Chapter 240

Attorney Kang Tae-hoon Episode 240

One of his feet was slowly coming off. Dohye closed her eyes and took a light deep breath.

if now

if by now

believe in them

Tata that!


“Hey, Inspector!”

“What, what!”

Seongjin Lee, who was about to raise one foot and look back, let out a gasp. Dohye rushed towards him. The police officers who were watching it from behind also let out moans of surprise.

“Who said you let it rest as you please!?”

There was no escape. Do-hye, who ran out, grabbed his waist as it was, while she pushed him rather. No, she started falling under her together.


“Hey, Inspector!”

Surprised police officers rushed out.

And the two fell on a safety mattress laid out by the firefighters.

Lee Seong-jin, who seems to have fainted from the shock. And while staggering, Do-hye raised her body and placed her hand on her forehead.

“You bastard, you talk a lot. Whoever wants to look after them.”

“her… … .”

“What, what… … .”

Firefighters and police who had installed safety mattresses escaped with startled rabbit eyes. I jumped from that height without any safety equipment.

What’s more, I was just about to report the fact that the installation had just been completed with an intermittent car. However, she blew her body as it is in a state that has not yet been seen.

The investigator rushed in hurriedly.

“Inspector! What is this!”


Dohye shrugged her shoulders so sly as Dohye brushed the dust off her clothes.

“What if there was nothing underneath!”

“You have a safety mattress.”

“If the installation is not finished!”

“I trust our crew.”

Dohye smiled slyly and raised her thumb up. Investigator Ko Seok-hwan was heartbroken. This is because when she jumped off with Seong-Jin Lee holding her, she thought about whether she was going to die too.

In fact, she was also a gambler.

Had it not been for a safety mattress underneath, she would have toured the Nether Road with herself. She did it because she trusted the paramedics, and she also trusted herself.

“I will go to lawyer Kang Tae-hoon!”

Ko Seok-hwan, who was so calm, said the most fearful thing to her. Knowing that Tae-hoon had thrown himself like this, it was obvious that he would nag like his main boss, ‘Save yourself!’ for a month.

“Please don’t do that. Just call me.”

As if she had heard her most terrifying story, she trembled as if she had goneosebumps.

When Seong-jin Lee, who had lost her mind for a moment, regained her consciousness, the first thing she saw was Do-hye Ahn. She was biting a Marlboro Ice Blast that was taken out of Seongjin’s arms.

Marlboro Ice Blast.

It was just a cigarette, but in this case, it could be said to be the only clue and evidence.

Do-hye, who had lit her fire and sucked in her smoke deeply, coughed in vain.

“Keck! What are you doing with this? ruler.”

She was surrounded by police officers and firefighters while Dohye was still her mind blank and she threw her packs of cigarettes at him. Seongjin, who accepted it, had a puzzled expression.

“You can’t smoke anymore. One last burn.”

It was her kind consideration.

He wasn’t mean. He certainly deserved the penalty for his sin, and even more unbearable is the fact that he tried to evade the sin he had committed by death. while doing her own rationalization.

However, it was true that today’s society, or even the family of Wuhan Corporation, did not do anything well.

From now on, the press will be boiling hot, and Do-hye and the people in her office will work overtime.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Seongjin Lee took a deep breath. The cool menthol ran down the back of her throat and sucked deep into her lungs.


Lee Seong-jin, who was spitting out smoke thinly, picked it up and let out a laugh.

It’s a really tough test.

Rather than thinking she was going to die again, she wondered why this woman saved me. Why are people like me? That was the first thought I had.

When he had burned all of his cigarettes, two police officers handcuffed his hands and grabbed his arms, one by one, and loaded him onto the older brother’s train.

A line of police cars, police bikes, and Do-hye’s vehicles started running out of the area.

* * *

Ahn Do-hye, her wife, who succeeded in arresting her after her breath-taking chase a few days ago, and finally captured her. The repercussions that a student named Lee Seong-jin killed the half-brother of Infinite Corporation Chairman Lee Seong-woon could not be ignored.

The reporters’ articles continued to rain, and Do-hye, who was in charge of the case, had an atmosphere like eating overtime.

Upon arriving at the apartment, Tae-hoon sighed deeply when he saw Do-hye’s text message that he was late today.

What do you do when you are busy?

The car that was about to enter the apartment entrance was stopped by a security guard.


“Yes, uncle.”

The guard, who appeared to be about fifty-six years old, smiled with a toothless face. He always has a charming smile on his face. He shoved a parcel with Tae-hoon’s name and home address written on it into the car.

“Oh right. I thought it was a delivery service.”

Taehoon remembered the phone call he had received earlier. Because he was busy with his work, he said that he had to leave it to the security office for now. But it was such a short call, and he couldn’t even remember because he was so distracted at the time.

The size of the shipping box was small. Taehoon shook it.

book? It seemed to contain the same thing.

“thank you. work hard.”


Taehoon’s car, with his head bowed slightly, stopped in the parking lot. With his parcel box on his side and a suit jacket on his arm, he looked tired.

He came into the house with his tie loose and checked the sender.

“Lee Seong-jin… … ?”

When he saw the name Lee Seong-jin, Tae-hoon’s face frowned. If it was Lee Seong-jin, it was the high school student who was arrested by Do-hye this time.

