The way Long Kael asked them was like, someone who was trying not to beg but had no choice but to make it awkward and noticeable.

He was also  shifting his gaze all over the place so not like how a dragon king should  act especially with strangers.

"How much would it take to make sure that she will be cured?" Long Kael finally asked. "Money is not an issue." He added with assurance.

"Not everything could be bought with money." Wu Jiao replied sounding offended. If all things could be bought by money, their lives would have been much easier. Though money always made things convenient.

She did not need to question whether Long Kael had money or not. He did have a harem after all, which meant he could afford his wives luxuries.

"Do not worry, we will do our best." Wu Jiao added, her voice laced with indifference. In truth, Wu Jiao was starting to get annoyed from Long Kael.

Long Kael nodded his head before his gaze went back to the window. He seemed  to be in deep thought again or he was just waiting for her to speak.

Well, Wu Jiao did not feel like making a conversation when the king was in a down mode. Instead, her eyes  shifted towards Li Mei to give the other a knowing look.

Li Mei tilted her head for a second before she made a one step back. She did it quickly without making any sound that even Dex, who was standing right next to Li Mei was not able to hear it.

The moment her feet touched the floor this time, a very small form of a shadow, that was smaller than a fist, went out and quickly moved towards Long Kael and disappeared.

They were trying to plant a way to get information, among other things, without anyone noticing.

As soon as the shadow disappeared, Long Kael shifted his gaze again at them. He did not seem to notice what they had done, as he did not mention it when he spoke, "Is there anything we can do now for her to wake up first?"

Wu Jiao wanted to feel pity but in reality, she wanted to tell the king that it was his fault just to rub salt on his wound.

At this time, Wu Jiao had officially concluded that it was possible that the dragon king's mate who had made her condition probably worse or delayed the cure intentionally.

Why? If your real mate was already mated to a bunch of women, might as well choose to be dying in a curse instead. 'That is what I am going to do for sure.' Wu Jiao thought to herself.

A being could only meet their true mate once in a lifetime and there was a high chance for that to not happen at all as well.

So if the king did not value what he had because of his power, then he was not worth it to have a true mate at all.

"Your Majesty, I will give you a potion to wake her up at least. We just need to go back to our ship to get it. I will also have someone help Mei Mei to check on the patient." Wu Jiao stated. If the king doesn't want her to see his mate while she was disguised as a male, Wu Jiao did not mind changing back and showing the king a female form.

Long Kael frowned, "What if something happened while we are waiting for your potion?" He asked clearly displeased with Wu Jiao's suggestion.

There was also an underlying warning in his choice of words. For Wu Jiao it sounded like, 'If something happened to her while waiting for your potion, that will be your fault.'

"Your Majesty, see the gift we gave you? You can use that on her while waiting for us. This will make sure that she will be alive until we get back." Wu Jiao replied with a fake smile on her male face.

The bracelet could be used by anyone and was not just exclusive for the king to use. With that fact, there should be nothing that could stop them from leaving.

Long Kael nodded before he suddenly called. "Guards!"

"Ah!" Dex from behind Wu Jiao yelled frightened. His small body started shivering further when the royal soldiers came back in the room like they were expecting to fight.

Even the elders who were waiting outside also came rushing in. "Your Majesty! Is everything alright?" One of the elders asked.

Wu Jiao had the urge to roll her eyes. With their current action, it was just confirmed that they were not welcomed at all. 'As if I can just hurt or kidnap their king…' She thought to herself with a smirk.

Through clenched teeth, "Everything is alright. Escort the visitors back to their ship. They will go back with you. Any representative?" Long Kael asked looking specifically in the elders' direction.

He did not mind lessening the number of beings to nag and complain around him.

In fact, if one of the elders or perhaps all of them got out of sight for a long time,  he would have a peaceful life.

One of the elders volunteered and was to escort Wu Jiao's group after they had reported what needed to be reported to the dragon king.

"Your Majesty, we did not see any mark on the woman to confirm that she is Prince Cheng's mate." One of the elders started immediately.

Wu Jiao was just there waiting inside the room next to the large open door of the throne room. Her arms were crossed over her chest, while Dex seemed to be more relaxed.

Li Mei was just her normal self, if not eating or looking at curiously on something. She was mostly watching how other beings acted and would probably mimic it later.

"We have offered amnesty. The details regarding the plea of guilty were also provided. However, the woman demanded a public trial." Another elder said with a hidden smile on his face.

He was not the only elder who was mocking Lu Meili for demanding the trial. They all knew that, as it was never going to turn into her favor.

"She wanted the trial instead?" Long Kael questioned unhappily. He had many things to worry about, so he had let the elders deal with Long Cheng's mate.

However, he did not expect that the woman would be stubborn and will refuse the leniency that the elders had offered. It was not the best choice for the situation.


Author's Note:

Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being.

Thank you for the wait. I will have mass release today to make up for the days that I was not able to update.

If you also additional time, please check out my other book, "Beneficial Union: Chasing a Rogue Wife" and new one which is "Mischievous Fake Wife" while waiting for the chapters of this novel.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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