one thousand!

Qiu Datou was excited and didn't think much. He quickly opened the door and confirmed again, "Are you really willing to pay one thousand yuan for a night's stay?"

Liu Shaoyu saw the door open and said calmly: "That's right, it's one thousand."

Qiu Datou counted the number of people, "How come there are six people?"

Liu Shaoyu smiled and said: "I just forgot to count myself."

"Then you must have failed math." Qiu Datou saw that they were very thinly dressed and thought that they must have nowhere to go, so he said loudly: "If you give me ten thousand, then I will allow you to come in and rest."

Liu Shaoyu glanced at Du Mumu, saw him nodding, turned around and said, "Okay."

Qiao Ningxun suddenly said: "That's really great."

Her mobile phone also broadcast live in a secret place.

As soon as she came over, she saw that Du Mumu came over without waiting for her, so she could only follow them quickly.

  【The anchor appeared. 】

  【Anchor is broadcasting live, isn't he afraid that someone he knows will see it and notify him? 】

  【In this kind of small mountain village, the information is not available, and the traffic is also very expensive now. People who still live here cannot possibly spend money to watch the live broadcast so late. 】

  【You guys are too underestimating the host. She may have figured out that things will go smoothly tonight, so she is not afraid of live broadcasting. 】

【I see. 】

Du Mumu took out 10,000 yuan from his bag and handed it to Qiu Datou.

 Fortunately, the light was dim now. If it were daytime, Qiu Datou could tell at a glance that Du Mumu's eyes looked like he wanted to kill him, and things would not have gone so smoothly.

Qiu Datou took a quick look with a flashlight and felt that it didn't look fake, so he let them in and led them into a side room.

"This house belongs to my parents. They went to visit relatives temporarily this afternoon. They will not come back in two days. You guys can live here."

Qiao Ningxun: "Thank you very much. You should go and have a rest."

Qiu Datou became irritated when he thought of the women and children in the house. "Why don't you rest? The child is sick. He is my only son. I have to take him to see a doctor."

 Fortunately, he got 10,000 yuan tonight, otherwise his child would not have money for medical treatment and would have to wait to die!

Qiao Ningxun raised his eyebrows: "I know how to treat diseases. Why don't you let me take a look? I also bring the tools to treat diseases."

 After speaking, she opened her backpack and took out some tools inside.

Qiu Datou was immediately happy, and then suddenly frowned: "You have to treat my child yourself, and I won't pay for it."

What a scumbag!

 This is what everyone thinks.

Qiao Ningxun sighed and said, "That's all. Doctors have a parent's heart. Let me go and take a look."

 Jiu Datou walked directly to his bedroom.

Du Mumu looked at the house in front of him, feeling extremely heartbroken.

This is the same as the mud house in the 1950s and 1950s on TV.

His sister, who grew up in fine clothes and fine food, never touched the sun, actually gave birth to three children in such an old house!

When Qiu Datou opened the bedroom door, Du Qingqing, who was holding the child, shook her body and did not dare to look at him. She huddled at the end of the bed.

Qiao Ningxun went into the house and took a look at the scene in the house.

 This can be said to be the simplest house she has ever seen in her life. There is no decent wardrobe or decent bed in the whole house. All the clothes are hung on the wall on handmade wooden shelves. Some of the thick winter clothes have gathered dust.

The bed is also an old-fashioned wooden frame bed, which is simpler than the bed where Qiao Kangsheng and Ye Caixiang slept in the old Qiao family.

There is also a table covered with several layers of dust, with a water glass and hot water bottle on it.

 The ground on the ground actually has no cement at all, it is still dirt.

Qiu Datou became angry when he saw Du Qingqing, and said angrily: "What are you still holding the child for? Can the child wake up if you hold the child? Give me the child quickly, I will find a doctor."

Du Qingqing suddenly raised her head when she heard the doctor coming.

 If a stranger comes, she can tell her family that she is here.

Seeing that Du Qingqing was stunned, Qiu Datou stepped forward angrily, grabbed the child, and put it in front of Qiao Ningxun. "Doctor, look at it quickly. His forehead is very hot. It is estimated to be 40 degrees Celsius."

Qiao Ningxun deliberately glanced at the room again, "The space here is really too small, there are no windows, and the air is not circulated. You should get out quickly, otherwise it will be bad for the child."

Qiu Datou was startled. He looked at Du Qingqing and then at Qiao Ningxun. Could it be that the doctor in front of him was here to save Du Qingqing?

No, Du Qingqing has been here for several years. The person who sold her here is said to be dead, and no one knows where Du Qingqing is.

"Okay, I'll go out and you treat him well. This loser only gave me one son. The other two are also losers. You must cure him."

 “Okay, okay, get out quickly.”

Qiu Datou had no choice but to go out and close the door.

Qiao Ningxun immediately started to treat the child.

 The reason why she asked Du Mumu not to act rashly was because of this child.

If she didn't come over and the child was ill, he would probably die before he came down the mountain.

Even if Du Qingqing returns home successfully, she will still be sad for a long time.

 Sometimes she even resents her family for why she only went to save her child when she was sick, causing her to lose her son.

Qiu Datou opened the door and took a look quietly. He was relieved when he saw that the doctor was indeed treating her seriously.

Suddenly he heard a noise in the yard, and he hurried to the yard.

Seeing that the guests were all looking at his mother’s chickens in the yard, he stepped forward with a stern face and asked, “Do you want to eat chickens?”

 Qiao Ningxun saw that Du Mumu and others had lured Qiu Datou away as planned. The acupuncture would take some time anyway, so he quickly took out his spare mobile phone and showed Du Qingqing the words he had already typed.

Du Qingqing looked at the phone in confusion, her body froze, her eyes shining with hope, and she whispered: " really came to save me with my brother?"

Qiao Ningxun also whispered back: "Yeah, it depends on whether you are willing to leave. Also, you decide whether you want to leave with your children or just you."

 Some people who hate a man will also hate that man’s children.

 In the previous news, many women who were trafficked from the mountains hated the men's children and left alone.

 There are advantages to this. If you don’t have children, you can find a good man to marry and your life can start over.

Du Qingqing said without thinking: "Of course I want to take my children away. My children are all like me. Moreover, this family values ​​boys over girls. My eldest and third children are both daughters. They have not enjoyed the privileges since they were children. Fu, they are disliked by their grandparents every day. From the time they can walk, they are required to work and serve the men in the family. If they stay here, their lives will be ruined. "

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