He sent a courier to himself. It may contain dangerous objects, but when I shook it before, it definitely felt like a book was in it. I heard that a high school student named Lee Seong-jin detonated a homemade bomb while escaping the police.

Taehyung was a bit cautious. He carefully cut off his tape with a cutter knife and turned the box over.

Taehoon, who opened the box with tension in his heart, lost his pulse for a moment. Again, there was a book inside. No, it was more like a heavy diary than a book.

What caught my eye was the picture on the front cover of the diary.

It was a picture of a young boy about ten years old and a woman in her early thirties holding hands and smiling broadly.

Seeing that there was a large elephant behind their back, it seemed that the photo was taken in a zoo.

There was a small note written on it.

‘If anyone remembers, he may be alive.’

Taehyung had a puzzled expression on his face.

Did you have any acquaintance with a child named Lee Seong-jin?

Oh, look, Dohye did tell the story. Lee Seong-jin remarked that he had quite favorable feelings toward himself when he was in charge of the Cho Tae-seok case.

Tae-hoon grabbed his cell phone and called Do-hye.

– Oh, honey. why?

She was a very busy voice who answered her call. Over the phone, the conversations of the office people hurriedly passed.

“I got a parcel from a high school student named Lee Seong-jin in front of me.”

– You’re finally here. What the hell was inside?

It was a voice that Ahn Do-hye had already heard and knew. In fact, because Seong-Jin Lee had sent Tae-Hoon a present, she was a little worried about Do-Hye, and she interrogated him and she asked what the hell it was.

However, Seong-Jin Lee only smiled softly and shook his head.

He said it wasn’t dangerous. In addition, it was Do-hye’s judgment that there is little chance that an item to be delivered by courier is dangerous.

Moreover, Sungjin thought that Taehoon had admired him, so he could not have sent a dangerous item.

“diary… … Do you think?”

-It’s a diary… … . First of all, it’s a gift from you. Of course, I’ll go check it out later. What’s dangerous?

“Yeah, I don’t think so.”

Tae-hoon, who took the diary out of the box and held it upside down, answered.Soon, the investigator’s voice called ‘Prosecutor’ was heard, and the phone hung up with Dohye’s busy voice saying, ‘Let’s call you later’.

Taehoon started turning the diary one by one.

It was like a diary that a child named Lee Seong-jin started writing when he was ten years old, and it was an exchange diary he kept with his mother.

It was like a diary that couples often use.

After his mother wrote it, his son Seongjin wrote it, and after Sungjin wrote it, his mother wrote it again.

It was pretty dense.

Taehoon turned over the bookshelf with one hand, leaned his back on the sofa and started reading from the first page.

– Our Sungjin has won an award today. Seeing Sungjin’s name written on the gold medal section, I feel so proud and proud. Tonight, I made Sungjin’s favorite homemade hamburger.

I love my son who ate it all without leaving any leftovers. As I look at the sleeping angelic figure, I brush his hair and hold my hand tightly. I am so happy that our Sungjin is my son.

Below it was a diary written by Sungjin.

– A black man named Michael made fun of me for smelling like garlic. I thought about scolding her, but then I thought of my mother and put up with it. i want to see mom mom mom mom mom mom

In this way, Taehoon continued to read the diary the two of them were writing. I didn’t keep a diary every day.

Once every 2-3 days, or once a week at the latest.

We wrote down the big and small things that happened to each other in our diaries.

Then, at some point in the diary, only Lee Seong-jin began to write down, and Tae-hoon’s expression began to harden.

A vehicle that crashed into a river after collided with a guard rail. And there, the mother’s legs were pressed and tied to the crumpled car body, and there was written an inscription saying that she loosened Seongjin’s belt and gave her the last breath by kissing him in his mouth.

She sensed her own death, and in order to save even her son Seong-jin, she handed over her last breath and even her sip to him.

And there was a story written that Seongjin was rescued by a brave young man who jumped into the river, and his mother died.

After that, a story related to Lee Seong-woon was written. This part was also what I heard from Do-hye, but when she faced Lee Seong-jin’s diary, her heart was quite stuffy.

I’m sorry, I want to kill you.

It was written that he was a resentful person who stole the last person.

Of course, that’s what I’m talking about in a nutshell. Day by day, looking at the contents of the diary in which he resented Lee Seong-woon, it was truly heartbreaking.

Unknowingly, Taehoon pressed his index finger to the spot where his ink had been smeared.

It seems to be the tears that Sungjin shed while writing the diary.

After reading the last chapter, Taehoon let out a deep breath. His chest swelled greatly and then subsided.

-There is no crime without cause in the world.

His eyes sank as he read the last sentence.

With this one diary, it was like watching a movie about how a child named Lee Seong-jin changed.

It’s really sad.

Taehoon placed the diary neatly on the table.

I was planning to hand over this diary to Do-hye. Based on this diary, Do-hye will investigate the circumstances at that time in more detail, and will examine whether she can reduce her sentence.

After reading the diary for some reason, I feel even more disturbed at home alone.

Taking a deep breath, Taehoon got up and went to the bedroom, took off his shirt and suit pants, and changed into comfortable jeans and a hooded zip-up.

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