Aztec Eternals

Chapter 49: wait

The setting sun dyed the sky a hazy red, like the eyes of a **** looking at the earth, admiring the magnificent battles of the world, savoring the sacrifices and gifts of life. Then he smiled, swayed the red ripples of the long river, swept away all the cold sacrifices, and finally closed his eyes with satisfaction, and the world was hidden in the darkness.

The fierce battle finally came to an end, and a little bonfire was lit on both sides of the river. The militias had already cleared the battlefield. They bury the fallen warriors, collect the remnants of weapons and armor, and gather the captives together.

This battle across the river lasted an afternoon, and the Tarrascos suffered huge casualties.

Due to the obstruction of the river, the pike militia and the alien mercenary group were completely wiped out. Very few survivors were able to swim across the river and escape back to the south bank. The casualties of the two elite militias were 10,000, and the last batch of the landing samurai also suffered nearly 1,000 casualties. At this moment on the south bank, the priests once again boarded the altar, lit the blue flames, and guided the dead souls to the infinitely beautiful underground world.

The Mexicans also suffered a lot. Three hundred samurai were killed in the battle with the spear militia, and nearly four hundred were killed in the battle of the mercenary regiment, a total of seven hundred samurai and one thousand eight hundred militiamen were killed. Casualties are mainly concentrated in the brutal stalemate and entanglement stage, especially with the dogborn. These brave and fearless light infantry made Shulot quite afraid.

The Aztec Alliance was accustomed to conquest, and also had a complete treatment system. At this time, the injured are being treated. The yucca juice and ink leaves for hemostasis and disinfection are limited in quantity and can only be used to supply the seriously injured. Together with his followers, Xiulote boiled water and boiled strips of cloth, and performed simple disinfection and dressing on the lightly wounded.

In this battle, the longbow warriors played a decisive role. In the Americas without cavalry, the tactical role of archers is irreplaceable. The approaching shots of the longbow warriors completely shook the formation of the dense spear formation, allowing the warriors to rush into the spear formation and fight in close combat.

At the same time, the output of the longbow is also strong enough, and the damage is beyond everyone's imagination. A mid-range longbow shot is enough to threaten leather targets. For the first time, the lives of samurai warriors were so fragile. The landing samurai at the beachhead fell like cherry blossoms under the longbow, and the commander on the opposite side immediately shook his will to fight. After roughly estimating the possible casualties of the samurai, the Tarrascos simply retreated to the south bank.

After nightfall, there was another grand funeral. Alone, the camp's food is always limited. Many prisoners were captured, but the young priest deliberately left dozens of pike militiamen behind. The rest are bonfires, ritual dances, prayers, sacrifices, and blessings.

At the end of the sacrifice, the dawn lights up the sky. After the samurai chanted farewell to the patron saint, they revered and added the names of "Avit" and "Shirot". They blessed the victorious commander and the blessed priest with heartfelt admiration and loyalty.

A fierce battle, a sacrifice, a heart, a future.

The Mexicans held the south bank, and a long confrontation followed. The Tarasco people first transported three or four thousand militia across the river upstream and downstream, and led by more than 100 warriors, they made a gesture of going around and interspersing.

Avit was unmoved, but only gathered boats to block the upstream and downstream river channels. The enemy without a stable supply line is no threat. The three or four thousand militiamen who crossed the river soon lost their morale and the queues were scattered. The commander simply dispatched five hundred Mexica warriors each to break up the militia crossing the river, wiping out the enemy's warrior core, and leaving the remaining militia to fend for themselves.

The 10,000 main warriors of Mexica have always gathered together, relying on strong camps, waiting for the army of Tarrasco. However, the Tarrascos seemed to have lost their appetite for a massive attack all of a sudden. They just kept building strong fortresses on the south bank and gathering more boats.

The warriors on both sides faced each other across the river, the priestly rituals continued, and the commander faced each other from afar, but maintained a strange calm.

