“If you sell this, you can make a fortune, right?”

“Ningxun, where did you find such a big gourd?”

Seeing that they all wanted to come in and take a look, Qiao Ningxun had to make way, "Those who want to come in and take a look, just come in and take a look."

 With permission, the villagers immediately walked in.

“Oh my god, when I got closer to this gourd, I realized that it is really too high, actually higher than a floor.”

“Yes, this gourd can probably be sold for a lot of money.”

“Such a big gourd should be of great collection value.”


The village chief asked: "Ningxun, where did you find this?"

Qiao Ningxun said without changing her expression: "It's on the mountain, but there have been poisonous snakes there before, and no one dared to go there. That's why this gourd can grow so big."

“I see.” The village chief glanced at the gourd and asked, “I watched you bring the gourd back just now. How did you become so strong?”

Qiao Ningxun coughed slightly and said: "This is actually what I was born with. But sometimes my strength is amazing, and sometimes it is the same as usual. I was still young and worried that others would regard me as a monster, so I didn't say anything. ”

He Yuanhuai chuckled silently.

 You edit, keep editing.

The village chief said: "That's right. What are you going to do with this gourd?"

Qiao Ningxun said: "I haven't thought about this yet. Let's leave it at home for now. Grandpa will probably like it very much. Let's wait until he gets tired of it."

“That’s right, it would be a pity to sell such a good thing.”

After the village chief finished speaking, he soon stayed and took the lead to leave.

Zhang Chao didn't leave, he looked at the giant gourd and rubbed his palms excitedly, "Ningxun, it's actually quite troublesome to keep such a big gourd at home. Why don't you sell it to me? I don't grow anything in my yard. You can let it go.”

Qiao Ningxun raised her eyebrows, "Then how much do you plan to pay?"

Zhang Chao thought she really wanted to sell it, and said excitedly: "This gourd is not worth anything. I just think it is rare and want to collect it. Why don't I give you two hundred yuan? If you are strong, help me take it back to my home." , I can give you another hundred yuan!”

 When the time comes and he sells it again, he will make a fortune.

He Yuanhuai couldn't help but said, "What are you daydreaming about? You want to buy such a big gourd for a total of three hundred yuan? Do you really think that we are young and don't understand the market?"

Zhang Chao saw that they were not easy to fool, and his face turned cold. "Then how much do you want? Tell me a number."

Qiao Ningxun raised her eyebrows and said, "Ten million, if you can afford it, give it. If you can't afford it, please leave."

"What? Ten million?" Zhang Chao suddenly became angry, "You don't want to sell it at all, you are deliberately trying to trick me!"

Qiao Ningxun said coldly: "If you don't think of me as a fool, will I play tricks on you? Get out of here. I haven't seen enough of such a big gourd. Will you be so stupid that you sell it right away?"

 Zhang Chao choked and was speechless.

He couldn't do anything if others didn't sell him, and Qiao Ningxun was very strong, and there was also a young and strong He Yuanhuai, so he didn't dare to do anything to Qiao Ningxun, so he had to leave.

As soon as the outsiders left, Qiao Ningxun held up her mobile phone not far away and started recording a video, taking pictures of how she handled the gourd.

 After editing, she uploaded it to her video account, so no one would doubt that her gourd was fake. After Qiao Kangsheng and Ye Caixiang came back, they were surprised to see such a big gourd.

But after a while they figured out that this kind of thing would probably happen a lot in the family in the future, so they didn't ask any more questions and just helped deal with the gourd.

 Qiao Shulan and her two children were shocked when they saw the giant gourd when they came back at night.

 Two children even wanted to hold a gourd.

 But they were both too small, and even if they stretched out their arms, they couldn't hug them all.

After knowing that Qiao Ningxun brought it back, Qiao Shulan didn't ask any more questions. Her daughter's secret seemed to be getting more and more mysterious.

In this way, five days passed, and on August 6, Qiao Ningxun completely cleaned the gourds and then dried them.

Of course, she also preserved all the seeds in the gourd.

The seeds of this mutated gourd are very valuable, and they can easily grow gourds that are about the same size as hers.

During this period, some villagers also wanted to buy her gourd seeds, but she refused them all.

Even if you plant the gourd seeds of a giant gourd, you may not be able to grow a gourd as big as your eyes.

 In order to prevent them from coming to trouble her in the future, she refused once and for all, and she is not short of that money now.

Qiao Ningxun came to He Yuanhuai's room.

She has given He Yuanhuai to edit her videos these days.

 One is to exercise him, and the other is to relax him.

 Since He Yuanhuai made another set of mock final exam papers for the first year of high school two days ago, and Qiao Ningxun marked them for him, he actually scored more than 600 points.

He is like crazy. He studies tirelessly every day except in the morning. Basically, he is getting better day by day.

Qiao Ningxun was worried that he would become a nerd, so he left the editing to him. He found editing tutorials for him on the Internet and asked him to teach himself before he started editing.

“Cousin, how’s it going? Is the editing ready?”

He Yuanhuai happened to press the save button and said with a smile: "It has been edited. The clips of any of us showing our faces have been cut. What is left is only the clips of the gourd and us dealing with the inside of the gourd. It's just that although there are a lot of edits, but There are still thirty minutes left, will anyone be willing to watch these thirty minutes?”

With so much pressure in society nowadays, would anyone really have the time to spend thirty minutes watching a video on how to deal with gourds?

 Qiao Ningxun opened the video and played it quickly to prevent He Yuanhuai from missing anything. "Don't worry, they can play it quickly or skip it. Most people can only watch it for a few minutes."

"Oh, all right."

 Qiao Ningxun checked the video and saw that the editing was indeed pretty good, so he uploaded the first part to Dolphin Video.

 He Yuanhuai divided the edited video into three parts: upper, middle and lower.

Dolphin Video is currently running an event. As long as you upload an original video of more than one minute and the number of views reaches 10,000, you can start the money-making function.

 As long as the number of views reaches 10,000, every time you post a video, as long as someone watches it, you can earn income.

 Although it cannot be compared with her income from selling mushrooms, she is doing it to attract fans. In the future, the live broadcast will attract more and more people, so it is not a waste of time and not doing her job properly.

He Yuanhuai asked again doubtfully: "Cousin, the whole village probably knows about the giant gourd in our house. You asked me to cut out the scene where we appear, but as long as people in the village see it, they will know what's in the video." Even we can find out your identity."

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