Aztec Eternals

Chapter 312: kings of the wasteland

The mountains rise and fall on the plateau, and the birds fly into the distance. The sun rises and the moon sets, the sky and the earth are always vast, and the time and space are boundless to the distance. Drifting smoke rose in the sky, and the vast team walked from the sky to the front. The sunset and the moon rose, the sky turned to dusk, and the army stopped.

Sherlot, dressed in bronze armor, climbed the hill near the camp. He looked to the north, the rays of the sun dyed the sky, reflecting the gorgeous light and shadow on the mountains. Light and shadow change, clouds flutter, the earth and the sky merge, yet so unpredictable.

"Like the eyes of the gods, watching the hearts of ordinary people..."

The king looked at the sky calmly, his thoughts flying in the vast world. He already knew the battle situation in the valley, so he came day and night.

Toltec led an attack on the valley. In just two days, the guards suffered 800 casualties, the Pamus warriors suffered 500 casualties, and the light archers suffered 200 casualties. 1,500 casualties before and after, the black wolf himself was injured and bedridden, unable to walk...

Shulot lowered his eyes slightly, then looked into the distance. At this moment, the mountains in the valley are at the end of the line of sight, but only twenty or thirty miles away. The scouts on both sides communicated with each other and ran on the wasteland.

The king's eyes are fixed on the sky, as if feeling the state of mind of the gods. After a while, he whispered indifferently.

"It's like the brush of the gods, using the sunset as water and the night sky as ink. When the brush is dipped in ink, it is like a picturesque sunset... The gods use the sky as a painting, and the king answers with the river and mountains. My brush and ink are the same... "

The samurai chief came in a hurry, and when he saw His Highness's indifferent expression, he paused slightly. At this moment, he suddenly thought of his predecessor, Montezuma. After a few breaths, he respectfully stepped forward to ask for instructions.

"His Royal Highness, the legion camp has been set up, and the gunpowder and food have been properly placed. The people are preparing dinner."

Shulott nodded. The wasteland is ups and downs, and the march on this road is quite slow. Of the 3,000 Imperial Guards, 2,500 were armored, armed with eight wooden cannons and gunpowder, and 2,000 militiamen who transported grain. Fortunately, we will be able to arrive at Taniguchi Camp tomorrow.

"Bottard, where is Giova's Legion?"

"According to the report of the messenger, Prince Giova's East Road Corps is fifty miles north of the army. They will continue to move northeast for a day, occupying important positions in the northeast, and guarding against the Red Dog tribe in Palms City. The Red Dog tribe. There have been frequent mobilizations recently, and they are making a big move. They may come to support the Red Fox Valley. The scouts of the East Road Legion have already fought with their red hairs many times, and it is estimated that there will be a battle. "

"Send a messenger, tell Giova! Let him stop the march, build a camp on the spot, control the nearby mountain road, and cover the northeast of the army. The corn has not yet been harvested, and since the Red Dog tribe is mobilized at this time, they will definitely send troops. March quickly, and be prepared to be attacked by them!"

Bertard took out the pen and paper, recorded it quickly, and drew a simple graphic before handing it to the king. Sherlot glanced at it and stamped it. Then the two personal guards rushed to the northeast with the jade talisman and the decree.

"What about Chalky's Legion?"

"His Royal Highness, General Chalky's West Army Corps is fifty miles to the west. They sent envoys to ask for instructions, should they join the Chinese Army?"

Shirot pondered for a while and shook his head.

"Send messengers, order Chalky! The West Road Legion does not need to meet, and go directly to the northwest valley mouth of the Red Fox Valley. Since the dog-borns are in their pockets, they must not be let go. Well, let Chalky go. Speed ​​up and send 2,000 elites to block the door first! Within two days, he must seal the mouth of the valley in the northwest, so that most of the canines have no chance to escape!"

"According to the order, Your Highness."

Bertard bowed his head and continued to write. Commander Chalky was illiterate, so the samurai commander drew a sketch and repeated the message. Soon, two messengers left in a hurry.

"Bottard, the painting is good. The mountains and rivers are well marked. The graphics and text are also very vivid."

Shirot smiled and patted the samurai captain on the shoulder. Then, the king turned around and looked at the smoke from the camp.

"The journey is long, and there is a long way to go. After the Northern Expedition, we will let the Otomi tribes select young children and go to the capital to study! More priests who can read should also be sent..."

The smoke curled up into the dim sky. The bonfires swayed in the camp, and large groups of warriors patrolled the camp. Outside the camp, darkness covered the ground. The two figures wore hats and hid in the shadow of the grass. They were looking solemn, peeping towards the camp several miles away.

The aroma of food wafted far away. Ivican swallowed and cursed in a low voice.

"Ow! It's tortillas. Damn, the cactus tribe is so rich! This season, the samurai can eat delicious tortillas! I can only eat pumpkin every meal..."

"Ivican, have you counted the smoke?"

Amosy asked in a low voice.

"This smoke is thick and dark, and it's all mixed together. How can it be counted? There are few trees and grass in the wasteland, and I don't know what they are burning. I didn't see them chopping wood..."

Ivican watched hard for a long time, but still shook his head.

"Amoxi, during the day, you have seen the marching team, how many people are there?"

"About 3,000 to 6,000. In front are a large number of thick skins of platinum cotton armor, and behind them are large groups of militiamen transporting grain. They carry strange wooden beasts, and piles of grain are piled on the wooden beasts!"

"Oh, I saw it too! There are eight long wooden beasts in the middle of the team, which are worshipped by hundreds of people. The cactus tribe always has some strange and magical things. But in front of them should be the relatives of the death **** chief. Wei tribe! It's not unusual to have these."

Ivican nodded. He looked at the black wolf flag in the center of the camp, as if seeing the totems of priests in the tribe. After a while, he spoke again in awe.

"Amoxi, looking at the smoke and dust of this march, it is indeed the scale of a large tribe. The Great Chief Death personally led the tribe to come, and brought so many evil Can Taniguchi still be able to defend?"

Amoxi was silent for a while, then shook his head.

"This kind of thing... I am an ordinary tribal redhead, how can I know."

"Ow! Amoxi, the chief marched the redheads from all the tribes and joined the army of the red fox. You are now a member of our redhead tribe! I know how smart you are. Without you, I wouldn't be able to get the first few. God's credit. By the way, the chief promised to give me a thousand warriors! In the future, I will lead the warriors of the tribe, and you will be the deputy leader. Well, you will take care of all the people of your tribe. We two brothers, together on the wasteland Across!"

The brutal battle of Taniguchi has passed for several days, and all the ministries in the valley have suffered heavy losses. The Red Cat tribe lost three thirds of its soldiers, the Red Frog tribe lost a quarter, and the Red Fox tribe lost a hundred people. Faced with this situation, the three major tribes began to recruit a large number of soldiers from ordinary tribes to divide up the war and make up for the loss of the war.

Amosy didn't speak. After a while, he slowly repeated it.

"Okay, Ivican. We two brothers, we're roaming the wasteland together."

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