Auto Hunting

Auto Hunt By Myself, 96 Coins

“Nice to meet you!”

The man who shouted aloud was a big man.

He's in his mid-50s. The gentle appearance, clothing, and the throne standing behind the man were showing the position and wealth of the man.

There was no face, but Yooseong knew the man.

Was his name Lee Chang-bae? ’

New-Sis. He is a second-stage engineering firm that wrinkles up Korea, and the founder of large capital that was already in the ranks of big corporations ten years ago.

“Do you know me? ”

Of course, it was a voice I thought I would know.

Attitudes of people who have never experienced major frustration and failure in their lives.

It seemed to appeal to the fact that he had come all this way himself.

“The reason I came to see you...”

“Who are you? ”

Lee Chang-bae's eyes were embarrassed by the neurotic answer towards Yooseong.

And then it wobbled.

The door was completely open, and the young man who appeared on the inside was not the metaphor he came to see.

“Oh, who are you? ”

“This is where you belong, Yooseong...”

“I don't think so.”

He scratched his head with an annoying voice.

“Oh, this is so annoying. This is the first time. Since yesterday.”

Yooseong was not currently barefoot.

“Hey. I don't know what you heard. He doesn't live here. I've been living here for six months, and... this is crazy. ”

Whoever heard it, Yooseong's voice belonged to the person who disturbed his sleepless sleep.

“Hey, mister. I'm really sorry for being so irritated, because I've had a really hard time since yesterday morning. ”

As a Lee Chang Boat, I was afraid.

His personal information suggests that Yooseong was spotted nearby.

“This is... this is who I am. ”

Lee Chang-bae took out his wallet and gave me a business card.

He expected his eyes to change.

“....... ”

He accepted the sheep that were like religious leaflets and looked at it with an unfair eye.

“You know Yooseong the hunter? If you see any enemies around here who have seen Yooseong, will you contact me? ”

“I've been living for six months, and I haven't seen him. ”


“Mister, I really... don't want to be mean, but I haven't slept in an hour. ”

“Proper compensation…”


Close the door tight.

He immediately turned around.

I opened the window and searched the neighborhood pretending to be breathing the morning air.

Unlike yesterday, there were no reporters, no crowds. However, the eyes of Yooseong found hidden paintings inside.

‘You're working hard to hide. ’

After work, vehicles were filling the alleyways with subtle fillings.

It looked like a car, but I knew Yooseong. The vehicles on the street and most of them were different when he came home last night.


For a civilian vehicle in this neighborhood, the exterior was too clean. Just like the cars coming out of the car wash.

‘They're not journalists. ’

Since yesterday, they must have decided that he wasn't here.

Hiding people were those with more advanced information.

Like Lee Chang-bae knocking on the door of Yooseong's house with confidence, those who have a kind of root to get information.

Yooseong closed the window.

Mwaaak -

While showering with cold water, Yooseong thought about himself.

I'm not a snob type, but...

‘I am the first. ’

It was something to be clear about.

People who have survived in this world for six months before being ‘single’.

No one who is still alive has survived in this world for so long.

Therefore, the information about the area that Yooseong knows, and in fact, 'the information that Yooseong may know,’ would probably excite industry officials who were thirsty for knowledge of the area.

Moreover, Yooseong is a hunter whose long-term survival in the dive is guaranteed.

If there is a 'next dive’, the connection with meteorites will soon be a return of unlimited investment compared to a chance of failure.

I wiped my face with a towel, and Yooseong was wearing a shirt.

Then I left the house immediately.

When I left the front door of the building, I saw Lee Chang-bae holding the phone and protesting against someone.

“I don't know what the hell he's doing...”

His eyes turned to the meteor for a moment, but he looked elsewhere in the street as if he wasn't interested.

Yooseong moved quietly.

Those cars on the street.

Perhaps most of the people waiting for him in there are also servants of giants like Lee Chang-bae or such.

Then, what does it mean for Yooseong?

The power between man and man was the right to meet.

Pressure that when a person wants to meet someone, they are forced to meet even if they don't want to.

In that sense, the so-called giants who would fill this road were those who had no pressure to meet them.

‘Then what about me? ’

Bring the documents to Seo Yu and give them to his opponent. He must have the power not to refuse.

