Chapter 242

Attorney Kang Tae-hoon Episode 242

Most of the tenants in the area where the redevelopment was going were the tenants from other areas in solidarity with them. All of them were protesting the unrealistic compensation and forced evictions and evictions of the cooperative, the project implementer, and they could be seen as evictioners to negotiate with the cooperative.

At the time when the redevelopment plan was being pursued, there were a lot of collapsed shopping malls. Even there, there were occasional shopping malls that were still standing still without collapsing.

Taehyung took a deep breath as he passed by.

He is looking at the wreckage of the ruins of the ruined buildings, so it seems that those who received compensation were also resentful of those who let them leave their old place for the ‘reason’ of redevelopment.

Taehoon looked around him once and entered the promised place.

It was a shabby restaurant.

The first person who greeted me when I entered was So-Won Han, a lawyer. Beside them, there were people with red strings on their foreheads with the words “opposition to demolition” written on their foreheads.

Most of them were middle-aged, and most of them were dressed in shabby clothes.

They shook hands with each other.

Four tables were attached, and about twenty people were seated around it.

“Oh my God, I have been running a noodle restaurant here for 30 years. 30 years! We were here with our deceased mother! But if it’s 10 million won, 20 million won, if we go out, do we have to leave!?”

A man with a cool head slammed down the table while expressing his injustice. He nodded his head in agreement with those around him.

Taehyung just nodded his head slightly.

“And it is. Compensation is also clearly an issue. Whether it’s ten million won or twenty million won. It’s not like we’re paying for relocation or an amount that we can fully settle in.”

The middle-aged woman expressed her sympathy with a calm tone.

She can’t afford to be the same everywhere. The monthly rent and the jeonse cost cannot be the same.

In a way, they did not have a place like this, and it would be unfair to lose the place of their lives that they had endured for decades. On the one hand, it is perhaps natural that she wants to receive a higher reward.

After all, most strikes and evictions come together to receive adequate remuneration and compensation.

Whether it was a company or an emigrant, it was true that even if they set a reasonable compensation and offered it, it was not enough considering their individual circumstances.

In the process, Tae-hoon knew how pushing and pulling was done. But the hardening of his face was due to another problem.

“Those damn service bastards! Whoa!”

The man who had hit the table with an angry phone earlier had his face flushed red.

“Do you know what I did? They urinate on the street in front of the place where they operate.”“Are you urinating on the street?”

Taehyung’s face contorted as if he was embarrassed. The employees of the service company are probably those hired by Sungsung Enterprise. Companies related to the redevelopment area around this area included large marts and corporations, and I know that the main axis is Inseong Enterprises.

Nevertheless, it is clearly an exaggerated act to urinate on the street in front of a place where you can do business.

But Taehoon tried to calm them down.

“It is clearly wrong to urinate on the street. But that’s it. It is said that some of the service company’s employees are like that, not the act done by Sungsung Enterprise itself. You need to think rationally. Now, the part of your anger is completely understandable.”

Taehoon calmly continued his conversation in a soft tone, making eye contact with them and trying to form a consensus.

However, the person who protested against his words was none other than the president of the National Emigrants Association.

“Even if the Inseong Enterprise didn’t order it that way, the service workers sent by Jijie are acting like that, isn’t it the employer’s fault? If I only urinated on the street again, I don’t know! Scratching iron pipes against the wall! profit! Good profit!”

He pretended to scrape an iron pipe with his mouth.

Taehyung caressed his chin.

Just because they are service workers, they are not people. Money is the problem. Because of those ignorant people, the emigrants seemed to be chasing them.

“Where are you? Aren’t young-looking youngsters swearing at them? this this. Forced demolition must be eliminated in our country!”

In fact, Tae-hoon wanted to make the emigrants find an agreement in reality rather than pushing them from the unconditional position of Ji-shin.

Once the evacuees act, it can be illegal. For that reason, Tae-Hoon thinks comprehensively.

Of course, if the other side does not protest or do anything that makes their intentions clear, they will try to find an agreement loosely, but it was dangerous to gather like this.

So first, I tried to calm him down, but the president of the Emigrants Association did not help. No, it was rather encouraging.

Lawyer Han So-won was also displeased.

“This means that forced demolition will never happen again in our country only if we go out strong and fight and win. Everyone! Prohibition of Forced Demolition! We can do that, shouldn’t we have to fight!?”

Lawyer Han So-won put her hand on her forehead.

Anti-Forcible Demolition Act. necessary. That’s one of the reasons he holds this position in fact.

Forced demolition kills the common people and sucks their blood.

one. The president of the Emigrants Association seemed to be instigating rather than reassuring them and exhorting them.

