Auto Hunting

Auto Hunt By Myself, 10 Coins

After the payment of the supplies, the Examinees were placed into a dome suited for their chosen ‘environment.'

There were numerous entrances to the field, so candidates started testing in different environments.


As soon as the entrance closed, Yooseong opened the supply box.

A box containing supplies for your exam.

It contained only one thing.

Anonymous suit.

[Five minutes to suit up.]

The entire broadcast heard the director's voice.

Failure to wear it within the time limit will result in immediate dismissal. The overseers inside the dome take control and drag them out.

The suit was similar to the functional tracksuit that Yooseong wore.


- Jiing.

As soon as the meteor particles, ‘shielding’ was activated.

Anonymous Suit (Test Only Modification) -

Equipment used by hunters, like monsters, is divided by the number of stars.

The function of the Anonymous suit was a complete blockade of its appearance.

When the function is activated, the appearance of the people wearing this suit is only seen as a black silhouette of a certain size.

Conversation is also heard as an odd cry, no matter what you say if you don't adjust the dedicated frequency.

Of course, the frequencies of the candidates are not adjusted.

Therefore, all candidates only see each other as the ‘culprits’ of the black silhouette in the deduction cartoon.

Meteor came up with detailed rules.

"If the suit absorbs a certain blow..."

Electrical shock paralyzes the wearer.

The shielding function is disabled, and the supervisors who were waiting quickly transport the deserters.

If you eliminate one person like that, one point.

If you remove a student with a score, it will take away all of his or her scores.

Until the time limit is over, only the 'top 10' with the most scores in one dome will be accepted.

I looked around him.

And I was amazed without a sound.

‘Oh, my God.'

The dome where the meteors are placed is the jungle.

Under its name, there was a perfect jungle inside the dome. Plants and tropical humidity that can only be seen on TV or through books.

Even the blue sky that looks up is the sky.

Inside, it is made of a transparent material that transmits the changes of day and night and the thermal energy of the sun as it is.

A thorough, self-sustaining survival for 72 hours, with no water, no food, no sleep.

I had to take full advantage of the survival regimens I learned while preparing for entry.


The sound of rushing through the grass behind you.

Yooseong immediately turned around.

“.......! ”

“Stop! ”

Sounds more like an insect than a human.

A black silhouette protruding from between the jungles seemed to solidify for a moment.

He was embarrassed, too. Anyway, the inside of the black silhouette are ordinary students.


The opposing Pokémon's body moves from stiffness. There was a huge branch in his hand that he picked from somewhere.

But much sooner than that, the meteor finished its focus.

Mind control that I have practiced so many times.

Auto Hunt by pressing the button.

Yooseong pressed the button.


“Wow, this rider is no joke. ”

There is an open secret.

A fact not well known to the public.

On the dome where the exam was taken, there was a field, a waiting room prepared by the students, a control room where the exam was run and supervised, and a viewing room.

The standard of entry is not very steep.

If you have a Hunter license, you can use it to pay a small dues fee. And then, literally, on the inside, we stay and watch the entire course of the practical test.

You don't have to come directly to the dome to see the remote viewing through the pages the hunters use. In this case, the membership fee is expensive.

It's a tradition with practical purposes. It was my intention to fairly assess the outstanding beginners who would enter the market in the future.

The group was thrilled to capture a skilled rookie because it was a job worth dying for.

In the case of instructors, there were occasionally students who did not tell me that they were concerned, but there was also a school that warned me to use it to increase their body value.


“Is time already like this? ”

“I'm not playing with you. ”

17 hours after the commencement of the practical test.

Whether online or offline, attending this year's live exam recorded unprecedented excitement.

I didn't do this in the first place.

Immediately after the commencement of the practical exam, this year's exam was published on the Hunter's official website.

This has caught the attention of the industry.

This year's supply of Rookie is literally "Hell."

But the quality of the rookies so supplied is guaranteed.

This is why, in the case of small teams or firms that supply new people who are not experienced, the team leader would bring the car to the scene at dawn.

Almost a thousand monitors.

