Title 113 Exchange Request

Jihoo had to choose.

‘Should I use SP for flight? Should I complete the magic iron staff?’

I wish it was both, but that’s impossible. Because SP was limited. Besides, I thought that writing to the status window wouldn’t be bad, so I couldn’t help but be confused.

belt ring-

Just then, a settlement alarm came from the system auction house.

“… … lion.”

yes, you can buy it

If you can’t get it yourself, use the auction house, and if it’s not there, use the [Request] system. Well, if it wasn’t for this settlement, I wouldn’t have been able to do it because I didn’t have money.

‘Because it is possible to exchange artifacts without money.’

Jihoo did not use the system auction house well. The necessary materials were never available in the [City of Artisans].

In particular, Jihoo’s production skills were not that great, so there was little chance of finding rare materials.

Occasionally, he found missing items himself or commissioned Lee Hee-yeon. If it was not there, it was a by-product that was not available in Korea, so I had no choice but to use the system auction house.

“No, no.”

The problem is that there are items that are not even in the system auction house. It’s tricky to catch, but it’s probably because it’s so rare and nimble that it’s hard to even find it.

I have enough money.

The total amount of artifacts sold offline and sold through the auction house exceeded 30 billion won.

It’s not very generous, but it’s more than enough to get a few ingredients you want.

‘Ha- I don’t have any money left because of this.’

I need to get in touch with Samhyun.

Certainly, making and selling this kind of thing is going to run out of money. There must be a reason why Jihoo’s production level has become absurdly fast.

Normally, if I had hundreds of millions of dollars, I would have done everything I wanted to do, but now there is nothing I can do about that much.


Jihoo went to the request window.

Here, a hunter is waiting to hunt the desired by-product. You can search by by-products that can be supplied, or you can search by the hunter’s military level or grade.

-Available for supply: [Flame Stone], [Lava Crab By-products], [Spider’s Flame]

‘This Hunter seems to be active near a volcano. There must be merit.’

Jihoo slumped down.

There were also hunters active in Antarctica or in the Amazon. Certainly, hunters operating in these polar regions must be strong, but the ability to adapt to the environment and survive is more important.

In places like this, B-class hunters who grew up there are more active than S-class hunters who only have a high military level.

‘Felix, it would be nice to have Felix’s wings or a by-product of the blue-winged fairies.’

These are the two most important by-products.

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More important than that is the relic option, which can be worked out when Anya Taylor arrives in a few days.


– Available: [Felix’s Wings], [Felix’s Heart], [Felix’s Egg]

Jihoo pressed [View detailed information].

The profile was shown, name and power level. And the regions where they are mainly active and the by-products that can be supplied came to mind.

And the requirements necessary for the request were written.

-Request fee: Prefer artifacts rather than cash.

– Preference for artifacts such as flight, force field, and bow.

-At least $10 million in cash.

-(Egg only receives [Treasure] grade artifacts.)

“… … It won’t be bad.”

Giving an artifact with an estimated value of 5 to 7 billion is much more profitable than paying 10 billion as it is.

If you think about the price of re-rolling, you can cut it to around 1 billion.

“It seems to be active in the Himalayas. Seeing as he specializes in hunting Felix, he seems to be a local.”

Jihoo first put in the request request.

It was in the form of a note, and I just had to fill it out according to the format and hand it over. The request fee also had to be negotiated, so I had to talk after receiving a reply.

[Felix wings requested.]

: Looking for a pair of wings. While being an A-class producer, it is possible to produce ‘Pental Super Vibration Unique Force Field Bracelet (Lv. 06)’ and a flight aid… … (syncopation)… … Or, if you don’t mind, you can also deliver one [Wand of Healing (Intermediate)]. Instead, the wand must be provided with [Heart of Felix].

That’s enough.

Jihoo’s nickname, [Artisan’s Street – General Store of Trust], would be sufficient for trust. Because the system approves it.

“Next is the blue-winged fairy.”

This was a necessary by-product of the magic iron upgrade. It would be better if you try it after your circuit skills reach 6 stars, but there was no promise.

Even if it’s a little lacking, you can do it now and strengthen or remodel it after reaching 6 stars. Right away, just connecting the [Orb] to the staff increases the magical ability by 20.

If you connect this properly, you should be able to amplify it by a factor of 1.5. If so, the growth rate of magic engineering, conversion, and common magic will also increase.

“This is a thing. I can bid right away.”

The starting bid was $100,000, and now it has risen to $400,000. Jihoo has generously applied for automatic bidding in units of 10,000 dollars.

The upper limit is $800,000.

That was well worth it.

“… … By the way, I don’t have much time these days.”

Jihoo had a headache.

It’s good that [General Store of Trust] is doing well. Thanks to that, [Artisan’s Town] was even more lively.

But too many people are the problem.

Crafting or strengthening quests didn’t take up a lot of time because they were received leisurely. However, as the number of appraisal requests and onlookers increased, it was too hectic.

Since there was no shortage of people inside the general store, Jihoo couldn’t do anything else. If I looked at the store all day and closed the general store at 18:00, then I was able to devote time to study or production.

