Auto Hunting

Auto Hunt by myself, 50 bucks.

If a man has been on his own for more than 10 years, he will fill the restaurant menu with dishes that can be cooked well.

Sungwook was a bit unusual.

Even if you dip Kimchi in it, it's definitely weird to make tofu by yourself in the world these days.

"Well, it's the anniversary of my resignation."

Jin Chang-hoon couldn't come to work at the hospital.

Shin Yoo-hee tried to call me, but I hung up as soon as Seong-wook contacted me about what happened.

"But it's not like two guys are beating each other up."

Seong-wook is about to taste again.

- You sure you can't do this?

I heard voices outside the front door.

The voice of the old man,

My accent was a little strange.

- I can't.

I hear the voice of Yooseong.

Seong-wook opened the front door.


Yooseong looked a little tired.

I looked back at him with a look of complete boredom.

"All of a sudden, one more person joins the meal..."

"Oh, of course. Sure, why not?"

I turned my gaze away while talking cheerfully.

The image of the old man looking over the shoulders of Yooseong.

Firm and fashionable, if not white-haired, to the point of instant age.


I took a deep breath.

His gut says,

"Dear old man..."

That the old man in front of me is unusual.

There was no clear reason, but I felt something when I saw the atmosphere coming out.

'... aren't you gay?'

It may be biased,

Even if he likes fashion and fits well, he's too old for yellow shorts and white pants.

'No, what a stupid idea.'

Sungwook shakes his head and reflects.

"Welcome! Greetings!"

Evaluating people with the way they look in the world these days.

And what about the homosexuality?

"Thank you."

The old man and Yooseong entered the house.

"But how do you relate to Yooseong... Grandfather?"

"...... No."

Somehow, he shook his head with an attitude.

"Sir, I'm going to use the bathroom."

"Oh, right."

I was about to walk to the bathroom of Yooseong, and the old man talked to him.

"That's right. You mean it's not a difficult request and you're too reluctant to touch your body just once?"


This is, uh...

What are you talking about?

Open your little mouth.

Seongwook looked at him.

'Maybe it's just because you missed the front and back.'

Hopefully he'll clear up the misunderstanding.

But the misunderstanding was not solved.

"I don't want to... I'm just saying. Last time you put me to bed, you did something to me."

"Ugh. That didn't do any harm."

"That's when I touched it."

"That's when. Now, let's just see what's changed."

Yooseong's expression was quite cruel.

However, Seong-wook only showed the old man's natural expression.

"How much did I give you? I could let you touch it."

"Someone thinks I haven't paid a fair price."


That's it.

Yooseong entered the bathroom and closed the door.


Seong-wook opened his mouth even more.

As all thoughts passed through my head,

"Do you have anything to drink?"

I met Jinyubai's eyes.

"Oh, yes! Yep!"

Seong-wook went to the kitchen and pulled out a chair.

"Why don't you sit down? Can I get you anything cool? Or juice or coffee..."

"If you have a leaf tea, please use it."


Sungwook also had some finesse.

All the way to boil the water and prepare the tea leaves.

'Well, what the...'

I could feel it.

Retired three years ago.

But his senses were still sensitive.

The look of authenticity pouring down his back.


Turning around for a second,

Jinyubai was staring at him quite seriously.

In a certain way, it looked like a black eye.

I feel like I'm flattered...

"Your muscle bones are pretty good."


"I'm in good shape."

"Ah… yes, yes."

And the chills of the back.

Seong-wook turned around.

And beyond Seong-wook's back,

You hear the old man mumbling in Chinese.

Once upon a time, a world sphere (?) I could understand because I dreamed of a hunter and studied a foreign language well.

"That's more than I expected, that's pretty good. Yooseong brought me here for a reason."


How can I express Seong-wook's feelings now?

For starters.

'Yooseong's taste...'

Of course, there is no reason to say it was that way. It's obviously a very sensitive subject.

But if I knew that, I wouldn't have tried to let go of Shin Yoo-hee and his legs.

And then it was betrayal.

According to the old man, Yooseong brought the old man here to show his face.

'Me, me.'

Seong-wook's sixth sense was speaking.

It's not gonna end up just for show.

'Oh... Yooseong.'

Even though it's only been a year since I've seen him, he still cares more than anyone else.

I forcefully pressed down on the troublemaker to tears and turned around with a teacup full of tears.

"Hmm? This is pretty good."

"... Thank you."

"That's not a compliment. I never thought I'd be able to taste a proper red cannon in this country."


Sung-wook didn't want to sit in the same seat as Jin-wook for one hour.

So I set the prize on the table.

Tofu kimchi, and Seong-wook to Takju dipped directly.

"Oh. Are you prepared for all this?"


"Exotic things rarely sit still, but sometimes they are tasty. Very tasty."


There was no more food to move.

Seong-wook sat at the table.

And I asked.

"I don't know exactly how you're related to Yooseong... I didn't get your answer earlier."

"Well, that's ambiguous. The first time I saw her was four days ago. I've had a lot going on."

One more shock.

That's what he likes to do. I could understand that.

'It's the day before the dive…'

He was such an impulsive man.

I couldn't control my emotions anymore.


Seong-wook's body trembled.


Jingbaek, who was watching it, smiled.

"Did you notice? Who I am."


"Ahem. Nothing to be afraid of. That's a normal response. Your brother was overcompensated."

"Well, I..."

"Give me your hand."

Beyond the table,

Jinyubai reached out her hand.

Of course, I didn't reach out my hand.

