Chapter 237

Attorney Kang Tae-hoon Episode 237

Chapter 64: The Psychopath’s Childhood

It was certain.

Seongjin Lee, he was clearly involved in this case. However, they could not be legally arrested unless an arrest warrant was issued.

He had to take his DNA and wait for the results to see if it matched the tobacco found this time.

“Request the issuance of a DNA forensic sample collection warrant right now.”

“all right.”

It was in Korea that DNA could not be taken carelessly.

If this forensic sample collection warrant is issued and the DNA matches, Lee Seong-jin can be arrested.

* * *

A DNA identification sample collection warrant has been issued. With the issued warrant, I visited with the investigator in front of Lee Seong-jin’s officetel.

It was revealed that Lee Seong-jin is currently preparing to leave for the United States. If he had DNA taken before he left, he would have been able to make enough arrests.

He also said he would easily apply for a restraining order even if he said he was going to bounce.

After walking up the stairs and ringing his bell, Seong-Jin Lee appeared. With a puzzled expression, he glanced up and down Dohye Ahn again with an eerie look.

“Are you a prosecutor again?”

“I’m sick of looking at your face too.”

Dohye showed the extraction warrant she had brought from her arms. His brow furrowed.

“Where are you going to collect my DNA and use it?”

“just. I’m going to use it for something like a criminal record check. It’s right to always preserve it in the DNA of a guy like you.”

“AHA… … okay? If you just want to collect, will you issue a warrant? … ?”

Dohye looked around. If he knew that Mi-Jin had swallowed a cigarette butt, he would definitely be about to bounce.

It was true that if the DNA matched, he would be arrested immediately.

“Come on, open your mouth.”


He meekly opened her mouth, and Dohye rubbed her tongue and roof of her mouth with her cotton swab, then put it in her barrel.

A small smile crossed Dohye’s face.

“We go.”

“Come in. Inspector.”

The door was closing.

In an instant, Seong-Jin Lee’s face hardened.

“The DNA… … do you collect?”

The warrant would have been issued for good reason. Otherwise, there was no reason to collect DNA for nothing. Lee Seong-jin looked up at the edge of his memory.

He remembered the cigarette butts he had popped at Mi-jin when he went to the vacant lot.

“It… … swallowed?”

Mi-jin was a clever child even when Seong-jin saw her. He knew the dark side of society enough that he would want to become a profiler, and he may have guessed his parents’ reaction after his death as well.

When he said the funeral had been canceled, it was presumed that he had begun an autopsy. But he wondered what the autopsy could find.It was because he had never ejaculated in her body, and hardly ever had physical contact with her.

The only thing she had in contact with was the cigarette she pounded on her head.

Seongjin Lee approached her window. She shoved her fingers through the blinds and peered through them to see what was beneath her. Prosecutor Ahn Do-hye’s vehicle moved, but the large investigator saluted and held his cell phone.

Not long after, the Avante XD vehicle arrived. Two strong men got out of it. They were presumed to be homicide detectives.

“They said they would arrest me as soon as the DNA came out. Did you really swallow a cigarette butt?”

If that happens, she will not be able to remove or beat herself. The evidence will have to be admissible in court.

She said she didn’t take part, because there would be no reason for Mijin, who had never been in contact with her, to swallow a cigarette butt with her DNA on it.

The consistency of the evidence was clear.

As soon as the DNA test results come out, she is arrested.

weird. It was right for a normal person to be nervous, but Lee Seong-jin wasn’t like that at all.

No, it was rather relaxed. As if he had expected this day to come someday.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he sat still on his sofa and put his legs on the table.

“Are you going to run away?”

Of course, I know that those guarding the outside are a way to prevent their escape.

“Or let’s play big.”

Crossing his outstretched legs once, he grinned.

The world is boring and boring.

What does it mean for him to die?

In a way, people did not know that when they die, they simply become a lump of protein. As if the lump of protein became something noble, it was burned, put in an ossuary, and brought to the ossuary, and the bereaved family argued that it could not be burned. It was just a lump of protein, just like humans eat after cows and pigs die.

Death was sure to come someday, and it did not come close to Lee Sung-jin’s brain as fear. He does not feel guilt, fear, or sadness in the death of his others.

“It would be fun to play big once.”

He had a deep smile.

* * *

“Yes, inspector. Are you still? Yes, we are still watching closely. It doesn’t come out of the house. There is no apparent behavior.”

Investigator Koh Seok-hwan looked up at the officetel building at frequent calls.

A police officer was waiting at the entrance right in front of the door, and one policeman was waiting at the entrance of the building, with his vehicle parked a little further away.

It might have been a hasty decision to use the police force in a situation where the DNA test results have not yet been accurately released. It could be said that Do-hye was regarded as a dangerous person.

She allowed police forces to carry tasers.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Seok-Hwan Ko lit a fire and sucked it in deeply.

“You are now ×.”

The results will come out within today. Then you can see the pathetic side of Lee Seong-jin.

Koh Seok-hwan was also very surprised that high school students did such a terrible thing. Also, it was natural that Lee Seong-jin, who seemed to be their follower, felt sick to his stomach when he escaped.

He turned his gaze to the entrance of the officetel at the sudden noise he heard, breathing smoke.

“what… … ?”

Just a while ago, Koo! And there was the sound of something falling.