“after… … it’s tough.”

The word hard comes out of nowhere. Thanks to that, I made a lot of money, but it felt like I was cutting my life span.

‘I need to make an underground storage at the shooting range and expand the store.’

And I want to write people.

Appraisal, production, reinforcement, etc. must be done by Jihoo himself. But serving guests can be done by someone else.

Rather, it would be efficient.

‘Let’s post the announcement first.’

I did that and ate dinner. Then 20:00 passed and I had time to study. No matter how busy you are, you should never neglect your studies.

“There is a note.”

It was a reply about the [Felix’s Wings] requested through the system community. It was in English, but it seemed to be translated automatically.

The answer came earlier than expected.

[Re: Felix wings requested.]

: Full text confirmed. eggs and wings. We will send them all. [Healing Wand (Intermediate)] please!

It is clean.

This is a win-win. If you sell an intermediate healing wand, it will come out at least 10 billion, but the resale value is 500 million.

It is also the amount reduced as much as possible because Jihoo’s circuit skills have improved a lot. It doesn’t take too much time.

* * *

2 days after that.

The answer came that he had obtained [Felix’s Wings] and [Egg]. Jihoo also started trading right away because he had a [Healing Wand] that he had prepared in advance.

When I pressed [Send], the wand Jihoo was holding turned into small blue particles and disappeared. It flew away into the air like data flying away.




A bent wing and an egg the size of an ostrich egg appeared in front of Jihoo’s eyes.

It’s an amazing system the more you look at it.

This process was not confirmed even by level 6 Jihoo’s [View]. It seems that there is a higher level of technology than expected.

Apparently, I wanted to use this system often. It’s convenient, but I could definitely save money if I exchanged it for production.

The problem is production.

“… … It’s daunting.”

There is a rough plan.

The reason why he had to obtain the [Felix’s Wings] was to utilize the [Low Blinks] embedded in these wings.

– [Understand] the target.

– Sufficient basic knowledge.

– [Intelligence] is insufficient.

-You have enough [mental strength].

– Completely [understood] the target.

definitely improved a lot.

[Low Blink]

: Jump over the curtain of a small space. It is possible to move in space within a minimum of 1m and a maximum of 10m. 3 times in 24 hours, the interval between using each blink is 5 seconds or more.

It wasn’t difficult.

It was an option embedded in the monster itself called Felix, and these wings were the medium itself that affected the space.

It’s not difficult in theory, but it’s difficult to use. [Intermediate] can come out if combined with other spatial distortions. The [Space Distortion] extracted through the artifact would be appropriate.

‘I can ask Anya Taylor, whom I will meet tomorrow.’

Extract one option.

Jihoo also gets an option.

In addition, some compensation.

Not a bad deal.

‘Even so, it’s only part of it.’

That’s an option excluding [Flight].

Even though I was given a 5-star rating where the flashes of light continued endlessly, this combination and application was never easy.

“… … Is it greed?”

Jihoo shook his head.

can do.

It’s cumbersome and requires SP.

Yes, even if it’s difficult, it’s worth it if it’s a [Flying] artifact that can reach the highest rank in [History].

‘I’ll have to design it under the assumption that there’s an artifact-level space distortion.’

This time, it will be less than the amount of circuits used in [Thunder]. It was because I was planning to use SP directly.

‘For [Flight], you just need to combine [Vortex] and [Low AI]. If you add [Acceleration] to [Floating], it is not difficult to change the speed or direction.’

The problem is Blink.

It is a combination of space distortion and low-level blinks.

Jihoo said he understood, but the design of the circuit is another matter. Sure, it wasn’t impossible, but it’s a lot of work.

‘Let’s simplify it a little. No, just make this a configuration intervention?’

It is assumed that there are two complete options.

It’s better to use [Fusion] instead.

And understand the fusion process. That way, the next time you fuse or design your own circuit, it will go more smoothly.

I’ll have to practice it sometime.


Jihoo started writing circuits in the air. Certainly, if it wasn’t for Kiliya’s magical pen, the work time would have multiplied several times.

Of course, this is also disappointing.


Jihoo looked at the pen in his hand.

『Kiliya’s Magical Pen [Magic/Empty] [Rare] [Lv. 05]』

: A magic pen used by Alchemist Kiliya when she was young. It was made with the desire of Kiliya who couldn’t use her magical power properly. It is old because it was sealed for a long time, but it has been maintained with strong tenacity.

* [Holographic Magic Release]

* [Fixed hologram mana]

* [Intermediate Magical Accumulation]

holographic magic.

accumulation of power.

I didn’t think there was anything to upgrade or improve here. There was even a magic power charging device on one side of the workbench, so there was no shortage of magic power.

But, there was one thing that suddenly came to mind.

“Phase magic.”


It is said that the hair shines every moment, but if it is continuously bright, it is not a flash. There must be something much brighter than that to become a flash.

As if it just came to mind.

“You don’t have to do phase magic yourself.”

Has Jihoo done anything up until now?

All of them were the power of artifacts.

If you can’t do it with your own power, you can use the artifact. And besides, there is SP and [setting intervention].

It’s possible.

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