Chapter 229

Attorney Kang Tae-hoon Episode 229

thud! thud! thud!

The hand that had been knocking slightly had become quite rough.

“Mr. Ho-chan Lee! My name is Detective Koh Seok-hwan.”

The person who identified himself as an outside investigator had a strange voice. The two were still holding their breath. They sneaked into the bathroom, hoping to see them through the window.

They put their faces to each other and whispered softly.

“Look, I don’t know the details. If I had known, I would have opened the door and entered.”

“I guess… … ?”

If a search warrant had been issued, the prosecution or the police would have opened the door and entered. But it didn’t seem like he knew when he saw the knocking on the door.

When the voice of investigator Ko Seok-hwan, who had been standing outside for a while, became quiet, the two of them crept out of the bathroom.

Ho-chan Lee slowly moved to the window and carefully lifted his head and looked outside.

At that time, I could see a man with a large, distracted figure getting into the car. He was talking to someone. Then, just when Ko Seok-hwan’s head turned upward again, Ho-chan Lee hurriedly lowered his body.

‘It must have been a disaster.’

Fortunately, after a while, the car disappeared.

The two swept their chests together.

* * *

Ahn Do-hye, who went to the prosecutor’s office, was able to see investigator Ko Seok-hwan, who returned almost lunchtime.

Go Seok-hwan had a puzzled expression on his face.

“Inspector. It’s very suspicious. those people?”

“What are you talking about?”

“There was a cigarette smell in the house, but they didn’t open the door?”

“As soon as I got the call, I hung up. And she didn’t open the door. Obviously, there is something they can swear by, right? Hmm.”

Dohye caressed her own chin.

It has been nearly 10 years since her grandmother was reported missing.

But it was true that she was missing, but the fact that she was alive.

However, she didn’t have a cell phone or bankbook in her name or anything. She may have lived without her even having a name of her own.

As she usually said hello, she didn’t seem to have a problem somewhere.

Then she really has something… … .

“Let’s do some research tomorrow, based on the neighbors, to make sure they live there. And when it is confirmed.”

“Can you confirm?”

The investigator waited for the end.

“I have to catch you and bring you.”

“all right.”

“What should I do, you know?”

“Isn’t that my specialty?”The investigator smiled slyly as if he was confident. And Ko Seok-hwan sat down in his seat and began to watch his work.

Dohye placed her interlaced hands under her chin and closed her eyes, immersed in her deep thoughts.

* * *

Before returning home, Tae-hoon stopped by a fruit shop. I bought the green grapes that Dohye likes. He asked the owner, with his thick beard and shabby heating, wearing jeans.

“What kind of fruit do elderly people usually like?”

“They are old people. Usually, you have bad teeth, so you like things like hongsi.”

“Then give me a basket of Hongsi.”

“Yes. all right.”

Today, Tae-Hoon has no choice but to use Do-Hye and her room. Because Hye slept with her grandmother. Taehoon is sleeping on the sofa.

He didn’t mean he was offended or anything. He knew Do-hye’s personality well, and it was because the two of them were not bothered by helping people in her troubles.

Rather feel happy.

Tae-hoon’s car loaded with a bag of red beans and a bag of green grapes in the passenger seat started heading home.

A deep sigh escaped Taehyung’s mouth.

Lately, Dohye has been depressed a lot, and Taehoon guessed the reason too. He wants to have a child, but he’s very upset that it doesn’t work out.

He’s telling her he’s okay, don’t fret, but it’s going to be a lot of stress for her.


As soon as we arrived in front of the apartment, Taehoon got on the elevator and went up.

When he opened the door and entered, Tae-hoon heard the sound of laughter and tilted his head.

“Ah, no! Oh no! Give me one card!”

“Where is that! That’s not a pig!”

Do-hye didn’t even know Tae-hoon had come, so she spread out her seat in her living room. Sitting opposite her was her grandmother, Lee Yeon-chun, who came with her this morning.

The two were hitting go-stops, and while she was doing her ejaculation with a big smile, her grandmother was adamant.

“I’m here?”

“Yeah, I also bought some green grapes that he likes. I also bought Hongsi for her grandmother to eat.”

“Ah really? great job. put it in the fridge Oh, what a great grandmother. Would you like some red shii?”

“Hongshi? It’s sweet and it’s delicious.”

“Baby, give me one hongshi on a plate with a fork.”


Taehyung nodded his head. As he put green grapes and red shii from the bag into the refrigerator, he looked back at Dohye, who did not stop laughing.

“Ah- Grandma, why are you hitting GoStop so well? Isn’t it a lie that you lost your memory?”

“You can hit it like this, hit it like that, and what?”

“Grandma! Shall we go to see the autumn leaves together tomorrow evening? There were a lot of autumn leaves.”

“My whole body aches to death. Where are you wandering around?”

“Oh, why? Come with me.”

Dohye was clinging to her side and showing her aegyo like her granddaughter. Her grandmother burst into laughter at the sight.

When Taehoon puts Hongsi on her plate and puts it in front of her grandmother, Hye quickly picked it up. Then he gently scooped it up with her fork and scooped it up a little and offered it to her.