Yooseong quietly reformed what to say and what to do.

Then I headed to Gungon.


The Gungon Tower was on the 51st floor of the ledge.

In the middle of Seoul, the group's wealth and location can be appraised given that it's a new building within the last two years.

Yoo Jun-seok's office was on the top floor as if it were natural.

Everyone who visited the office for the first time was surprised.

Slide -

The whole floor was set up as a pillar of a notoriously rare 7-star monster.

It was like putting a skeleton of a monster on top of a building designed on the 50th floor of Bondi.

Like a fossil in a hierarchy, the bones of the aggressively revealed giant beast were a factor that allowed the VIPs who had come to the office to feel no less intimidation.

Yes. The only people who can get in here in the first place are those classified as VIPs inside.

But five minutes ago,

By a guest who suddenly visits the lobby without a VIP roster, and without even booking in advance. Today, the door of the office that seemed like it would never happen was opened.

“If you had contacted me in advance, I would have done something for you. ”

Organosphere said while pretending to be calm.

“Just in time, I don't have a lot of time for this kind of sudden visit. ”

It was a lie.

The person in front of him now. Yooseong was the one who allowed Yooseong to revise his schedule so that he could call from the office all day.

“Thank you for your time. ”

However, with no thanksgiving or flattery, Yooseong was a horse.

“It won't take long. I'm just gonna cut to the chase.

“Of course, it's not between Yooseong and me for long. ”

In fact, it was an overly mild explanation.

One day yesterday,

The damage inflicted by Yooseong was truly enormous.

It was already widespread that Yoo Jun-seok's brother, Organ-Seok, and his team, wanted to forge a false report and forget the operation.

Organometer and its team's licenses are suspended early. Perhaps you will not be punished beyond the fine, but the problem was the image.

I could find offensive language on any portal site.

If you can't bring down the stock price that fell last night, Yooseong will send many people to the Han River instead of Bourne.

Of course, Yoo Jun-seok didn't intend to sit still.

Give back as much as received. No matter how well Yooseong works, I won't let him pretend to be a hero.

I would have come to Yoo Jun-seok, too.

“But, you know, it's a bit of a problem. It's not a problem because Yooseong or I don't have time. ”

Yoo Jun-seok was so lucky.

I've been taking the time to think about the human being all day anyway, but I don't need to leave it there.

About five hours. Maybe I should just pay for one of the reception rooms and make them wait. Nervousness is the best tool to melt people.

"Just rip your fingernails off while you wait. ’

Yoo Jun-seok smiled.

“If you've come to resolve this situation somehow, you should wait a little while...”

“Fix what? ”

Yoo Jun-seok's voice stopped speaking.

“What are you fixing?" ”

“...... Yesterday. ”

“If you're talking about the illegal activities committed by Mr. Organosok on the field of operations, it's clearly illegal for your brother. I'm obligated to testify, of course, but it doesn't look like Jules and I have anything to" clean up "here. ”


There was tendon in the temples of Yoo Jun-seok.

It will be a provocation.

Yoo Jun-seok thought that it would be a fairly high level act.

Otherwise, his pride would not allow him to.

Even though I put "that shit" on the Gungon, it's like a sheep's cheeky face that has no effect on me.

“I don't think I'm saying it wrong. ”

Son of a bitch.

'There will have to be support for that pretense. ’

While sharpening his teeth silently, Yoo Jun-seok opened his mouth.

“...... Then what is it? ”


“....... ”

“We know that some people are in Korea. ”

Yoo Jun-seok's expression flickered.

Yesterday morning, two ‘precious’ guests from Tenz were staying in Korea borrowing Gungon's name.

But it was a secret.

After the incident last year when Yooseong was threatened with his life at the dive. The ROK government, as well as Chinese hunters' mouths and exits, also lit and monitored exchanges between Chinese organizations and Korean groups.

Thus, the interaction between Tenz and Gungon was done in secret.

Yoo Jun-seok's ‘major’ relationship with Jin-seok last year.

Gungon was the hand and foot of Tens who could not enter Korea on the surface and handled several events.

And in return, I received tax.

The power of Yoo Jun-seok, who has been regarded as a stagnant in the state of health and position in the past six months, has once again been placed second in a solid position.