"Do what? Give me your hand."

I was about to spit out the rejection, but boo.

The feel of heavy hands on your shoulders.

I turned my head to scowl.

In the meantime, there was Yooseong.


Yooseong's expression was serious without before.

"Do as he says. Give me your hand."

"No, I..."

"Trust me."

A faint voice speaks powerfully.

"Nothing will ever harm you."

"That's right. You're making me uncomfortable."

It was the authentic bag that held Sungwook's hand that was worse.


Reflexive moaning.


"...... Ah?"

Moaning is a static embarrassment.


"Ah, ah?!"

It turned into surprise and awe.


Warmth spreads along your arms to your shoulders and corners of your body, starting with your hands.

Through the vein in the palm of the hand, the CE of Jinkyung bag is entering the body of Seok-wook.

It's impossible.

"Don't talk..."

No, at least I felt the pain.

"...... No."

Sungwook's septum was damaged.

Three years ago. One mistake.

Ten thousand toxins in the body made a ragged mop that has been training hard for nine years.

Therefore, symptoms of severe internal injuries caused by a failure of the pulp to properly contain CE and other parts of the body.

However, the CE of Jinyubai did not stimulate the septum at all.

This is the ultimate error control.

in line with the myriad of divergent branches of each person and each area, and the outer wall releases its energy gently without irritating it at all.


In fact, the authentic bag was pouring all its attention.

Close your eyes. A drop of sweat flows through your temples.

"...... What a waste."

As I take my hand off,

"Three years. If it had been the way it is, it would have been the best in the land."

Jinyubai sincerely said.

"There is no damage to the disconnect itself. You've been beaten up pretty badly. I'd rather lose my life."

It may sound overly prejudiced, but that was how Jinkyung felt.

As an unmanned person, no one will be motivated to live in the current state of Seongwook.

"You guessed right."


Yooseong trembled at the horse in Jinseok bag.

Like I said,

I knew that Yooseong was not a person who gently shook his head to Sungwook.

Pride out of bounds.

On the other hand, thanks to his pride, if Yooseong makes a promise and gives a 'different way', he will listen to it.

So I thought.

The original apology was for Sungwook.

And the other way around.

It must be for Seong-wook.

In prison, Yooseong checked his condition.

I don't know what was in that armor yet, but by eating it, his veins were hardened.


In this way,

If you can recover from taking something.

In this way, Yooseong brought the authentic bag.

"Of course, you've noticed something."


"What you eat is not something you can get easily."

I saw Yooseong's face with a bad look.

And then...

I trembled again.


With an unbelievable expression,

Sung-wook was looking at his hands.

"Hey, old man. My body is..."

"That's what I'm thinking."

Jingbaek said with a sad expression.

"You'll be able to use your energy for a short while, until the Qi Qi layer I've put into your veins wears off. Of course, only for a few minutes."

Like Cinderella's glass shoes.

However, Seong-wook did not hesitate.

Just after his body got up on the table.


I saw Yooseong.

Suddenly, Seong-wook's body.


Across the space,

Suddenly reappeared from the end of veranda.

That was the real Sphinenslet.

A rich CE unfolds with years of training, sinews, and still enough to last.

In three years,

Shining again from the body of the circumference.

"Ahh… ahh…"

It could have been the best as a guarantee of authenticity.

But I couldn't.

The convenience of the human, Kim Sung-wook.


The back of Seong-wook's trembling head.

When Seong-wook's head looked back at him for a moment, I saw him.

The water that fills the eyes.

"Mr. Yooseong... and Mr. Inspire. I don't know what this is, but it's really, really..."

"Take a quick walk while you have time to talk."

Jingbaek said in his tone that he knows everything.


Sungwook nods.

And then...


You hurl yourself over the veranda and run down.

The meteor couldn't stop it.

It's definitely illegal.

Even at night, you can't escape the punishment of scouring the city.

But who can stop it?

No one deserved to stop Sungwook because of 'only' fines and penalties.

To anyone.

"You'll feel like you've got your severed limb back. The person who walked on nothing had to live as a normal person for three years with that kind of talent."

Three years.

It's only been three years.

In the future, Seong-wook's life remained for decades.

"... then."

Yooseong opened his mouth.

"You mean you can't get what I ate?"

"Didn't I tell you? What I gave you was pretty expensive stuff."

In Jinyubai's words, a smile began to spread again.

"You're not gonna ask me to do that again, are you? You see, I already gave you more than an apple."


It was true.

It has been well proven by the rash reaction.

"And thanks to you, I won't be able to set foot in this country for a while."

"I'm doing the best I can from where I stand. This is a separate problem."

Yooseong made eye contact with the authentic bag.

"I'd like to ask. Whether I ate it or not, you have the means to cure him. And see if I can pay for it."

"Oh, do you trust me enough to make a deal?"

"No, I believe in my values."

Not just Yooseong himself.

Not to mention auto hunting.

Above all, I grew up with the support and teachings of Sungwook.

"Plus, I'm not going to do the same stupid thing you did to me, including tell me to come in as a student."

"I think there's a lot to be said first."

"I'm a hunter, not a prude."

As a hunter.

I believed his value.

That's why I reasonably looked at the authentic bag.

"So what I paid for was something I could do as a hunter. If there's nothing I can do, you can leave now. I don't have anything to do with you anymore."

As long as it's possible,

Yooseong will find the means by any means without the help of Jinyubai.


Jinyubaik took off his sunglasses.


Then he made an offer.

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