"What? No assurance?" Lu Meili questioned mockingly and slightly annoyed with the current turn of events as she never wanted to be in a situation where there was no other option.

"You will be alive, that I can guarantee. Regarding freedom, that is still depending on the circumstances." He replied bluntly.

"No guarantee? So that means I will be a prisoner here for a lifetime?" Lu Meili clarified poison laced on her voice.

She avoids beings that would restrict her freedom. This was one of the reasons why she left her home planet, because things were not turning out as she expected. On top of that, there were customs and traditions that she needed to follow that were against her will.

Lu Meili went to the Shou planet because their security and the technology was still being developed and could not be matched to another planet like Orcus.

That means she could easily manipulate it to make sure that she was not going to be traced in case she left.

This was the reason why Lu Meili was not worried about her face being in the news as she planned to destroy it when she managed to leave the planet.

'I can destroy it sooner, I guess…' Lu Meili thought to herself. However, if she did that while still in trial, it would be too obvious and could be used against her further to stay in the dragon country.

Was she interested in having a child with shifter ability? Yes.

It was exciting and fascinating to be able to interact with beings that were born different, and their gifts were innate and not learned from anyone else or needing external help.

A human with a unique ability to shift to another form that had more than ten times of physical strength was something she wanted to see for herself since she could not have one.

She also knew that shifters were healthier and had a longer life span. Because of that, Lu Meili did not mind being pregnant with one.

Ye Jing, the cruise doctor, also reiterated that she would not help if the baby were made due to artificial insemination, so Lu Meili had no choice but to search for the best donor.

However, Lu Meili did not expect to meet her mate causing things to be complicated for her. On top of that, he was from the royal family. Now, even the king was trying to place his foot on the mating ceremony.

"That is impossible unless you wrestled dominance with your mate. On this planet, males are the ones that need to be followed." Long Kael said without expression while he studied her reaction.

Lu Meili replied with a scoff. She became aware of this when she arrived at the dragon country.

Even though the country accepted female soldiers, the generals were all male. Most of the time, the female soldier needed to stay home after being mated to bear children.

'I don't think I want that…' Lu Meili cringed on the idea of just staying home to nurse her future children. She prefers to give birth and still go around space with her child.

In truth, she needed Ye Jing's help to make sure that her pregnancy would be more comfortable and painless. The technology of painless delivery was a wonder that should be done by every female regardless of race.

"I have not accepted the condition. I will think about it and tell you my decision after the trial." She said firmly.

Even if Long Kael was threatening to kill her to answer as soon as possible, Lu Meili would not be fooled. It was easy to see that the dragon king had a hidden agenda.

Also, these things needed thorough thinking because it would involve her entire lifetime. Then suddenly, Lu Meili's eyes brightened after figuring out what to do to delay it. Lu Meili quickly looked down to hide the noticeable smirk that appeared on her face.

"I need the answer now. This is your life we are dealing with. Why do you need that long to decide?" Long Kael frowned unhappily, suspicious of Lu Meili's intention. "Ms. Lu, as someone older than you and who will be your future relative. I am offering you the best solution."

Lu Meili raised her head to look at the dragon king with a serious expression on her face. "By calling me, Ms. Lu means you are aware of who I am and where I came from. Is that correct?" She was able to form a good plan but still felt annoyed with the situation.

It was also annoying for her not only because of the condition from the dragon king but also because of the conflicting and unfamiliar feeling that she continued to get since the time Lu Meili lost her ruby pendant.

'I need to get that as soon as possible.' She thought to herself. It was the main priority actually after saving Mo Rin.

"Yes. You are from Orcus. That still does not remove the fact that there are beings that wanted you to die. In the end, you are still not a pure-blood dragon shifter, and some despise outsiders, especially if they are part of the royal family." Long Kael answered truthfully.

Lu Meili nodded as she saw this first hand during her fight inside the Thunder Forest. "That is the reason why I want to see Mo Rin. I want to make sure she is alive." She replied with a voice laced with doubt as she looked at Long Kael observing.

She was surprised when the dragon king growled at her before grabbing both wooden armrests of his seat until they were crushed in his arm.

The dragon king glared at her with eyes that had slits of yellow, indicating his dragon side was on the surface and wanted her blood. Probably even her life.

Long Kael continued to growl as he released deep breathes. Eventually, he spoke with a shallow voice laced with a warning, "She is alive, and nothing will happen to Mo Rin." He said that was rough at first but ended up being so soft at the end.

She saw him continue to release long deep breaths as he tried to calm down. A very unusual reaction for someone when Mu Meili was not even riling him up.

"Her name is Mo Rin?" He eventually asked after he was able to reign in his beast.

She replied with a nod to confirm. It was not that hard to figure this out later on, so there was no need to hide it. Lu Meili was concerned though on how much information they would have regarding them.

Long Kael then asked further, "Is she from the same planet?"


"From which planet?"

"That is something that you can find out soon. There is no need to ask me." Lu Meili replied sarcastically. If they had learned where she came from, it should be a piece of cake to do the same with Mo Rin's background since she did not need to hide anything.

"You are a difficult woman." Long Kael shook his head, his face laced with unhappiness because of Lu Meili's lack of cooperation.

Lu Meili did not care why Long Kael was curious about Mo Rin. The dragon king was someone she did not want to trust regardless.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from webnovel.com. If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being.

If you also additional time, please check out my new book, "Mischievous Fake Wife" while waiting for the chapters of this novel.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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