‘This country definitely surpasses Lee Jae-jae. ’

Yoo Jun-seok was sure.

Taking advantage of China's superior period (exclude), his talents, which had never been expanded before, would surely be the best in Korea.

He no longer had any inferiority towards secularism.

He was the best.

That's why I didn't like this situation.

Especially this place, Yooseong didn't even bother in front of him. That attitude and voice.

“All you have to do is tell them what I need to know. ”

“What the hell...”

“I know that Jinwi-baek is not in the tent right now. ”

Ignoring Yoo Jun-seok's mouth, Yooseong continued to open his mouth.

“Therefore, they do not deserve me. So scissors are mine now. ”

I couldn't understand Yoo Jun-seok at all.

"What the hell."

How does he know what happened in the tent?

The problem with Jinyubai's identity was that I had only recently learned about Yoo Jun-seok. In the aftermath of that, there was no small commotion within the tent, and the power grid had changed somewhat.

And the deal?

Everyone knows that Meteor and Tends have freelance contracts.

But Yoo Jun-seok didn't think there would be a big lining.

There's no way he wouldn't know if there was something.

Yoo Jun-seok believed that Tenz was the most trusted hand in the country, and that he was getting all the important information he needed.

When Yooseong first disappeared, he carefully asked the tent, and the answer returned was‘ Don't worry much. 'was.

Jingbaek is interested in Luki, who has shown rapid growth in Korea, and he was sadly in an accident to watch slowly over time.

“That's it. It's not a big word, so I need you to be clear about it. ”

“Are you sure you want to do everything I say? In front of me? ”

“Is there a reason why not? ”

Not the Sibyjo.

I was really curious about Yooseong.

“I can't meet my superiors, and I don't really want to. Isn't it natural to speak to that person instead? ”

“Below you?”

“If you're trying to catch the tail with the word 'lower class,' there's nothing to say but nonsense. ”

“I, we partnered with Tenz. This is not an elevation. You...”

“If you were hunters. ”

For the first time, his voice tone changed.

“But you're not hunters. At least they're not worthy of being called professionals. Do those humans need to be treated as hunters because they've learned to be peculiar? I'd rather be insulted. You're just a bunch of untapped interest in a tent. ”

An aggressive voice that is more callous than emotional.

“Did you ask me to clean up yesterday? It's a little far from a fix, but I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. In the future, if there are human beings doing the same thing in every operation I participate in, I will repeat the same thing as yesterday, how difficult the process was. Humans, not hunters, shouldn't pretend to be hunters. ”

“You lost your cowardice. ”

I thought that the brothers looked alike.

The list of facts alone reveals the nature of the eyes turned upside down.

“There's no need to be afraid. ”

“I can make sure you never leave this building again. ”

Yoo Jun-seok growled.

It was not a threat.

Because from the mouth of Yooseong, the horses in his ears had surpassed the acceptable amount of Yoo Jun-seok.

He was the one who could beat Lee Jae Hak.

Therefore, you should not listen to such things.

Yoo Jun-seok got up from the chair.

In his hand, he holds a sword drawn from under his desk.


Yooseong sighed.

“Look at this. The dog resembles its owner, and the humans who feed you are very tightly bitten. Don't you have any self-respect that what you're doing is illegal in this country? ”

“No. This is my building. This is my office. I have the power not to make it illegal. ”

“That's not what I meant. ”

He smiled bitterly.

Yoo Jun-seok couldn't take it anymore.

Outside, this was his building, his space.

I already called the outside staff when I woke up.

No matter how long I fly, I can't really get out of here.

Yoo Jun-seok did not know that it had stuck to the Chinese way.

There was only one thought in his head.

‘Grab it.’

We catch them somehow, and we let them tell us everything they know.

No Korean should know more than that. You must never act like you are better than him.

“....... ”

Yooseong stood still in his place.

A focused nerve hears footsteps coming from outside the door.

It was not the footsteps of ordinary people.

The speed and constant pace were both owned by hunters.

“Not everyone has officially restored their licenses like I have. You seem to be able to relax in the building in the same situation these days. ”

They are resting at their own leisure, just like Bonamana Organic Stone and his team.


Yooseong raised his head.

