Paper 187 Learning the Bow

After Jihoo closed the general store, he met Seonae Lee and headed to the shooting range in the backyard. I made this and didn’t use it well, but now I think I have something to write about.

“Wow- this is nice.”

She admired it for a long time.

It was a facility that could only be found in most large corporations. From a destructive force measurement device made of a force field to a system that allows you to practice shooting in various ways.

That should be enough.

“Let’s see your skills first, shall we?”

She looked at Jihoo and said.

Jihoo scratched his head in embarrassment. I haven’t even started yet, but I have an A-grade talent I created a while back. It was embarrassing because he seemed to be bragging about the talent he created, not the talent he originally possessed.

Of course, this is because, even if it is not a great talent for Lee Seon-ae, it will be a talent that is beyond the ordinary.

Once I heard the bow.

Again, this is a normal bow. Of course, it was not a completely normal item, but a level 3 rare artifact.

Even if you don’t have a special ability, it needs to be a sturdy object to contain magic.


Jihoo raised his bow.

The posture was the one that Aunt Sim Ji-hye had taught her about, and her talent and super senses combined to form a straight line from her gaze to her fingertips without a single flicker.



I let go of the string, and a wooden arrow flew towards the target.


It’s not strong either.

Jihoo looked at Lee Seon-ae with an embarrassed face.

“… … Wow, how are you doing? Good posture, good sense, and no shaking. You must have good mental strength too?”

“Can you see that too?”

“sure. How many elements are needed from the moment you hold the bow, draw the string, hang the arrow and shoot. Have you been training for a long time?”

“… … Not for a long time, a little?”

“Then there must be a separate [talent]?”

“Ha ha, yes. I do.”

If I lied for no reason, it would have been obvious.

It’s not someone else, it’s the [Hyeongung] who reached the S rank with the bow. I don’t have to be explicit, but I didn’t lie either.

“But what do you want to learn?”

“This is it.”


“What I just shot, it’s all about shooting this fast or shooting accurately. They don’t know how to contain magic, and they don’t know how to use it.”

“… … I heard you learned the bow?”

“Just the basics. I just did the basics.”

Hyungung Lee Seon-ae tilted her head.

If what he said is true, it means his talent is enormous. Because, the arrow he just shot was a level that ordinary people could see after 10 years of training, and it was a level that a talented person had trained to die for several years.

Even if you have learned that much, if you don’t even know how to contain magic, it’s a big problem.

“Perhaps the person who taught me can’t use magic… … ?”

“It’s not like that, but there are some circumstances.”

This is why I hate to lie.

It’s not a complete lie, but if I didn’t say it clearly, there would inevitably be gaps.

“All right. It would be rude to ask any more. Then shoot with all your mana, strong ki. So I’ll even teach you how to make arrows, just like a knight uses an aura blade.”

“thank you.”

“Just look at this.”

Hyungung Lee Seon-ae held the level 3 bow that Ji-hoo had prepared. And naturally, he put an arrow on it and pulled the protest.

“This is a howitzer.”



bent the bow

The normal howitzer shakes the arrow wildly. It is a fantasy that arrows make fine lines like the howitzers seen in cartoons and movies.

And magic makes fantasy.

“Of course, mana was used. and.”

She lifted her bow and shot.

Then the arrow went straight and fell sharply.


“With this.”

I shot down this time.

Then, the arrow passed through the floor and jumped upward.


“This is also the use of magic power. Of course, just like using magic as magic, you can do this with magic as well.”

She raised her bow without speaking.

This time, blue light gathered in the arrow.

“This is a strong skill that sword experts use. So Aura Sword. This means that the arrow becomes harder than steel, the penetrating power is several times stronger, and the range is more than tripled.”



A level 8 force field was turned on.

Some of the station fields flew away.



A blue light shone on the bow she held, and the arrows she mounted shone blue. And the light gradually grew longer and extended to 1m.

It’s Aura Blade.

It was the sword version of the arrow.

“It is much more difficult to make an Aura Arrow than it is for a normal knight to become a master who makes an Aura Blade. one step. In other words, if Aura Blade is an 8th level knight, Aura Arrow is a 9th level knight.”

“Wow- that’s great.”

Jihoo’s eyes didn’t blink once from the moment she raised the bow. In his sparkling eyes, he looked at the source that penetrated the principle and root from the flow of magical power as well as her detailed movements.

The [Insight Plan] and A-class ranged weapon talent are shining. In the midst of numerous calculations and flashes that ordinary people can’t even imagine, Jihoo has grown one step or two.

“This is the same strength as Aura Blade, similar anticipation. It includes rotation and penetration, and the range varies depending on the bow and arrow, but it can go several kilometers.”


That’s why it’s called [Hyeongung].

She got rid of the auror arrow.

It means you can’t shoot here.

“It is not over.”

Lee Seon-ae’s expression was serious.

It’s not what you usually see.

“There are no arrows this time.”

She drew the empty string of her bow. Then, like when I made an arrow to come there. No, more magical powers began to gather.

The process was like magic.

Aura Arrow wasn’t just a matter of casting mana. Magical amplification, transformation, circulation. And the moment a certain unknown mechanism was applied, it surpassed its limits and became stronger.

