Chapter 137 BizetAfter passing through the French island of Corsica and the Italian island of Sardinia, the ship arrived at the Tunisian port of Wisert.

However, the atmosphere in the port was strange. No one was checking the shipment, and the port was empty.

I sent a radio to anchor the ship, but there was no response.

“Captain, isn’t the atmosphere a little strange?”

Said the navigator, looking around the port through the telescope.

“No one is there.”

In Tunisia, a large number of people live in the northern regions. The northern part is due to the Mediterranean Sea and the land is fertile, but the southern part has many deserts.

The capital, Tunis, was also a city on the Mediterranean coast of northern Tunisia.

In the north of Tunis there is a port city called Bizet, which is quite large.

No one in the port of a city like this?

Naturally, Tunisia also concentrates on capturing dungeons in the northern regions where many people live.

The dungeons of the southern desert… were mostly entrusted to the mercenary groups.

Dungeons in the desert or jungle are unavoidable. There was no time to attack the dungeon by sending troops to places where no one lived.

These places sometimes sent fighters or combat helicopters, or even fired missiles.

This was the only defense the Tunisian government could offer.

Clearly, people live in these deserts as well. However, these days people are starting to migrate to the city. It was because the monster was seriously threatened with safety.

People gradually gather in the city, and monsters in other areas increase.

This is the reality of Africa today.

Tae-Sung Yoon also occasionally saw news or Internet articles before returning, but did not know the situation in Africa in detail.

‘Is this serious?’

There is no war, but there are no people in a big port city like Wiesert?

The only reason I can think of right now was the monster.

“First, find a suitable place in the port and anchor it.”

Robert said, and the ship moved slowly and anchored in the harbor.

Tae-Sung Yoon immediately took out the mana radar. The communication connection of the smartphone was not possible, but the location of the hunter, the monster, and the dungeon could be grasped.

A reaction emerged from the southwest of Wiesert. However, most of them were outside the measurement range of the mana radar.

The extended mana radar’s measuring range was 10 km in radius. Considering that a monster appeared to the southwest of about 10 km from the port, a dungeon break occurred within the city of Bizet.

Robert Martinez called the mercenary group they had agreed to do business with.

Since he mainly uses the port of Wisert, he had a smartphone number that he could use in Tunisia.

-Shit! Robert, we need a weapon right now!

“They have docked in Wisert Port, but there is no one there?”

-Dungeon Break happened 3 hours ago! Everyone must have fled to Tunis.

Tunis is the capital of Tunisia and the closest major city to Bizet. Of course, it was a city that had to be defended somehow, so I fled to the nearest and safest city.

‘Is it because there are a lot of neglected dungeons and villages? The government’s credibility is the worst.’

While listening to the conversation in English, Yoon Tae-seong guessed the current situation in Tunisia.

In towns and cities, they did not trust the government and the military, so they even formed vigilantes and worked as mercenaries, so you can see how bad the trust of the government is.

As a result, the number of criminals who have just entered Africa without a passport and are working as mercenaries is increasing. In fact, it seems that the government is neglecting this situation.

“What kind of monster is it?”

– Meat-eating bison! Fuck, these crazy bastards are eating people!

There are many monsters that kill people, but there are actually not many monsters that eat people.

“A meat-eating bison?”

‘If he looks like a bison… is he a bison cub?’

There are many species in the herd we commonly call buffalo. Among them, the bison was a very large bison.

It wasn’t a particularly strong monster. He didn’t use any special abilities, he was just a meat-eating beast.

The difference from real predators is that they have magical defenses.

“Uh… Captain! Are you going to say that?”

A sailor pointed to a bison snooping around the harbor.

At first glance, he looks cute like a cow, but his body is black and his eyes are bright red.

Like a dog with rabies.

It was a bison with wide shoulders and a slightly weak back.

The reason that all the inhabitants of Bizet Port fled, was that the monsters had already entered.

He growls and opens his mouth like a real rabid dog, and his teeth are all fangs.

When they made a strange noise, they heard the call and a few more gathered.

from everywhere.

“Wait, Captain? Wouldn’t it be better to get out of the port…?”

Said the sailor carefully, and Robert continued to talk to a man named Hatchm.

“I can give you the weapon right away. Instead, remember This stuff is not mine. 4 million dollars in magic stones.”

-Okay! A transport helicopter and a few team members will go!

Robert ended the call.

“Well… I’ll give Hatchamp a weapon, so you’ll receive the magic stone in return. I will take care of my commissions later.”

“You seem like a pretty reliable person, don’t you?”

“Because I’ve been trading for a long time and I don’t have any problems. There are very few people like that on this floor.”

At the time of conversation, the pack of little bison had grown to ten.

The guy that Tae-Sung Yoon thought was a small bison was actually a bull. Considering he was a carnivorous beast, he seemed bigger than a tiger.

Those guys slowly approached, and Tae-Sung Yoon took out a pistol from the subspace.

“Will that work?”

If you use the skill together, one bullet from the pistol was enough.

There was absolutely no reason to use an anti-aircraft sniper rifle because it was so close. Wouldn’t that be more disadvantageous?

Pyrokinesis was also used. A bullet with powerful chlorination power accurately hit Bison’s neck.

The magic of the gun breaks the Bison’s magic defense, and a bullet is lodged in his neck. Yoon Tae-seong’s pyrokinesis tore the inside and burned it.

– Kaak!

One could not even scream properly and died. It turned to dust and disappeared.

The remaining nine ran towards the boat anchored in the port, shaking the ground.

