Awakening of the Masses: Enlightening Across the Multiverse in My Dreams

Chapter 505: Dragon marrow is free, is it just talk?

Feng Xi never expected that this trip was just to say goodbye to her seniors, and that she would unexpectedly take a reclusive demigod home, which must be said to be an unexpected joy.

But if you think about it carefully, you can actually understand it.

She clearly loves Wan Guizang deeply. It would be fine if she didn't recognize that the sword spirit is Wan Guizang. She has already recognized him. It would be abnormal not to go with him.

In any case, Feng Xi was happy for them.

She thought that the yin and yang were separated, and she could only miss her old friend and sweetheart who could not meet again in this life. Suddenly she was reborn. What this meant to her was difficult for outsiders to fully understand.

This is a relationship that spans hundreds of years. Although it has been too long, at least it will not be let down now, right?

The two seniors had not seen each other for hundreds of years, so they definitely had a lot to say. Feng Xi was not a person without eyesight, so she wisely handed over the Heavenly Wheel Sword to Senior Long for safekeeping, so that the two of them could have a good time these two days. Have a heart-to-heart talk.

You can also hand over the task of opening Jianyuan at will and become a hand-off counter.

Before leaving, he even secretly said to Wan Guizang:

Old Wan, look at how much Senior Long loves you. If you don't cherish such a good woman, she will be struck by lightning! You have been reborn, you are no longer a human being, and you should be given an explanation for some things. Are you done? Don’t you think you are free and easy? Then you should treat others well? You don’t need me, a junior, to remind you about this kind of thing, right?

Facts have proved that Wan Guizang is not as free and easy as he said. After hearing Feng Xi's suggestion, he couldn't help but become angry: Get lost! Children should stay out of adults' business!

Tch~! It's up to you, I'm too lazy to care, bye!

Feng Xi had said what should be said and what shouldn't be said, and the rest was none of his business. Feng Xi patted her butt and left.

Now that he was free, he could just do some things he had wanted to do for a long time.

That's right, it was the Dragon Marrow Freedom Plan that he had in mind.

In the vast wilderness outside Holy Sword City, there is an alien beast empire ruled by the Sword-Spine Dragon Beast clan!

The Sword-Spine Dragon Emperor is gone, and no one can support them now. If we don't go to harvest a wave now, why don't we wait until they run away?

I just got the twelve gorgeous and cool holy swords, but I haven’t used them yet. It’s time to try them out!

(Author: Do you want to try the sword? You are obviously greedy for other people’s bodies! You are despicable!)

Feng Xi ignored a certain street writer who rashly broke the dimensional wall, calmly explained to Ye Zhixi and the two girls, and set off directly.

Feng Xi wiped her saliva and said with an evil sneer: Wake up, it's hunting time!


In the next two days, Feng Xi went out to hunt in the city at every turn, using the Twelve Holy Swords to kill the high-end combat power of the Sword-Spine Dragon Beast clan without leaving any trace behind.

All in all, the fighting method of killing enemies with a sword was the coolest. Feng Xi had a great time playing it. It felt much more handsome than carrying a big blade and slashing around.

The Sword Immortal finally looked like a Sword Immortal, and Feng Xi felt very pleased about this.

The biggest gains in these two days were five eighth-level sword-spine beast kings, fourteen seven-level dragon beast lords, and eleven seven-level alien beast lords of other races but vassalized by the sword-spine dragon clan.

They contributed a large amount of top-notch cultivation resources, high-end weapon refining materials, and high-end food ingredients to Feng Xi.

However, Feng Xi did not completely kill them all.

After all, alien beasts can never be killed, and he will next start to study the possibility of a national beast control system. These low-end and mid-range alien beasts can be used for experiments in the future.

If it is done well, these leaderless alien beast groups outside Holy Sword City will become another precious resource for Daxia.

This is all property, waste it.


Two days later, the Sword-wiping Academy issued an announcement informing everyone that the Sword-wiping Academy would launch a long-term cooperation with Tiandu Academy, and would open the Jian Abyss to disciples of both academies at the same time. All qualified students could enter the Jian Abyss to experience. At the same time, Academy students will also receive a batch of places to enter the Demonic Abyss to experience.


This series of news immediately caused a storm among the students.

Many people smelled something unusual in this announcement, and smart people have guessed some of the truth, but most people are supportive of it and are excited about it.

The difficulty of the Sword Abyss Trial has been lowered and the scale has been opened up, which is a great thing for most of the academy students, not to mention that they can also go to the Demon Abyss to fight monsters and upgrade, and quickly improve their cultivation level. With this set of rules, they Why not soar into the sky?

Those who oppose this kind of good thing are mentally ill and will cause public outrage.

No one who can come to such a top university to study is a fool, so the atmosphere is generally positive, positive, and enthusiastic. People's support is available and morale is strong.

In this way, the negative impact caused by the fact that the students from other schools became the Lords of Jianyuan will naturally be suppressed.

Many people are actually happy about this!

At this time, Feng Xi was also preparing to take his wives back to Tiandu City quietly, and was also preparing to take Longqiu Chi away with him.

As for the secret method, to put it simply, Lu Xinxin didn't know.

It’s a joke. He has been stimulated enough recently. Now even the reclusive old man has been kidnapped by Feng Xi. Feng Xi feels that if he appears in front of him again, the scene will not be too good, so it is better not to let him know. .

After informing instructor Chang Heng, Feng Xi and others left overnight.

It's not that I didn't say goodbye to the seniors who were traveling with me, but that as the first batch of beneficiaries of the merger of the two houses, they had already gone to the Endless Sword Abyss and would never be able to see them again.

It’s better to contact you later.

The space gem shone, and the door of time and space opened. Feng Xi and others stepped through the illusory door in one step, and returned to Tiandu City in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the extremely familiar futuristic city scenery, Feng Xi and others couldn't help but sigh.

Tiandu City! I, Feng Hansan, am back!

It feels more like home.

It feels like it's been a long time since I went out this time! It's only been more than ten days.

Isn't that right? This has become more and more complicated in the past.

Sister, is this allowed to be said?


Long Qiuchi on the side had the Tianlun Sword on his back and held the shining golden and cute Wan Guizang in his arms. He raised his eyes and looked at the surrounding street scene. He seemed quite satisfied and said softly:

Is this Tiandu City? It looks very nice! I'm ashamed to say that I haven't been here yet.

Wan Guizang in her arms curled his lips and said casually: My evaluation is average, not as good as my Holy Sword City.

Feng Xi looked back at them, a playful smile flashed in her eyes, and she said:

Senior Long! Let's take you to settle down first. The dean and the others are very welcoming to your arrival. I guess he is waiting to welcome you now!

If you have any requests, just ask us, we will definitely handle it for you!

Long Qiuchi smiled slightly, hugged Wan Guizang tightly, shook his head and said, I don't have any requirements. It doesn't have to be too much trouble. It will be good if I can continue to open a store by then.

That's a great relationship! The girls in our college are blessed!

Feng Xi complimented her, and then as if she suddenly remembered something, she spoke again:

That's right! After you settle down, I will take you to meet some old friends. You should also know them. They should also want to catch up with you.

Okay! Are they Lao Huang and the others? Thinking of the days when we fought side by side with them, it seems like it was yesterday.

Long Qiuchi sighed with emotion, not hearing the special meaning in Feng Xi's words, but Wan Guizang, who had a contractual relationship with Feng Xi, frowned in confusion.

Why does this guy's tone feel so weird?

Is there something wrong with the old friend he mentioned?

······End of the City of Holy Sword Chapter······

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