Azeroth’s Death Track

Chapter 96: 3. Wind and tide fall on the island

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The news of the death of the great traitor Gul'dan quickly spread throughout the entire tribe. This is the best news for the tribes that have suffered successive failures in recent times.

Even with low morale, he recovered a lot.

After the Alliance captured the Saldo Bridge, the Horde did not continue to block them in the wetlands, but evacuated the Kazmodan area decisively. However, some orcs began to secretly oppose Orgrim. They believed that Orgrim had already No longer the chieftain who brought victory, they refused to leave the wetland.

For these conspirators who think about rebellion in a critical moment, Orgrim did not waste time on them, but allowed them to instigate soldiers in secret.

The Chief Chief thought very clearly, since these soldiers did not want to leave, let them stay in the wetlands. Anyway, blocking the alliance also needs people to do. At this critical moment, these strange **** are removed from the tribe. Expulsion is a good thing for the battlefield that will stalemate in the future and the possible counterattack in the future.

"Look at our chieftain and escape as fast as a tailless rabbit!"

Skullcrusher Necruus slobbered contemptuously towards the ground. After Zuluhed, the chief of the Dragonmaw clan, died in Quel'Thalas, he became justified and became the new chief of the Dragonmaw clan.

Unlike the cowardly Zuluhide, Skullcrusher Nekrus is an ambitious orc. He used to be a warlock, and chasing power and power was his instinct, and he was the first to find a dragon that could control the dragon. The artifact "Dragon Soul", the golden disc-like thing, is his most treasured treasure.

At this time, after the Horde's retreat, Nekros stood on the top of Grimbato's hill, and from his position, he could easily see the alliance scouts marching in the wetland.

Orgrim gave up the wetland, so the original Feline attack turned into a real landing, but the alliance’s huge navy did not stay in this wetland for too long. Two days after the battle, they set sail and set sail. In the southern part of the continent, obviously, Admiral Dai Lin was unwilling to give up his prey, he wanted to chase down the orcs who had escaped from the sea.

Beside Necroix is ​​an orc warlock wearing a robe. The chieftain has escaped, and his ban has not been obeyed. These hidden orc warlocks can appear under the light.

"Chief, Orgrim ran away, he obviously intended to use us as cannon fodder..."

The orc warlock said to Nekruz: "Shall we leave here too? The number of those alliance dogs is increasing. I heard that even the dwarves of Kazmodan joined them if they attacked... "

"Run? No, no, we don't run!"

A trace of cunning flashed in Necrues' eyes, and he said softly: "Ogrim regards us as cannon fodder, but I am also using him! Rest assured, they can't divide the extra power until the Alliance destroys Orgrim. Fight against us!"

"more importantly..."

The Skullcrusher looked back at Grimbato, the underground city behind the rolling hills. He said with satisfaction:

"Even if they want to attack us, how much casualties will they have to pay for Grim Bator's easy-to-guard terrain? As long as the human commander is not a fool, he will not eat this hard bone at this time, this The dwarf city is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people! The materials left in it are also enough for us to live for several years!"

"When the next batch of baby dragons hatches and grows up, my dragon knight will take off from this fortress and burn everything with dragon fire, this world... this world that Orgrim failed to capture... . Will eventually be in my pocket!"


The Skullcrusher seemed to see the day when he was king of the world, he made a wild laugh, but the orc warlock standing next to him was not as confident as he was. The orc warlock glanced a little behind him The underground castle, he said softly:

"But Chief Necruz, you are also a warlock, and I believe you can also feel the darkness hidden in this castle... that kind of strange power like a whisper, many soldiers reported that they were at night Sleeping is a weird dream... There is no reason why the dwarves gave up the castle. Chief, this is not a place to look forward to."

The words of the orc warlock also silenced Nike Cruz for a few seconds. None of the warlocks is a fool. Nike Cruz naturally knows the long-term expectation of the risks here, but he can’t think of a good place for a while. He rubs his chin, After a moment, he whispered:

"Then let those red dragons use their fires of life to clean up the entire castle once. Hey, there are dragon spirits, they must listen to us! Speaking, the red dragon queen Alexstrasza It’s really powerful, she is comparable to thousands of horses and horses. If I can understand the real secret of the dragon’s soul and can control her to fight for us, I don’t need to be so dormant...we can go out and occupy the world!”

Seeing that the new chief has entered into the fantasy of the future again, the orc warlock is a little helpless, but Nekruz is not lying, the dragon breath of the red dragon has a very powerful restraint effect on these sneaky darkness, think of this, the warlock’s The worries also cleared up a little, but he quickly remembered another thing.

"Chief, before Orgrim leaves, let us send the dragon to help the little boy of Red. Blackhand, shall we help?"

The warlock asked, this interrupted Necruus's illusion, he snorted somewhat dissatisfied, but after thinking for a moment, he nodded.

"Pie! Judging by Orgrim's tone, the little boy in the black hand will soon be called the chief of the Blackstone clan, but that is a big clan, and having a good relationship with him in advance has no harm to us, let alone. .."

In the eyes of Necruus's eyes,

"The stronger the strength of Orgrim, the more Union Dogs you can attract, and the safer we are."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the Alliance scouts who were trying to get closer to Grim Batol. He reached out and waved his staff. At the next moment, an orc rider who controlled the dragon was flying the dragon through the sky. , Splashing the burning flames on those miscellaneous debris.

At the same time, a large fleet is rapidly advancing outside the southern coastline of the mainland. The flag of this fleet is the national flag of Kul Tiras, which is an anchor with a white logo, which represents The chief of this fleet is soldiers from Kul Tiras.

The flag of the flagship is also dotted with royal blue ribbons, which shows that there is a noble royal member of the bloodline.