Let’s become a stepping stone to what the Forced Demolition Prohibition Act can achieve by winning this fight without backing down no matter what happens for the weak and powerless of the country.

In fact, when I looked around the place, I wondered if there were actually ten emigrants out of twenty. Others appeared to be members of the Refugee Association.

“The site we have been protecting for decades! If you can’t keep it, what can you protect? My bastard who doesn’t have college tuition right now!? What about the daughter-in-law who is getting married now!? Again, such a gutter like this will not happen again in the future! Let’s give our children a better world! This kind of forced demolition must disappear.”


“that’s right.”

Taehoon let out a shallow sigh at the fact that people sympathize with those words.

He looked around calmly.

“However, it is best to refrain from threatening demonstrations as much as possible. On the contrary, it may be more advantageous to reach an agreement.”

“Yes. We’re trying to reach an agreement, not to drive them out and fight. Compromise with them is the most important thing.”

Some nodded, some did not answer. At the insistence of Tae-Hoon and Han So-Won, the chairman only nodded his head with a reluctant expression on his face.

a dangerous person

Of course, Tae-Hoon is here to help these people, and I hope things go the way they want it to.

You never know who might get hurt if you make a big protest.

wanted to prevent it.

“Come on, let’s eat first.”

Meals started coming out. Kimchi stew was placed on each table and side dishes were placed. People who would go out and smoke to fill their hungry stomachs smoked. Taehoon was also smoking a cigarette. At that time, a man beat his chest and said that he could not live because he was unfair, and he complained about the current situation.

“Please, please.”

He caressed Taehoon’s left hand with his rough hands.

“I will do my best.”

Lawyer Han So-won came out from inside. She gestured a little, and the two moved to a place a little further away from them.

“They are injustice, but people do not listen to their injustice. They’re going crazy too. Because the media only say that the emigrants are bad.”

“Yes. In fact, the word redevelopment is a good thing. Also, the people who used to live here will be taken away in an instant. but… … .”

Taehoon blurs the end of his words. she sighed

“Although the Removal People’s Association is of great help, it is an atmosphere of pushing that we should take this opportunity to make sure that the Forced Demolition Prohibition Act can be enforced in our country. all good this But, if you go out of control like this… … It’s going to be a big deal.”

If it grew out of control, it could have ended only if one of them died or got hurt.

“Well, there is a journalist I’m close with, who decided to come here.”

“reporter? Five. also.”

If the press was needed, Tae-hoon could also provide enough help.

Reporter Lee Soo-ae.

Just then, her car stopped in front of the restaurant. As she pulled her cigarette out of her arms and put it in her mouth, she approached and found a so-called lawyer. She hurriedly put a cigarette in her mouth, except for once politely greeted her.

“Hello. I am Lee Soo-ae, a reporter from KBC.”

“I am the CEO of Hanmaeum Law Firm Han So-won.”

The two shook hands briefly. Opening her face, Soo-ae lifted her cigarette and asked, ‘Can I open one?’ Sowon answered “yes”.

“Because lawyer Kang Tae-hoon always bites on interesting cases.”

“Haha, is that so?”

“Yes. First of all, when I told the director that he was coming for an interview, he said that he wanted to emphasize reality as much as possible, but yode. We’ll have to go back and find out.”

Perhaps it was a warning in advance that the broadcasting station might not be broadcasting in an advantageous direction.

“But if that happens, I’ll let even a close newspaper reporter tell me.”


Taehyung nodded his head. He smoked all the cigarettes and went inside together. The emigrants are now beginning to spit out their complaints in earnest.

Everyone’s stories were frustrating and heartbreaking, but there were some that stood out in particular.

was a woman

From the first time I saw her, she stood out because she was wearing a beanie in this weather, and she said that she is currently battling cancer.

“Even while fighting like this, I’m taking six painkillers a day… … . But what if it’s so embarrassing? Even though these people give you a reward… … .”

Taehoon also listened to her by nodding his head at her unjust sigh.

“There is a place I have been in business for 30 years. She kept her 30 years in the business, where she rested in the hospital for four months while undergoing cancer surgery. But, unless it’s a store that has been in business for three months, she says she won’t pay all the moving expenses and compensation.”

“i See.”

Clearly, this part was the problem.

After she had cancer surgery, due to unavoidable circumstances, she took four months off. However, they say that it is a redevelopment area and that they will not give any compensation at all.

This part seemed to have to be pointed out clearly.

At that time, there was a group of men of strong physique entering the restaurant. They were wearing their masks and hats deeply pressed.

They were service workers.

There were about four service workers coming in to eat, but they stopped when they saw the evictioners sitting inside.

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