“Grandma. iced coffee.”

“I have hands too!”

“Oh, why?”

At Dohye’s aegyo, she reluctantly opened her mouth. She gave her a mouthful and nodded her head.

“it’s delicious?”

“It’s sweet.”

“Ho Ho!”

A soft smile spread across Taehyung’s face.

He sat down on a chair at the dining table and looked at the two of them unconsciously. Do-hye, who had been depressed for a while, was bursting with laughter for some reason. He sat there and watched the two of them silently.

When evening came, again, Taehoon had no choice but to stay on the sofa. But he was content that his wife was smiling.

Like her granddaughter, Do-hye, who was sleeping holding her hand tightly in her bedroom, slowly woke up to a sound.

“I can’t… … I can’t… … Don’t… … Huh… … ? Ho-chan… … Don’t… … ”

“Grandma… … ?”

She was tossing and turning her body like a nightmare, sweating. Do-hye, who raised her upper body, shook her.

“Don’t leave me… … Yes? Ho-chan… … No matter how hard it is, how do you abandon your mother? I am the burden… … I am a burden to you.”

“will do… … money?”

Dohye’s face was contorted hard.

In her man’s dreams, what she longed for terribly comes out, and her painful memories are recalled again.

She was dreaming of the latter.

Dohye watched her for a moment without waking her up.

“Don’t go on my feet… … with my feet… … ”

And it seemed that she was no longer floundering in her dreams.

With a relaxed expression on her face, she fell asleep again.

Do-hye, who got her body up, went out into the living room and poured her water into a glass and drenched her dry throat.

What the hell is the story?

Sooner or later, Detective Koh Seok-hwan will bring a man named Lee Ho-chan in front of him.

* * *

According to Do-hye’s instructions, investigator Koh Seok-hwan asked whether a person named Lee Ho-chan was currently living on the second floor of the house, based on the people living nearby. And he was able to secure information that he leaves for work at 9 am every morning.

He must have been in the house last time. He purposely avoided him.

Investigator Ko Seok-hwan, who had a car in front of the house, was able to witness Lee Ho-chan coming down the stairs from the two-story house. In his work clothes, he pushed the iron door out and was about to get into the truck.

Investigator Ko Seok-hwan, who got out of the vehicle, slowly approached him, and he called him from a distance he could catch with one step.

“Mr. Ho-chan Lee. Are you right?”


When he called out his own name, Ho-Chan Lee turned around in amazement. And he opened his eyes wide when he found a large man named Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office that he had seen a while ago.

“Oh, no.”“No. Mr. Ho-Chan Lee. Wait, I think you should go with me.”

Detective Ko Seok-hwan grabbed his hand. Lee Ho-chan’s face became contemplative. Seok-hwan shook his head as he was about to put his handcuffs on.

Because he didn’t know the exact circumstances. He might be in trouble if he’s handcuffed for nothing.

He sat in his passenger seat more obediently than expected.

Ko Seok-hwan remembered the conversation he had with Do-hye.

what he’s good at. It was throwing the bait.

“Why did you do that?”

At Ko Seok-hwan’s words, he bowed his head.

When the car stopped at a signal, Ko Seok-hwan looked at him again.

The fact that he accompanies himself obediently means that he has committed a crime.

“Why did you do that? If you go and interrogate anyway, you have to tell them everything.”

“It was because it was so hard to eat and live. I have to send my kids to college… … Debt was owed. An old man who only eats rice at home without strength… … Well, I know that doing that to my mother is punishable by punishment.”

Go Seok-hwan just nodded as if he already knew everything. But he had lost interest in the new stories he had heard.

“I think my mother overheard our story. He disappeared first before we threw it away. Because we are human too, my mother disappeared like that… … I’ve been looking But in the end, I couldn’t find it.”

“Hmm… … .”

Go Seok-hwan frowned and nodded his head.

“As a child… … She knows how shocked it would be to hear her mother throw it away because of her insurance money.”

“Hmm… … Yes Yes?”

Go Seok-hwan’s head shook and he turned.

That was the moment when it became clear exactly why she was going to abandon her mother. Treating her own mother as her disappearance because of her insurance money.

Isn’t that so ugly and absurd?

Go Seok-hwan’s face was very contorted.

He was so angry that he was breathing hard without realizing it.

“Whoa, yes. Abandon her mother for insurance?”

“We didn’t throw it away! mother herself… … !”

“Anyway, isn’t it true that you were going to throw it away?”

Go Seok-hwan’s eyes narrowed.

Seok-Hwan Ko thinks that the most heinous crime in the world is a crime that takes place within his family.

A sex crime in which his father covets his daughter.

A kinsman murder in which an idiot kills her parents.

Killing a newborn baby and leaving it unattended.

And abandoning the family for money.

“Get ready to eat your soybean meal full.”

Unknowingly, strength entered his hand holding the steering wheel. Ho-Chan Lee lowered his head.

Investigator Ko Seok-hwan, who remembered what kind of expression he would make when Ahn Do-hye heard these words, swallowed a sigh.

The road will probably run wild

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