Avenue of Red Clouds

: Recommend 2 books from friends

"The Gatekeeper of the Infinite World"

This is a story about a plot character who leads an infinite world against the reincarnation of the main **** space.

what! ? The Samsaras intend to kill Li Xiaoyao and take Zhao Linger away? Also help Thanos rule the Marvel universe?

They also plan to grab Saber's curry stick and kill Ilia as the Holy Grail! ?

Are they going to step on Illidan and punch the Lich King?

Will you kill me later and break the entire infinite world?

Samsara, if you don’t die, you won’t die. Why don’t you understand!

As a result, Huang Ye, together with Deadpool, Li Xiaoyao, Saber, Illidan, and other figures, began a path of no return against the two main gods.

"Supreme Escape One"

[I participate in the good fortune to break the ancients]

Dao Changsheng will exhaust the eternal sky.

Looking for immortals, where is the sky and the earth?

Sigh the glitz, and the rhyme of red dust.

To sing wildly, anger refers to the injustice of the sky.

Hair is like snow, and beauty smiles like a sweet.

There is no end to the road, and the sea of ​​blood is heavy.

Difficult to travel, a pot of turbid wine is sent to each other.

Returning, the past is like wind.

Recommend two books from friends. If you like them, you can take a look at them. One new book and one old book. The author of the old book has something recently and will continue to be updated in two days.

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