For more than half a month, Shulot continued his arduous training as a samurai. The physique of a samurai cannot be developed overnight, and a firm will must be shaped through sweat and training. Bertard's bow and arrow skills have advanced rapidly, he has the roots of throwing spears, and he is a samurai who has been training for thirty years. Now, there is only one poplar tree that has not been found.

The teenager also began to learn archery. In this era of military reform, even if Lü Bu and Zhao Yun were reincarnated, they would not be able to match arquebuses and cannons, and bows and arrows were still safe and powerful. For the rest of the time, he kept an eye on Kuod's longbow making. The old carpenter and other craftsmen were always brought by Avett, nominally the engineer of the city's construction. In the past half a month, the Longbow Guards have had twenty more longbows.

In the afternoon, there was a new breakthrough in the arrangement of text. Shilot found that followers who learn Chinese characters will take the initiative to make some familiar pattern marks in their lives to help understand and mark the pronunciation.

Avit also participated with great interest in the second stage of character development: relying on the complete Chinese character system, incorporating the budding primitive graphic characters of the Mexicans, and sorting out simple symbols to help ordinary people learn and understand , memory and pronunciation. In this way, for the priests and the great aristocracy, they have enough culture to master the complete Chinese system. For ordinary warriors and commoners, as long as they have mastered everyday writing and traditional languages.

Shilot watched it for a while, and felt very familiar: Isn't this the Japanese hiragana and katakana? It is also in the tribal era that the Chinese acquired the Chinese characters and the phonetic understanding of the native language, and finally they will embark on a new road of integrating Chinese culture and developing their own civilization.

And in the misty and rainy evening, the sun was hidden behind the clouds. Teenagers will stand on the high hills by the river, watching the long river go westward and flowing into the ocean in memory; watching the navy on both sides intertwined on the river, performing martial arts and fighting like Maori, and then dispersing from each other to salvage the militia who have fallen from the boat, Back to camp for dinner.

The suddenness of this calm made Shulot a little confused.

He found Avit, and his friend was recording the consumption of food in Chinese and Mexican characters. The camp now has more than a month's worth of food. A new fleet of ships is gathering in the capital.

"Avit, what are the Tarrasco people on the opposite side doing? Why did they only attack once? They obviously have 70,000 people." The boy asked inexplicably.

"Because they can't find a chance to win easily. Or, the price of winning the battle is too high." Avette smiled, showing full confidence.

"But the last time they crossed the river, they had a chance to win." The boy thought for a while.

"At that time, their first batch of pikemen and second batch of mercenaries had already pinned down our eight thousand warriors. When the third batch of five thousand warriors crossed the river, they would fight with the rest of our warriors. Then the fourth batch of five The thousand warriors can attack the four mexican warrior battalions that have just eliminated the pikemen. The fifth batch of warriors will have the upper hand, and the sixth batch of warriors will definitely win!"

"Then how many warriors did they kill under the longbow, throwing spear and battle stick?" the commander asked with a smile. "Besides, I won't allow the fourth batch of warriors to be transported smoothly. The boat division is ready to fight the enemy completely, blocking the transport for at least three quarters of an hour. Wait until our side eats the pikemen, drags the dog off, and then closes the siege. Five thousand Tarasco warriors. Suangwa's throne is not stable."

"That's right, if you want to defeat us, at least 5,000 samurai will be killed." The boy nodded, "The navy and the army can cooperate with each other and play a greater role. The boat division here is very important, and can hinder the transportation of the enemy's troops at any time. Let us have a local strength advantage, and then the superior army can easily annihilate the enemy."

"Then what if they give up this ferry and cross the river from other places?" the boy asked again.

"This point of ours is like a thorn in the waist of the Tarasco people. We have vague control over the places within five days' marching distance, and their food routes are threatened by our land and water armies at the same time. If The Tarrascos go north regardless, and once the food supply is cut off, the Otomi people will have no food to save them."

