Auto Hunting

Auto Hunt by myself, 52 bucks.


"... amazing."

At the top floor of the Cheonghae Hotel, which reaches 120 floors, Yooseong just opened his mouth.

This was the place to stay in Tenz.

Now, it is Yooseong who has gained a reputation in Korea and has accumulated '0' in his account.

But I've never really had a chance to enjoy that wealth and fame.

The bell rings.

"Hello, Yooseong."

I've come to find him.

She was a woman who had just passed twenty or looked down.

"How comfortable are you?"

"Yes, it's really good."

"I'm Seo Yu. Yooseong will be in charge of guidance and scheduling during his stay in China."

"Nice to meet you."

I stopped asking how old he was.

It was quite a big one, but it was a combination that didn't match the semi-formal on the netted face.

"Let me know if you need anything. This is the phone that Yooseong will use. Number one is stored on my phone."

"Thank you. I have a question..."

"You don't have to say anything respectful to me. I am a minor at my age, and I am a patron of Yooseong."

Yooseong smiled softly.

"Okay. No, okay."

I liked Yooseong who seemed nervous.

It does not feel 'of course' rational.

I just feel like I'm watching my cousin's sister run her part-time job.

"But you speak good Korean. His accent is almost Korean."

"No, I'm not."

Dear Seo-yeo,

Yooseong asked me a question without thinking.

"I'd like to meet Jinwibaek. I haven't seen it in person since I arrived in China…"


It was a moment when Western attitudes changed.

A truly astonishing duo,

Your face flushes, and the sound of wheezing comes out.


"Is there a problem?"

"The Pope is your friend!!"


It's like Yang, the enemy of her parents.

His eyes cried out with tears, but he was just ridiculous.


I thought you said ten.

Are you telling me you're working with some kind of cult priest?

No, even if it is.

"Jinwi-baek and I are just a business relationship."


It's a little more dirty than that, to be honest.

"No matter what you call Mr. Jinwibaek, I just call him whatever I want."

"You're a dead man."


It's like the story of the hunters of this country that got clogged.

Yooseong sighed.


Now I say to Seoyu, who has given up half-heartedly.

"Let's fight something, too! Are you going to run?"

It is already boiling around the body of the West.

Is she a hunter or something?

It doesn't look strange at all.

"But know one thing."


"With all this going on, I really don't like this kind of behavior."

Rising from the body of a meteor.

It was not an error.

Just a moment of intent, or emotional concentration.

However, it was obvious to a certain degree of training in Western Europe.

The atmosphere is different.

"I'll do it for you."


A few days ago,

In the middle of Seoul City's streets, Jinkyebaek thrilled everyone who passed by.

Almost unconsciously,

"The consequences are solely your responsibility."

Yooseong was reproducing the technology he experienced.

If you are talented in a level of mental talent other than the flesh, the meteor was enough without the help of automatic hunting.


We have to say something.

Seo Yu thought so.



It's just dripping out of my throat.

The order around her is already in remission.


"The reason I'm so squeamish now is because"

It's just an emotional urge.

"Not because you're a woman and a child. Anyway, you're from the company I'm contracting with, and that's why I'm keeping it to a minimum. If I crush any part of you, it'll put me in trouble. Of course, your position will be much more embarrassing than mine, right? I've caused trouble with the Pope's guests."


"The moment you raise your hand, of course. No, if I just make an error in front of me, I will treat you as a menacing scoundrel, not a representative of the company that contracted you."



"Well, well..."

"Half past."

Loud voice.

Seo Yoon's body trembled.

Yooseong's expression was cold.

"I was never allowed to let go of the horse."


Yooseong spread his thumb, index finger, and stop.

"One strike."

And I folded my thumb.

"Like you said before, you are my underclassman even at your age. Until now, I will treat all manners as one. Everyone makes mistakes at first."