Ordinary people can't concentrate for an hour.

But the hunters were superhumans who hunted overnight for a week at the crack site.

In the backyard, the candidates are running nonstop. I can't stand by and watch the monitor.

Of course, there was a talented car there.

“But I can't help but notice I keep looking... I don't have one or two monitors, but I have to watch. ”

“It's all shriveled up. I can't tell. ”

“Why don't you take a break in the bedroom and give me a few numbers and I'll be back? ”

Although most reactions are like this, very few masters are different.

“....... ”

In their case, the movement alone could accurately distinguish students who were shielded.

Walking speed or stride.

The habit of swinging a fist or a foot, or a blunt force.

Each of the students I liked was checking one by one, but the interests of such minorities were gathered together.

‘Lee Jae-hak.’

Lee Jae Hak's younger brother...

It's over there.

It was rumored to have spread several months ago, but it was confirmed today as a participant in the study of Lee Jae-jae.

One in a billion.

A natural hunter with a natural physique and aptitude enough to make an expression like that.

Such knowledge has taken a hunting break in recent months.

Rumor has it that the reason for this is to lead your brother, an extraordinary genius like him, one-on-one.

The guy with no credentials and no face is more powerful than any hunter I've ever heard of.

Even in a ‘pure’ state, it is feasible to catch a 3-star monster. Lee Jae-hak, who finished the agreement with the association, enlivened his brother's ability to fit in early.

I did not know where the truth was, but two things are clear.

This time, the head of the whole group is Lee Jae-jae's brother.

And among those monitors, he's the worst.

Some tried to find his brother through the gaze of Jaejae Lee.

But Lee Jae Hak, like all hunters, only watches a bunch of domes in the middle heat.

Like that,

68 hours after the commencement of the practical test.

Over time….


Yooseong made a ‘scout’ without rest.

It was something I learned at the institute. In the ‘jungle’ field, several plants grew, including plants with temporary analgesics and anaesthetic effects, in addition to caloric supplies.

Such plants can be mixed with water and eaten as small as a mouthful.

‘... complete. ’

However, it was the instructor's advice not to make more than three at a time, since there is no way to have them.


A story that is meaningless to Yooseong with a slot.

Carefully sized each one to allow it to nest into the stiffness.

Maybe we don't have to make it this far. I've had my fill.

But don't let your guard down.

The sense of time is long gone. I don't know how much longer I have to endure the test. This little arrangement may bring about a victory or loss.

And above all, I was sleepy.

If I don't do something, I'll just go back to sleep.

I've had ample insomnia training, but this was a completely different matter. In a wild environment, the user is always nervous and encounters the target almost once an hour.

At least Yooseong was mentally detached.

There were already five candidates who could not overcome fatigue and fell asleep and captured Yooseong.

What I learned during the test is that even the tiniest snore is made into discord.

‘How long... do we have? ’

I want to go home. I want to wash.I want to lie down.

‘Wake up. Yooseong.’

Yooseong bit his lip.


It makes painful noises just hearing it. Blowing blood bubbles.

Thanks to him, his mind cleared up, and he was fluffy.

I could hear his voice.

Almost perfectly different from the rest of the class.

Yooseong immediately rolled forward.

Then I stood up and stared at the other person.


Unlike the opponent so far, he spoke to Yooseong.

“Griri ririririririt.”

What do they say? Good response?

At least let's not fight each other. ’It was not a compromise. I was holding a wooden stick trimmed in the shape of a wooden sword when it was carved.

“Crazy bastard. ”

Yooseong gripped his teeth.

It activates the buttons in front of your eyes by inducing fatigue, pain, and desire over the past 68 hours.

‘As soon as I catch him. ’

I can go home. Let's think so.

Auto Hunt by pressing the button.

With all my strength, Yooseong hit the button.

I hope the opponent in front of me is the last.

You're in a rage.


Now everyone can see it.

The worst one on this rider was in dome number two.


“She's just gonna stick with my team's youngest. ”

“Are you crazy? That's pure?”

And then...

It wasn't even a "one."

“Who the hell are these guys? ”

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