Yes, this fleet of nearly 30 warships is the vanguard of the Union Navy commanded by Admiral Dai Lin.

Wearing a large blue cloak, wearing a command knife on his waist, and wearing a captain's cap, Dai Lin is patrolling the deck. The strong knight Cyrus is closely guarding his majesty, and watching the king arrive, the navigator hurries to bow and salute, Dai Lin Nodded at him, looked at the surrounding sea again, and said aloud:

"Navigator! Report location!"

"Your Majesty, we are about to cross the coastline of the Kazmodan region. After 5 hours of sailing, we will reach the long beach of the wilderness west of the Kingdom of Stormwind. From there we can choose to land, chase the orcs from the ground, or continue south. Landing from Stranglethorn Vale, which is closer to Blackrock Mountain, but Stranglethorn Vale is controlled by goblins, where there are many pirates."

The navigator is a young man in his twenties, not a member of the Navy of Kul Tiras. During this period, the navies of various countries were under the command of Dai Lin. This situation is not surprising, but this age For the profession of navigator, it is very immature, which makes Dai Lin doubt the young man's ability.

However, it seems that the young navigator is familiar with the waters of the southern continent, which makes Dai Lin feel relieved.

"Trust me, boy, pirates are nothing. Of course, it is more important to chase those green skins right now."

The king twisted his beautiful beard. He turned his head to look at the surrounding blue sea. This is not the main road of the sea. The orcs’ wars did not spread here, but looking at the scenery of this sea, it seems like Same in peacetime.

"How long is it until the next supply point?"

Dai Lin asked again, the navigator calculated the time, looked at the compass again, and replied:

"It will take another 40 minutes, and we will arrive at Chaoluo Island, which is the most suitable island for docking in the Kazmodan waters. The materials are very rich. We can add fresh water there, pick some wild fruits, or hunt for meat. "

"Very good, boy, what is your name?"

Dai Lin patted the young man’s shoulder with satisfaction, which flattered the young navigator. He hurriedly performed a military salute and replied:

"Admiral of the report! My name is Taylor, and I am from the Kingdom of Stormwind! I... I adore you. It was because of your story that I decided to join the Navy and become a navigator!"

"Oh, Taylor? What a great name."

Dai Lin was also amused by the young man's words. He smiled and signaled him to continue working. He said softly:

"Taylor, you are a good soldier. Maybe you will become an admiral in the future. In short, come on!"

On the other side, from the middle of the distant endless sea, the fleet of the black-toothed grinning clan returning from the tomb of Sargeras like **** also moved in the same direction.

There are only 7 ships left in this fleet, and following Red to chase down the warriors of Gul'dan, there are only less than 1,000 people left, which is called a heavy casualty, and their leader Red. After returning from Grass's tomb, things weren't normal. He closed himself in the captain's room and didn't know what he was busy with.


The knock on the door rang, and Reid Blackhand leaning against the window shouted in disgust: "Go! Don't bother me!"

"Brother, it's me, Maim."

Maim Blackhand's voice sounded, Red sighed in relief, a sorrow flashed in his eyes, he whispered:

"come in."

Maim, dressed in red armor, walked into the captain's room with a grilled fish. He put the food on the table and looked at his brother. He was hesitant. Finally, he asked:

"Brother, what the **** is wrong with you? After returning from that temple, you have been abnormal, and we are worried about you."

"Nothing, Maim, I'm curious, don't worry."

Reed refused his brother's worries with a stern tone. He went to the table and picked up the grilled fish. While eating, he asked:

"How long will it take us to dock?"

"Tony Shuangya told me that it may take another day before we can reach the western wilderness, and he intends to replenish the supplies in the tidal islands in front."

Maim replied: "You don't need to worry, brother, Tony is a good captain, or an old pirate, it's no problem to hand him over."

"That troll is a shit, a little further away from him, Maim."

Reid snorted dismissively, and the two brothers were silent again. After Reed finished eating the grilled fish, Maimu carefully asked:

"Brother, did you meet some people in that temple?"

This question caused Reid to raise his head immediately, and he looked at Maim seriously:

"Who told you that?"

"Uh, no one, I guess."

Maim scratched his head and said to Red:

"Last night, when I was on a night tour, I saw you drunk while sitting on the side of the boat. I said to myself, and I heard what you said to say "goodbye" and "would make your family proud" Will reorganize the orthodox tribe," tell me, brother, the warriors who followed you to the temple did not come back. What did you encounter there? How did you kill Gul'dan?"

Seeing the curiosity in his brother's eyes, Reid hesitated. He motioned for his brother to sit aside. After thinking for a moment, he said:

"I... er, I just, these nights, I dreamed of my father, Maim, he said a lot to me, he confessed to me his past indifference to our brothers, he also said. .. also said that we have to walk our own destiny in the future, he said goodbye to me, Maim."

Reid clenched his fists:

"That scene didn't look like a dream at all. It was true. Our father, he has been paying attention to us even after his death! He is not cold-blooded or merciless, he was just deceived by Gul'dan, Orgrim killed him! Maimu, I hate this tribe now! This hatred has never been stronger!"

"I don't need Orgrim to give me the position of the Blackrock Chief who belongs to me!"

"I want to inherit my father's will! I want to reorganize the real orthodox tribe!"

Reed shone in his eyes with shocking anger and determination. He said to his brother:

"I'm going to avenge, Maim...I'm going to kill Orgrim! You will help me, right?"

Maim Blackhand hesitated, but looking at the firmness and stubbornness in Reid's eyes, he nodded:

"Of course! I don't help my brother, do I have to help the enemy?"

"Good! Then we need to plan carefully..."

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