The enormous weight of the bison is felt as a vibration that vibrates the ground.

Tae-Sung Yoon aimed and focused. After that, he pulled the trigger, and the Desert Eagle fired a heavy gunshot.

All bullets pierced through the thick neck trunk, which could be called the weakness of the Bison.

“It would be better to just hand over the things and leave immediately.”

“Maybe that would be better.”

Robert had no intention of dying in a place like this for nothing. Yoon Tae-seong is easy to deal with, but considering the size of the monster, it didn’t seem like he was an easy one.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, a transport helicopter appeared.

The helicopter landed in front of the pier.

From there, a few mercenaries came down and approached the ship, and Robert looked at one and said hello.

He was a middle-aged black man with a beautiful beard. He was handsome enough to be successful as an actor.


“Robert… I want to drink, but things are not going well.”

As he beckoned, a subordinate came with a wooden box.

“First, get this as a down payment. It’s a magic stone worth about 2.3 million dollars.”

They were grade 1 and grade 2 magic crystals.

“I’m in a hurry, so can I see the weapon first?”

A sailor and a few mercenaries unloaded a wooden box with weapons from the ship, and Robert handed the box containing the magic stone to Tae-Sung Yoon.

“This friend is a weapon supplier.”

“Nice to meet you. My name is Yun.”

“Oh, right? I heard rumors about the Shock Pulse, how did you get it out of America?”

“Well, there are some circumstances.”

After greeting Yoon Tae-seong, he checked Ma Jeong-seok.

There were 10 Grade 1 Magic Stones, 5 Grade 2 Magic Stones, and one Grade 3 Magic Stone.

Hashim immediately checked the weapon.

The FAMAS showed signs of use, but it worked perfectly, and the Electric Shock Pulse looked like new to anyone.

The mercenaries loaded their weapons into the transport helicopter.

“It’s too dangerous here.”

“I will leave here right now. The monster you mentioned appeared a while ago. Take this friend. Pay the rest of the money to this friend, and ask for the commission later.”

“What… that’s right.”

Robert immediately unwrapped and left the port, and Yoon Tae-seong got on a transport helicopter with a man named Hach.

“Are you an arms dealer?”

A lot of arms dealers come to Africa these days. Most of them came here to obtain magic crystals rather than to sell weapons. That’s why I’m asking Hach.

“Are you a mercenary then?”

“It’s roughly the same…”

“Africa is too dangerous right now. I’d rather go to South or Asia.”


Mercenaries coming to Africa these days were obvious. Most of them were criminals who committed crimes in their own country.

The situation in Africa is so dire, no one pursues criminals in Africa. Even famous intelligence agencies don’t track terrorists who fled to Africa.

“South America and the Middle East will be no different from here.”

Of course, there is a difference in military power, so the defense of the city will be certain. Africa was actually a backward country in all respects, including economic and military power.

So a dungeon break occurred near the city, and there were no troops to besiege.

Isn’t this more serious than you think?

The helicopter approached the target point.

A group of Tunisian troops and mercenaries had gathered, although there were also some tanks and tow guns.

There were not enough troops to besiege, so they only blocked the way to Bizeert. To be precise, it would be Tunis, the capital, not Bizet.

In the distance, I saw a group of bison.

There are more than Tae-Sung Yoon thought. If you watch a documentary or something, you can see a flock of buffalo moving, but it looks like a lot more than that.

Out of the crowd, I can see a huge bison that catches my eye.

It was originally a large bison, but it seemed to be at least three times larger.

Taesung Yoon was bigger than the bison king he had seen before.

‘Is it a level 4 dungeon?’

You can see traces of the dungeon exploding in the distance. Judging by the size of the explosion, and the size of the Bison King, it seemed like a 4th grade dungeon.

‘Well······? Is that him?’

When I hunted Calomiscus in Paris, I thought that there would be someone who controlled it and made it into a chimera.

I just couldn’t find him.

A small figure in a black robe was seen riding a giant bison king.

He looked too weak compared to the overwhelmingly massive Bison King.

‘Is it witchcraft? It must be a mental class.’

The helicopter landed in front of the command post.

After unloading the weapons from the transport helicopter, Hatsche DeVole supplied them to a few people.

All were leaders of mercenary groups operating in Africa.

Mercenaries are called PMCs, but they don’t even register as companies in Africa. So these were not PMCs, but just a group of mercenaries.

“Oh, this is the shock pulse that the US uses. How the hell did you get this?”

“It’s a deferred payment, so when this job is over, I’ll pay you some magic stones. That friend is the one who supplied this weapon, so you can give it to him.”

“Isn’t FAMAS pretty good too?”

“hey! Come on, take this!”

A bunch of mercenaries gathered and started to gather their weapons. There was already a fixed amount for each mercenary group.

A mercenary is literally a soldier driven by money. In other words, they are people who only do things that make money, but this was not a money war.

In other words, the mercenaries gathered here do not fight dangerous monsters just for money.

Each mercenary captain came to Tae-seong Yoon and shook hands. Perhaps they think of Yoon Tae-seong as an arms dealer.

Tae-Sung Yoon took out the mana radar.

Because of the huge number of monsters, it appears that there are monsters in a certain radius rather than a dot.

A few dots in the center signal.

It means that there are some Awakened among the mercenaries. After all, I wouldn’t attack the dungeon without the Awakened.

“Shit! come!”

The person who was watching the monsters shouted loudly. A group of bison had formed their lines and were getting ready to run.

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