"An army without supplies has no combat effectiveness at all." Avit explained patiently, and took this opportunity to teach Shulot basic tactical skills.

"So, they have to pull out our thorn?"

"If they really want to go north. They must eat our stronghold." Avit nodded.

"If they find an opportunity to secretly transport 30,000 warriors across the river. We shouldn't be able to beat them." The boy seriously deduced the casualties on both sides, and he believed that mathematics would not deceive himself.

"Haha. If they can really transport all the warriors across the river, it's really hard for us to win in a frontal battle." Avet smiled slyly, "At that time, we all hid in the camp and defended it. This camp was prepared to stand firm."

"If we are surrounded by 30,000 warriors, the food in the camp can only last for a month." The boy was inexplicably worried.

"If all the 30,000 warriors of the Tarasco people really crossed the river and surrounded the camp, that would be even better!" Avit laughed. "The troops are under the fort, behind the river, and the enemy's fleet is hindering the transportation."

"At this time, Totec is still besieging the city of Ottopan! Directly lead the army to the south, attack both internally and externally, and block the river with the fleet. When these 30,000 Tarasco warriors are eliminated, the Tarasco people will be destroyed!" The commander Guan smiled happily, and he looked forward to this future.

The boy nodded clearly: "It turns out that the Tarasco people are not sure of defeating us. Then why did they send troops?"

"In the war, who can be sure to defeat the opponent?" Avit closed a smile and became more serious: "It's just that mountains and rivers control each other, occupy the situation, and wait for the opportunity."

"What is the situation?" The young man asked vaguely.

"Situation. This Leman River, this mountain camp, is the situation! Relying on this river, the enemy's army cannot swarm up, give full play to their numerical superiority, and have to be interfered with grain transportation by sailors. Relying on this cottage, we can Hold on, use a small number of troops against a large number of troops, and still make full use of the power of the bow and arrow."

"The situation of mountains and rivers is to improve our army to play a bigger role! Limit the enemy's army to play a smaller role!"

Avite concluded confidently: "Not occupying this important place in advance is Suangua's biggest mistake."

"Then, what are the Tarrasco people doing on the south bank?" The boy thought for a moment, then a flash of light flashed, "To gather so many troops and consume so much food, there must be a purpose."

Hearing this, the commander's pupils shrank slightly, recovering from the pride of the recent victory in the battle.

He turned his hands behind his back, and thought while pacing: "The Tarrascos are staying here now. UU reading can only have one effect, and that is to hold back our army."

Avite clapped his hands violently: "It's very likely that this was their original purpose. The battle to cross the river should be Su Angua's impromptu idea after seeing my old friend!"

"In this way, although the Tarrascos did not occupy the situation, they were waiting for the opportunity... So it is!"

"What time?" The boy was a little curious.

"We'll find out soon." Avite's eyes suddenly became deep, "because, Ottopan City won't last too long."

In the blink of an eye, it is August, and the rainy season ushered in its warmest season. The pouring rain formed thick lines in the sky, the swollen river flooded the previous ferry, and the camps on both sides were completely calmed down.

Sherlot quickly became accustomed to a regular life: training, learning, teaching, research, and contemplation. Every day of his life is full of strength, and he is becoming the support of those around him. Confidence and perseverance permeated his face, like destiny and fighting spirit burning in his heart.

This evening, when he stood on the high hill again, looking at the boats in the distance. A small canoe suddenly leaned against the new ferry port, and a plainly dressed, gentle-faced young man got off the boat.

Shulot rubbed his eyes, almost thinking he had read it wrong.

"Acap! Why are you here?" The boy strode forward, hugged his partner who grew up together, and asked happily.

"Wow, I haven't seen you for a year, you have completely changed, Shirot, and now you look like the head of the regiment." Acap smiled slightly, with a warm and jade-like taste.

"I'm here this time because of the agreement between the high priest and the king's younger brother." Acap said solemnly, "I also bring a very important news!"

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