However, this was several times more complicated.

Like a magic circle, a specific pattern seemed to express a formula, and the magic of two transformed attributes hardened the outside and formed the inside.

‘I don’t know even when I see it.’

It is a grade A talent.

In addition, super senses, clairvoyance, insight, and even reading were mobilized.

Still, I couldn’t figure it out.

“This is me [Human Ground Air]. Funny name, but not bad. Anyway, it’s the technology that made it called that name. It’s also my vision, but it’s the stage of [Gwan] that can be used when a knight reaches the level next to Master. They sent an aura round like a ball. I implemented it with an arrow.”

Jihoo knows that too.

I’ve seen it several times on TV.

People also call it [Oretan]. Was it when she was at Amazon? When dozens of Wyverns came rushing in, a video of the [Olertan] firing more than 300 rounds per minute to annihilate them became a hot topic.

[Ground Air].

A weapon that intercepts the sky from the ground.

It shoots hundreds of bullets and missiles per minute to hit and explode objects flying at high speed. It is literally no different from a military weapon.

“saw. This is it.”

“This is going to be hard to follow.”

“It’s probably because of the amount of magical power you have, right?”

“Yes, you know?”

I also saw this on TV.

No, it was a tube.

It was a video upload platform, and it was a video explaining why [Hyeongung] was a Hyeongung.

There is nothing special about the name ‘Hyeon’. The strings of the string and the sword are doubled, and the meaning of ‘the string becomes one bow only with the string’ and the meaning of ‘lighting the black sky alone’ are overlapped.

One of the reasons is this [Aurortan].

Using a bow without arrows is a huge advantage.

Of course, an ordinary archer must not have arrows. No matter how much subspace is used, there is a limit to the number, and it also lowers the mobility.

‘But Hyeongung Lee Seon-ae doesn’t have all those restrictions.’

The biggest reason is that there is no archer other than her who uses this skill.

no, i guess i can’t

They said they could forcefully follow one or two shots, but they said they couldn’t fire hundreds or thousands of shots like her.

It is because of her characteristics.

[Sea of Magic].


Actually, that doesn’t even make sense.

To put it more accurately, the reason is that it has the ‘characteristic of having a magical power volume 50 times greater than that of a knight or archer with the qualifications to be S-class’.

Her magic volume, which was 5 to 10 times larger than that of an ordinary wizard, was the biggest reason why she was nicknamed [Human Ground-to-Air Missile].

“Yes, I know.”

“So this was just for show. Even if you seem very talented, you have to train for at least 10 years to come this far… … . Still, it’s good to have a goal, right?”

“Yes. Incredible. I saw you again.”

“Ho-ho, right? Anyway, what we will learn today is applied shooting, including howitzers, with mana.”

Lee Seon-ae clenched her fists and shouted “fighting”.

Jihoo smiled and nodded.

But that fight didn’t last long.

“… … hey?”

Lee Seon-ae looked at Ji-hoo strangely.


“Is this your first time doing this?”

“… … yes.”

It was the first time Jihoo did it.

A single shot that more than doubles the destructive power and raises the accuracy to the limit by containing magical energy instead of a normal howitzer.

“But how did you do it? No, I didn’t even teach you the really important thing!?”

“just… … Do you think it will work?”

Lee Seon-ae thought so at first.

I was surprised, but I’ve seen geniuses like this a few times before. But then it wasn’t just that.

“… … It’s just strong, right? An arrow containing an aura.”

“is this right? You seem a bit weak.”

“It is weak, but the basic composition is correct. What the hell is identity? Mr. Shin. No, isn’t it true that you didn’t learn to store magical powers?”


Jihoo’s talent is A grade.

That’s probably how much of his talent she saw. But there is something she doesn’t know.

“… … It seems that there are other characteristics.”

Jihoo pondered over how much to talk about. And simply explained.

“My magic level is 7 stars.”

“… … ?!”

“There is also something called [clairvoyant].”

“no… … .”

“I can see the flow of magic through this clairvoyance.”

“… … .”

“Ah, public magic and magic engineering are 7 stars, and alchemy is 5 stars.”

It means that two of the three schools of magic are master level.

In addition, she can even see the flow of magical power with her clairvoyant eyes.

“Magic. No, it means that you have an S rank or higher when it comes to using magic.”

“I think it’s because of the bow talent.”

“… … Oh, I taught a great person.”

It sounds sarcastic at first glance, but it wasn’t her expression and tone. It was self-reliance accompanied by admiration and collapse.

“Can you tell me one more time than that?”

“… … What?”

Of course it’s a bow, but when she thinks about it, it’s worth questioning. I have already taught you how to put magic into arrows and how to use magic in bows.

It’s shown once and explained simply, so follow it right away. A simple [Magical Enhancement] or [Magical Cursor] could do that.

But [Magic Arrow] is not.

In addition, things like [Induction] and [Departure from orbit] are the same.


“… … ?”

“Can you help me?”

“I don’t know if I’m helping or receiving help, but the amount I received is so great… … . I’ll do anything! ha ha ha That’s it. I will do anything!”

She brightened up again.

Jihoo smiled and explained about the attack on the 12th floor in a few days.

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