her parents are sick at the same time. She has to take care of three people by herself, and her monthly salary is only 3,000 yuan. Her life is really miserable.”

"I'm really worried that my daughter will live like that in the future. If her father and I get sick, her life will be over."

【The posthumous son is the only bloodline left in the groom's family. It's better to keep him, otherwise the old man will be too pitiful. 】

  【Yes, only when you have children and care for the elderly can you have hope of living. 】

  【I also agree to be born. 】

  【Upstairs, don't be too holy. You know people's faces but not their hearts. You think about others, but others sometimes want to sacrifice your life. 】

   That’s right, the blame has not fallen on you, of course you can say whatever you want. 】

  【The posthumous son, the son's only child, and the only bloodline of their family, anyone should recognize him. 】

   That is not necessarily the case. Some family members prefer sons over daughters. If they knew the baby was a girl, they would still not recognize their granddaughter. 】

  【Yes, some old antiques always feel that they must have a son if their family has a throne to inherit. 】

   Her worries are normal. I also have people here who fall out when a daughter is born, but the woman’s family is rich and her life is pretty good now. 】

  【It can be given birth to, and if the man recognizes it, he will raise it. If you don’t recognize it, consider giving it away. 】

  【Stop talking, listen to the anchor's opinion. 】

Qiao Ningxun coughed lightly. It must be said that there are still quite a lot of sober people on the Internet. "Some water friends are right, and your concerns are also right. The child has not been born yet, and you don't know what will happen in the future." "But the husband's parents really wanted your daughter to have a child, and the promises they made were sincere, but things are changing, and this idea has changed now."

My Little Sun is puzzled: "Anchor, what happened to make them change their minds?"

Qiao Ningxun: "Your son-in-law is only twenty-four years old this year, and their parents are only in their forties. They have always wanted a daughter. Even if the child is married, they have no intention of giving up. They have been taking care of their health. Preparing for pregnancy. And your biological mother is now pregnant successfully, but it has not been announced yet. "

“Three days later, your biological mother will announce that she is pregnant. The arrival of this child will turn all her attention to herself.”

"And they are very superstitious. The time when your biological mother was pregnant was probably two days before their son died. So they firmly believe that their son was reborn in the belly of your biological mother."

“Of course she won’t care about your daughter’s children.”

"In addition, people around her have been telling her that your daughter is too beautiful, and the child in your daughter's belly may not be her biological grandson. She will have seeds of doubt in her heart, even if your daughter gives birth to a child. , and she will never fulfill her original promise.”

 My little Sun was surprised: "What? My biological mother is actually pregnant?"

  Qiao Ningxun: “Yes.”

   【Oh my god, I'm over forty and I still have to give birth. 】

There are many people around me who are in their forties and want to have children. They say that as they get older, their children will get older. They say it very easily. They have no idea how difficult it is to raise a child now. 】

   That is, various interest classes now cost a lot of money, and if a child’s grades are not good, various cram schools also cost money. 】

  【I knew that the Internet would help me increase my knowledge. 】

  【In this case, my little Sun Daughter's child cannot be kept, and the grandma will not recognize it even if it is kept. 】

                     But when I think that it is a life after all, it will turn into a puddle of blood, it always feels sinful. 】

【But if my little sun aborts the child and remarries later, he can still live a normal life. If he keeps the child, although he can remarry, both adults and children will definitely suffer in the future. 】

My little Taiyang really didn’t believe that his in-laws’ mother-in-law, who had spoken sincerely before, had lied to him, so he couldn’t help but call to confirm.

 The call was quickly answered, "My mother-in-law, it's me."

 “Well, is something wrong?”

“My mother-in-law, let me ask you a question. Please answer me honestly.”

 “Let me see what the specific question is, and I’ll see if you can answer it or not.”

 “You can definitely answer. Let me ask you, are you pregnant again?”

 Lei Guimiao was silent for a minute, and then she said, "Yes, how did you know? I didn't tell anyone, even my husband didn't know."

She deliberately didn't say anything and wanted to wait until her daughter-in-law was six or seven months old before announcing it.

 If the daughter-in-law knew that she also had a child, she would definitely not be willing to give birth.

Her son is really pitiful, and she really wants her daughter-in-law to leave him a wife.

My little Taiyang suddenly became excited, "My mother-in-law, don't worry about how I know this. I'm not like you. You already have a child yourself, and you have a daughter-in-law at home. Why do you force my daughter to give birth to a child for your son?" ?”

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