Austria 1840

Chapter 70: Archduke John 10

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After "angrying" Archduke John away, Maria was like a victorious cockerel, very proud, but she rolled her eyes and stared at Karl again.

"Uncle John, how much do you pay for running the school?"

Carl looks at her now and is a little scared. This aunt is like the little swallow in "Han Zhu Gege", her words and deeds are uncontrollable, but you can't do anything about her, she is not too malicious, she just can't control the degree That's it.

"30,000 start-up, 6,000 non-dedicated, 600 scholarships, 600 grants, £600 per year."

When she heard this, Mary came to tug at his ears:

"You unconscience, you only gave me 20,000 to activate."

Can you compare to John's influence? John has a lot of influence in the German state, and he has a positive image. In terms of popularity and influence among the people, John is only bigger than Anna.

He is my archway. This archway can help me win over the southern German states, you Maria, marrying a non-noble, non-German, well, it is also a good story.

However, there is still a gap between the tonnage and John, so we must continue to work hard. Carl wanted to pat her on the shoulder and said, "Little comrade, come on."

However, I do need to invest more money in her. After all, there are more than ten relatives in northern Italy; and in southern Hungary, she is the only one at present. If you want to get southern Hungary, she is not enough, and you have to add more staff. Carl sighed.

However, you can't be soft-spoken, you have to restrain her, otherwise she will lead the rhythm in the future, Carl replied in a miserable manner:

"Aunt Maria, just now you told me not to collapse and hit Uncle John with money..."

Maria now regrets that she spoke too much. At that time, it was just her imposing manner, so she wanted to snort.

"...And Uncle John is not like you. He has had a low income in the last 20 years. He has a small family and a lot of expenses. Besides, Graz is not like Novi Sad, where government spending is relatively standardized."

Graz is a mature city governance. You can't just pay tens of thousands of pounds to set up a university. Even if you want to set up a university, you have to prepare a few years in advance and squeeze a little fee every year.

Seeing that Maria was about to get angry, Karl had to comfort her and continued to explain:

"Aunt Maria, I even took you to make money in that corner of London, and I also set up a factory with you. Except for the printing factory, the rest will probably be able to flatten the cost this year, and you will be able to make money next year."

"Karl, you still made money with Maria. How did you make it, and you also made some money with us. If we don't develop a way to make money, our John will be able to cry in depression."

After hearing this, Anna Proffer asked with a move in her heart.

"Anna, there are actually ways to make money everywhere. Now, as long as you open a factory, for example, Karl, your aunt is thirsty, maybe she's pregnant, you see, I'm thirsty."

"Maria, you can really make trouble. If you are thirsty, you are pregnant. John often asks me to pour water for him, saying that he is thirsty, and he is often pregnant. You just can't say anything. As far as him."

"It's not that I can't say something. Really, Anna, I haven't eaten pork, and I haven't seen a pig run? The factories I work with Carl have the first dozen or so. How can I not say anything?"

"Then why did you stop suddenly, why did you change the subject?"

"I don't know what Carl's thoughts are. I listen to him when investing. People have proved their strength with sterling, so I won't talk too much here."

Maria whispered a few words to her best friend, and told her to listen to Carl to make money, and gave her a detailed introduction to how Carl made money and how much money he made. Of course, it was only what she knew, or what Carl released to her. information.

Then she also told Anna about Carl's two investment plans. Maria became the sales of Carl's "investment fund company", and it was free and spontaneous.

"The schools I paid for are all Austrian language teaching. I can't spend money to train people who are torn down, and people who do the right thing. We can't spend money to train people who might kill me or kill the enemies of Lao Ha's family.

Carl didn't talk about the factory, but started with the school and the Austrian language teaching, so that Anna, Leopold and Maria knew his bottom line and determination.

"I don't know how effective the Austrian language teaching will be for the time being. Anyway, how many can I assimilate? Besides, these are all elites among the commoners, and they are worth my money to cultivate, absorb, and win over.

All three nodded, Leopold looked at Karl with a look of "you are the big brother", and Anna was also re-evaluating the little guy.

"I want to live comfortably in Austria, then Austria must be strong, so strong that no one else can defeat it."

"Yes, it can't be like when Napoleon came and chased us all over the place. Vienna has fallen twice, Franz level twice, Karl and Johan, and they have to be spanked because of poor escort."

The one who dares to say such a thing is Maria.

Everyone burst into laughter after hearing this, but no one wanted to be invaded by foreign enemies, let alone leave the country and flee for their lives in a hurry.

"Whether it is an invasion by foreign enemies, such as the British, Russian, French, and Russian attacks, or internal rebellion, such as disturbances in Northern Italy or Hungary, we cannot defeat us, and we have to make them lose their troops and lose money, so as to deter the latecomers."

Carl directly pulled out the two future troublemakers, Northern Italy and Hungary, as targets.