Then, he smiled brightly at Yoo Jun-seok who was coming one step at a time with a terrifying force.

“I was a little worried, actually. If there are so many hunters, there's no need to feel guilty. ”

Inner “.......”

He thought it was no longer worth listening to Yooseong.

Yoo Jun-seok blew up.

However, his behavior was faster than that.


At the same time, gunman hunters came in through the door, and they could see it.



Tearing up the sky.

Celestial Bridge.

The scissors that Jinyubaik and Tenz wanted so badly.

Using tools that became his.

But Yoo Jun-seok didn't think there would be a big lining.

There's no way he wouldn't know if there was something.

Yoo Jun-seok believed that Tenz was the most trusted hand in the country, and that he was getting all the important information he needed.

When Yooseong first disappeared, he carefully asked the tent, and the answer returned was‘ Don't worry much. 'was.

Jingbaek is interested in Luki, who has shown rapid growth in Korea, and he was sadly in an accident to watch slowly over time.

“That's it. It's not a big word, so I need you to be clear about it. ”

“Are you sure you want to do everything I say? In front of me? ”

“Is there a reason why not? ”

Not the Sibyjo.

I was really curious about Yooseong.

“I can't meet my superiors, and I don't really want to. Isn't it natural to speak to that person instead? ”

“Below you?”

“If you're trying to catch the tail with the word 'lower class,' there's nothing to say but nonsense. ”

“I, we partnered with Tenz. This is not an elevation. You...”

“If you were hunters. ”

For the first time, his voice tone changed.

“But you're not hunters. At least they're not worthy of being called professionals. Do those humans need to be treated as hunters because they've learned to be peculiar? I'd rather be insulted. You're just a bunch of untapped interest in a tent. ”

An aggressive voice that is more callous than emotional.

“Did you ask me to clean up yesterday? It's a little far from a fix, but I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. In the future, if there are human beings doing the same thing in every operation I participate in, I will repeat the same thing as yesterday, how difficult the process was. Humans, not hunters, shouldn't pretend to be hunters. ”

“You lost your cowardice. ”

I thought that the brothers looked alike.

The list of facts alone reveals the nature of the eyes turned upside down.

“There's no need to be afraid. ”

“I can make sure you never leave this building again. ”

Yoo Jun-seok growled.

It was not a threat.

Because from the mouth of Yooseong, the horses in his ears had surpassed the acceptable amount of Yoo Jun-seok.

He was the one who could beat Lee Jae Hak.

Therefore, you should not listen to such things.

Yoo Jun-seok got up from the chair.

In his hand, he holds a sword drawn from under his desk.


Yooseong sighed.

“Look at this. The dog resembles its owner, and the humans who feed you are very tightly bitten. Don't you have any self-respect that what you're doing is illegal in this country? ”

“No. This is my building. This is my office. I have the power not to make it illegal. ”

“That's not what I meant. ”

He smiled bitterly.

Yoo Jun-seok couldn't take it anymore.

Outside, this was his building, his space.

I already called the outside staff when I woke up.

No matter how long I fly, I can't really get out of here.

Yoo Jun-seok did not know that it had stuck to the Chinese way.

There was only one thought in his head.

‘Grab it.’

We catch them somehow, and we let them tell us everything they know.

No Korean should know more than that. You must never act like you are better than him.

“....... ”

Yooseong stood still in his place.

A focused nerve hears footsteps coming from outside the door.

It was not the footsteps of ordinary people.

The speed and constant pace were both owned by hunters.

“Not everyone has officially restored their licenses like I have. You seem to be able to relax in the building in the same situation these days. ”

They are resting at their own leisure, just like Bonamana Organic Stone and his team.


Yooseong raised his head.

Then, he smiled brightly at Yoo Jun-seok who was coming one step at a time with a terrifying force.

“I was a little worried, actually. If there are so many hunters, there's no need to feel guilty. ”

Inner “.......”

He thought it was no longer worth listening to Yooseong.

Yoo Jun-seok blew up.

However, his behavior was faster than that.


At the same time, gunman hunters came in through the door, and they could see it.



Tearing up the sky.

Celestial Bridge.

The scissors that Jinyubaik and Tenz wanted so badly.

Using tools that became his.

Meteor cracked.

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