And someone walked out from inside.

He was wearing a motorcycle helmet and a leather jacket. In terms of physique and walking form, Lee Seong-jin was clear.

In his hand was an electric shock gun.

He tucked it around his waist, and the police officer guarding the entrance to the building pulled out a taser.

“Hey, you bastard… … !”

Seongjin Lee had a pot in her hand. The pot was on fire, and he was wearing leather gloves.


That was when the words were finished. The moment Lee Seong-jin throws his pot on the floor.


A fire engulfed it all around. It was a homemade bomb. Not long ago, a member of Daily Best exploded a homemade bomb at a concert hall. A flame even bigger than that at that time wrapped around him.

It was a moment when an investigator who was a little far away was trying to chase Lee Seong-jin, but was staggered by the flames.

Seong-Jin Lee, who had run into the alley, soon appeared on a Hayabusa motorcycle.

boo boo!

“Stop it, you bastard!”

Investigator Ko Seok-hwan blocked the road, but Hayabusa ran fiercely while raising his front wheel.

It was supposed to be caught right away, but it wouldn’t be strange to hit him. No matter how huge Detective Ko Seok-hwan was, he would at least be seriously injured if his head was hit by that front wheel.

Finally, he turned his body.

Pulling his gun from his waist, he aimed his gun at the motorcycle as it was moving away. But he never really fired.

If you fire live ammunition, it will be clear that Korea has over-repressed high school students. The media will tenaciously bite on it and hang around. For that reason, Korean police have refrained from firing live ammunition.

The fact that Lee Seong-jin was the culprit anyway was almost the same as the established fact.

Just then, the phone rang.

– Seongjin Lee, catch that bastard! 100% DNA match!

“No, I missed it.”


“They have detonated a homemade bomb and are now on the run.”

– What the hell are you doing? okay! hang up!

Investigator Ko Seok-hwan, who hung up the phone, hurriedly got into the car.

Hayabusa motorcycles had already disappeared.

“Contact the integrated control center and request tracking of the Hayabusa motorcycle! I’m asking for police force support!”


The investigator’s vehicle, which had shouted like that, also departed hastily.

* * *

In case of any unexpected situation, Do-hye also took a gun. When she got into her car, she saw reports of her coming up from the integrated control center and the police car chasing Lee Seong-jin.

-Currently, it was found at the Nangok Intersection on a runaway motorcycle. 1km away, the source is blocked by a police car and waiting!

Boo Woong!

Do-hye’s car headed towards where the report was coming from.

She was checking the location of the motorcycle from time to time.- The motorcycle runs in reverse. missed it

“crazy… … Reverse?”

A car is coming from the road and is driving in the opposite direction? It was like suicide. Now, Seong-Jin Lee was not just escaping, but rather an act of informing Korea about his existence.

Naturally, when a crazy Hayabusa motorcycle appeared on the road, police forces were mobilizing from all over, and the news reported that a chase was taking place.

This was purely a catch me show.

A life-threatening show.

What is he trying to achieve with this show?

-Ki, a riot police motorcycle fell while fighting a Hayabusa motorcycle. They are currently being tracked by SWAT, but tracking them is not easy!

“What the hell are you doing because you can’t even hold a motorcycle!”

Dohye was on the verge of a baby. It was just a motorcycle pulled by a high school student. The problem is that the motorcycle he pulls has been reported to have a formidable speed that even police riot police can’t keep up with.

Police riot police were specialists in pursuit of well-trained motorcycles. Even so, Seong-Jin Lee was skillfully ostracizing them.

* * *

‘Now we have to put an end to our affair.’

Sungjin Lee laughed. There is someone I want to kill today. He will die too, and he will die today too.

Behind him was a scooter’s bike chasing fiercely.

Despite the fact that there were police cars and motorcycles appearing one after another in a line, his face was full of laughter. as if having fun.

As I entered the curve, I saw three police cars blocking the curve. The road was jam-packed. Two cars had their bodies turned sideways, and one car was forced to crumple and the front window was visible.

Behind them, police cars stopped one after another as they stepped on the brakes.

“Finally caught it. You motherfucker!”

When he heard that the owner of this Hayabusa was one of the main culprits in this high school girl suicide case, the chief of the police riot police, who always burns his lover to catch him, put on a thoughtful expression on his face.

The moment he was desperately waiting for came before him.

Because of this guy, I didn’t even work overtime for a day or two.

“I’m sorry, but I haven’t been caught yet.”

The commander’s brow furrowed at the sound of his voice coming through the helmet.

Hayabusa, who had stopped soon after, let out another hot engine sound.

boo boo!

The motorcycle ran out and rushed towards the police car standing in front of Hayabusa. And as he slammed the bumper in front of him, he floated in the air like a flying bird, and he landed on the other side safely.


“Hey, what the hell is that bastard!”

“Come on, get out of the car! You bastards!”

The task force commander hurriedly approached the vehicle.

– No, I missed it.

Urgent hand signals continued to come and go. Just now, he was so relieved that the things that were pursuing him were completely thrown into chaos.

Trust me, it’s only the integrated control center now.

Police cars and motorcycles were too slow to follow the news from the Hana Integrated Control Center.

“Damn it!”

At the thought of being hit again, the task force commander kicked the floor.

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