"I don't want to be ravaged by strongmen, like Napoleon back then, and I don't want to be busy suppressing internal uprisings. If you move slowly, the local nobles will be smashed by the rebel army, like Ottoman now."

Everyone has experience of this. First, Maria's aunt, the queen of Louis XVI, was guillotined during the French Revolution. Later, Austrian states were ravaged one after another. Some were guillotined, and some lost their lives on the road. Yes, there are more people who escaped their lives but had nightmares every night.

"My eldest brother is the emperor, 90% of the time, I will be arranged to be the grand duke somewhere. If my level is higher, my brother will also arrange for me to be a king, or at least a governor. But these are no match for the butcher knife of the peasant uprising."

Carl mentioned that he might be killed by the insurgents, and everyone felt very close.

Carl is not fooling around, he really thinks so. He doesn't have the beauty of Queen Josephine, and he can make butchers soft and executioners soft. Besides, life cannot be handed over to the enemy to be soft-hearted.

"Whether I am welcomed by liberals, I have no interest at all, and there is no need to cater to them. As long as they are afraid of me, as long as they don't dare to provoke me, that's fine."

Karl thought of Maximilian being executed by "subjects" in Mexico, of Sissi being stabbed to death by "former subjects", and of Ferdinand, who had not yet been born, being shot to death by "subjects", and he became embarrassed and spoke in a ferocious tone. Full of hatred and hatred.

"Karl, you are like a demon now."

"Thank you for your appreciation, you are the second person to say that to me."

"Well, who was the first?"

"Alberdeen said, Aunt Louise's cousin, when I was talking about black history, she said I was a demon, possessed by Satan."

"To be honest, I don't hate being called a devil, and of course I don't worry about becoming a devil. I'm just afraid of being chopped up by the little devils."

Carl calmed down and put aside the fate of his second brother, sister-in-law and cousin Sissy, and future son. Back to the factory thing.

"The factories I paid for are also given priority to those who can speak the Austrian language, and the same goes for the promotion of talents."

"Well, in fact, what Aunt Maria said is quite right. No matter what factory you set up, you can make money now. This is the side of the mountain. It's not difficult to do a wood processing business. The materials are sufficient, and the market is huge. Eruption period."

"Apart from woodworking?" asked Leopold.

"Machine, glass, winemaking, papermaking, metallurgy, all of them can be. Let me put it this way. Now, any factory you can see, and any factory you know of, can be set up in Graz."

"Metallurgy can be done. John's school is devoted to it."

Anna was very happy to hear about the industry related to her husband, and said through the interface.

Originally, she was not very interested in the school that John opened. After all, while John was planning for the school, he was worried about the lack of money. Her idea was that if it is not easy to do it, it will not be done. But when I heard Carl's statement, I thought of supporting it again.

When it came to school, Karl remembered something Old John didn't tell, and asked:

"Uncle Leopold, does your school have a clear language of instruction?"

Before Leopold spoke, Anna took over the topic.

"The question of the language of instruction, John, he really didn't think about it carefully. But I think what you said is reasonable. Austrian language teaching should be a basic condition."

"Thank you, Uncle Anna. Can Uncle John make sense?"

"Little Carl, don't worry about it. Uncle John is a wife-loving devil. As long as Anna says it, he will listen."

"Maria, don't talk nonsense. John still has his own ideas. I have the final say in the little things at home, and John has the final say in the big things."

"You haven't set the standards for big and small matters. What language the school uses to teach is a small matter. You have the final say, Anna."

Maria came wrapped her arms around her best friend's waist and whispered.

"Maria, when will you grow up?"

"Mom, mom, Sister Maria has grown up. As you said, you can only get married when you grow up. She's already married, so she must have grown up."

Carl's little cute aunt, that little thing called Maria came over.

"Elizabeth, take her away and don't interfere with our adults' speech."

Leopold said to the eldest sister who followed.

"Return us adults? You are also a child, you are only two years older than me, and there is little Carl, he is only six years old, is he an adult?"

Elizabeth is not used to her brother's "pretend to be an adult" problem, and there is a younger Carl who testifies against the "pretend to be an adult".

"Elizabeth, take Maria out to play for a while, Leopold is an adult to you; Karl, I didn't even treat him as a child, what do you think?"

John came back, cleared Leopold, and named Carl.

"Well, I just went out for a spin, and after thinking about it, I think what Carl said also makes sense. Well, what you two little guys said makes sense. Well, Leopold is also very good."

He also nodded at Leopold again. He was very optimistic about Leopold, and he dared to make a voice that was different from his father's.

"Ugh, uh." Maria covered her mouth and ran away.

"This Maria is getting more and more capable. How can the old father be so disgusting when he praises his son?"

Seeing Maria covering her mouth and running away, John said a little unhappily.

"She's always been like this, no big or small. Forget it, just ignore her."

Anna quickly patted John's hand to comfort him, but also frowned.

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