"But if you continue to annoy me, then I will somehow contact 'Jinwi-baek' myself. And let me tell you, the state of your temp secretary is a mess. Because of that secretary, you and I are done. I will."

Seo Yu was now trembling in a different sense.

There was no room for anger at the title 'Mr. Jinwi-baek', which Yooseong mentioned.

I realized that.

A man in front of his eyes holds a knife sack.

Yooseong was serious.

At least that's what it looked like to Seo Yu.

"So far, do you understand?"


Dear Seo-yeo,


Yooseong's complaint fell.

He opened his mouth late.

"Two strikes."

Yooseong's stop has already been folded.

"Oh, I see."

You don't even know it in Chinese.

"I understand. I'm sorry."

Seo Yu closed his eyes tightly.


I watched him calmly.

You don't have to do this. Go.

If it had been Yooseong in Korea, I would have thought.

But this is China.

Yooseong realized one thing.

At least for hunters, each country had a definite predisposition.

A family or tribal tribe that had been polishing the skills of Bat since before the appearance of the monster.

In addition, the history of their interactions and conflicts was active until the modern age.

Maybe that's why.

Chinese hunters' tendencies were much tougher.

arrogant, more emotional,

And weak to the strong.

Of course, Korea is also weak to the strong.

As strong as anyone in Korea, he's an excellent hunter. '

No matter how intense the emotion or overwhelming the positional differences between the two, there is no language and physical violence.

A Platinum Seal, or a ranker hunter, slaps the cheek of an underdeveloped hunter?

Results are clear.

There will be an unrest that cannot be filled, and I will blame the hunter for the abuse of various media and public opinion.

'This place is different.'

There was no detailed information on the Chinese internal hunter culture.

However, there are several pieces of data and the experience of meteors.

At least in a way that does not cause direct harm to the civilians, it is much more tolerant to the quarrel or skill of the 'hunter to hunter'. '

It's a kind of institutional silence.

It's as if the Moorish group is some distance from the Moorish Islands.

It's a wilderness, not an industry where experts work.

'Once you look shallow, it's over.'

Yooseong clearly recognized it through Seoul.

Even the woman who hasn't taken off her girly shirt yet, when she touched her pride, she ran like hell.

And now what?


When Yooseong showed his claws and overwhelmed them, he bowed his head and held his hands back.

Yooseong decided.

'You're in Rome.'

We must follow the laws of Rome.

Of course, I don't want to play the same game without dignity.

But at least it doesn't look shallow.

The way he usually behaves in Korea, he can easily be seen and put in jeopardy here.

Seong-wook said it exactly.

You have to put it on before you can live in peace.

"...... I."

"I need to talk to you."

"S, let me tell you the schedule. As stated in the contract, in addition to the '5th', you will be required to participate in a response operation in order to adapt locally. When will you be ready…."

He said right away.

"Right away."


"A crack that opens as soon as possible."


Six hours later.

"... What... is this?"

Yooseong once again felt a cultural difference.

Plaza in contact with a blocking area.

It's swarming with hunters now.

No, no, no.

In a word, it was a mess.

"R $$@ # $^ & ^ & *!!"

"@ # $$%!!!"

A man in the corner, a public servant, is standing by to open a temporary reception.

He said, "You can tell them where you're supposed to be."

Seo Yu explained.

"...... Aren't you taking care of it in advance?"

"In doing so, there is a lot of competition for a particular district."

"Of course..."

In South Korea, hunters are randomly selected by the Special Defense Agency.

"The party does not intervene with us. It is up to the operators (20448; ) to take part in the operation at all times."


There are still no hunters approaching the reception.

Those so-called couriers were making their rounds.

"Strong organizations don't need to concede, but if similar hunters overlap, we agree."

"A deal?"

He said as if he was amazed.

It looked like a struggle to him.

"That could be a fight."

It was not just the selection of zones.

Unlike South Korea, which briefs on real-time cracks in the Special Defense Agency and essential information to its apps.

There was no observation support, no briefing, and no pre-operational consultation.

Just a loud voice.

Only the voice.

"Confidence…"? '

The advantages of the Korean hunter industry are strong organizational strength and system.

It was a common story, but like everyone else, Yooseong didn't really believe it.

Like the phrase, "The Korean Peninsula is a land with four seasons," he was impressed with the phrase 'finding the advantages'.

But it doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Even if they had a good tip-top, they didn't seem to be working closely with people like that now.

"What a mess."

"It relies on order more than on weakness or need."

Seo Yuk's face was filled with pride.

"Chinese hunters are strong."

Ever since before, I've had a slight downturn, but I didn't feel any chills in my smoke.

Chinese pride, patriotism.

"Well, okay."

Yooseong nodded and opened the suit case.

The Queen's hug was still in Korea.

Not only was it broken, but it needed to be deconstructed and redesigned to fit his growing body.

Therefore, the clothes that Yooseong would wear were the clothes that Tenz had supported him with.

"I heard it was handed down by the Pope himself."

A little.

No, Seo Yu said that he was quite jealous.

In that words, Yooseong was also looking forward to it a little bit, and chuckled.

I opened the case.


The suit inside was off-the-shelf.

Basic 2-star type used by hunters in Korea.

Instead, it had distinctive characteristics that distinguished it from any suit.


White armrest on one arm

Let's say that Yooseong has no career in this country.

But on the other hand,

At the very least, it would have to be a Tenz Seal as it was a free contract with Tends.

But what it depends on...

"It's high season, huh?"

Seo Yoo said as if it was interesting.

He had a light smile on his mouth.

"From the Pope… Did you ask him yourself?"


The patriotism of Yooseong is just the average level of Korea.

I am somewhat proud of the country, but I have no intention of walking around on one arm with a huge pole.

Aggro himself.


The joke of Jinyubai.

"Is there another suit?"

"I have a spare suit, but I think..."

"That too, I suppose."

Bite down a little bit.

Yooseong immediately put on a suit.

The gaze immediately began to gather.


From the vicinity of the meteor, a loud voice is becoming more frequent.

The hunters start to notice the meteor, and soon they realize who he is one by one.


A hunter who freely contracted with Tenz.

And he demanded that the Chinese government trample the Chinese hunter down and wipe out the Chinese living in the Republic of Korea. 'Known men.

"Is that his flag, the one he wears around his arm?"

"He's crazy. Totally."

Meteor became a patriot.

To such a meteor, a tall man walked out.

I frowned and said something to Yooseong.

"This is..."

Seo Yu tried to translate for me.


Yooseong hung up and asked.

"So it doesn't really matter how light the struggle is in this process?"

"Well... yes."


That was enough.

Yooseong stretched out his arms and bent his waist.


And then I passed the man in front of me.

"# @ # $!!"

The man tried to grab him, but his body slipped under his arm.

And then...

Turn your torso to 90 degrees from a crouched position.

Soon, one foot of Yooseong touched the man's arm.


A slight push through the foot pressure.

Yooseong had no intention of fighting against the man.

Just the foothold of Sphinenslet.


The body of the meteor that bounced into the air soon stepped on the structure around the square.

And when we get there,


Reception with dumb-looking public defenders.

Yooseong told Seo Yooseong on his back.

"Interpret as I say."

"Wha, wha..."

"Metaphorical. Cracks inside thrusters. Registration."

As the West said, authorities did not intervene with hunters.

So you just need to register first.

"You're thinking about what happens next?!"

It was a euphemism to raise his voice.

"One out left."


At the words of him,

I eventually translated it into the reception.

Tyring -

With a refreshing sound effect

Above the large monitor installed on the reception desk.

The name of the first comet that comes to mind.


I looked back at him.

To the hunters in the square who were watching what just happened.

"Translate for me this time."


"Step forward."

Just for a little while,

"The complainer first. One at a time."

Seo Yoo seriously thought about what it would be like to be out.

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