Chapter 222

Attorney Kang Tae-hoon Episode 222


– Yes, Parkinson’s. The symptoms are almost the same as tremor, Parkinson’s disease is a disease that mainly older middle-aged people have. No clear cause has been identified. Initial symptoms include tremors of the hands and tremors of the facial muscles. If the surgery had been performed a few years ago, it would have been fine until then. However, when Parkinson’s disease was discovered at an early stage, it must have been that the scalpel could not be caught.

That was quite possible. Holding a scalpel would be impossible if Parkinson’s made your hands tremble. Touch any part of your face. Even if you do double surgery, nose surgery, or if you assume that you will have jaw surgery with the most important nerve, a person with hand tremor can never perform surgery!

“Then the director is telling this fact to only a few people and hiding it… … .”

The director was still appearing on TV, and the reason plastic surgery was the most crowded was because I wanted to have surgery from him.

But, what if he can’t perform an operation due to Parkinson’s disease? Of course, there will be fewer patients looking for him.

Also, if they had told the patients they had visited unconditionally, ‘It’s not me, someone else will perform the operation’, then they might have looked for another hospital with better doctors.

It was said that the person who operated Hyun-soo Oh now was Lee Min-geun, and in the case of Hyun-soo Oh, the operation of Director Lee Min-geun was wrong! In the face of this, Director Lee Min-geun performed the surgery correctly. That’s what it claims to be.

However, if a completely different person performed the operation, and Lee Min-geun has Parkinson’s disease, the probability of winning the lawsuit is very high.

If this is the case, it is almost certainly an admission of negligence on the part of the doctor.

“What is the most interesting thing about a movie, a drama, or a mystery novel?”

Taehoon tilted his head at her sudden question.

She smiled, raising only one tail of her mouth.

“It is the reverse. At the trial, Director Lee Min-geun and his lawyer will criticize Oh Hyun-soo. After the operation, side effects occurred due to the patient’s negligence, and the hospital said the operation was successful. Director Lee Min-geun will tell you that he has done well with his bald bald pole as he put a sling around his neck. What if I turn on the recorder then? Speaking of Parkinson’s?” “It’s completely water. It turns out that the person who had a job that touched people’s bodies was lying. hospital… … Will the door close? The doctor’s license will of course be suspended.”

“If you have to do that, you can say that you have paid for what you’ve suffered so far.”

Lee Soo-ae smiled slyly. So were the others.

The reward was also a reward, but I really wanted to see that ugly and dirty face distorted once.“It’s game start.”

Soo-ae made a sound of ‘wow’ with her tongue and put her impact into it.

* * *

Go Doo-gil, who was sitting opposite Lee Min-geun’s office, placed his hands on the desk, dipping his lips with the coffee the nurse had laid down.

“As the side said that they did not intend to reach an agreement, we also need to take a tougher response. That means we shouldn’t be underestimated on our part. Also, the odds of winning there are very slim.”

“Cancer, that’s right. Even if it’s dry, it’s too dry Isn’t that the same as throwing out your hand at the best?”

“Aren’t you doing homework these days?”

“Of course.”

Director Lee Min-geun nodded his head.

Parkinson’s disease arrived and his hands were getting more and more trembling. Because of that, he was in the hospital, but it was almost impossible to make a full recovery.

Now, the only way was to lead doctors under the title of director. At least a few months ago, he told his patients that he would perform the operation himself, and he had a bimaxillary surgeon in Gyeonggi-do perform the operation instead.

But now he wasn’t doing it because he didn’t know he might get caught. Also, in his own case, he was so talented that the professors of oral surgery were tongue-in-cheek. That’s why he was able to appear on TV, and there are very few patients who experienced side effects.

However, in the case of a doctor in Gyeonggi-do, although he is a doctor in charge of bones, he was still young and his experience was inexperienced.

For doctors, the number of surgeries is the most important.

He is only thirty-five now. He is said to be a double jaw surgery specialist, but he is a friend who lacks experience. Because of this, his side effects have increased compared to when he performed it.

So he didn’t want to do that kind of surgery anymore.

“After this trial is over, I think it would be good to announce to everyone that you will not have surgery naturally. By the way, there are no medical records related to Parkinson’s disease, right?”

“Of course. I am being examined by a doctor who is close to me.”

Director Lee Min-geun wasn’t stupid either.

Because you can’t pretend to be a doctor while you’re on the record.



It was lawyer Ko Doo-gil who tried to put the ringing phone back into his arms by pressing the hold button.

“You get it.”

“Then excuse me.”

At the recommendation of Director Lee Min-geun, he confirmed the caller. It was an unknown number.

“Yes, I am lawyer Koh Du-gil at Hwasan Law Firm.”

-Hello. Lawyer Ko Doo-gil. This is Lee Soo-ae, a reporter from KBC.

“Are you a reporter?”

His brow furrowed, and he thought of a woman.

She was a woman who sarcasticly aimed at a really good plastic surgeon by mentioning making a documentary in front of a really good plastic surgeon.

“Yeah, what’s going on?”

– Do you remember the last time we were filming a documentary?

“of course.”

-I’m sorry, but the documentary is about victims of side effects from orthognathic surgery who are preparing a lawsuit related to a really good plastic surgery.

“Oh, is it?”

Of course, he knew this, but Godo-gil answered that way.

-Actually, even for a documentary, you need to know the positions of both sides.

Documentary is about highlighting reality. It shows the real thing. Of course, I exaggerate where it is good, but I do not say it.

-So, by the way, is it possible to report on this situation?

“Would you mind waiting a moment? I will call you back in five minutes.”


He put his phone on the desk.

“Reporter Lee Soo-ae is asking for your cooperation to produce a documentary about the victims of orthognathic surgery.”

“Such a nonsensical sound… … .”

“You cooperate.”

“What do you mean?”

Director Lee Min-geun had an expression that he did not understand at all. I knew that Ko Doo-gil was a competent lawyer, but I was puzzled by what he said now.

Are you willing to report on broadcasts that demean and attack them?

“What kind of tribe are the journalists? If you don’t cooperate, you’ll write an article saying you didn’t cooperate again. And if it’s like a vaginal fight, it’s right to avoid it, but now it’s different. You’re making a documentary. Well, if that side loses, it will be one of them. Either give up the documentary altogether or just air it. What if it just aired? We need to raise awareness through broadcasting that victims of orthognathic surgery are making unreasonable demands and unjustly presenting their own demands.”

“I think so.”

Of course if it’s the latter. In fact, the latter seemed likely.

A broadcasting station was a place to work for viewership ratings rather than working for people, and it would be great if the viewership ratings were good in one way or another.

“I will respond to the interview.”

Director Lee Min-geun looked hesitant for a moment and then nodded his head. It also showed trust in Godo-gil.

Go Doo-gil picked up the phone again.

* * *

Camera equipment was coming into the office of Hwasan Law Firm. They just glanced at them, and no one cared much. Doo-gil Ko, as his name suggests, had his own office, and his main clients were executives of large corporations and people in the business world.

The camera came in and took a seat.

“Hello. Lawyer, thank you for your willingness to respond to the interview.”

“Sit down.”

Go Doo-gil naturally suggested a seat.

Anyway, Godo-gil is going to be mosaic-treated. Only his voice would get on the radio.

“Based on what we have confirmed, the current lawyer is arguing that the side effects are caused by the patient’s negligence.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Go Doo-gil came forward with a good reason. The hospital made a firm statement that there were no mistakes, and clearly told them to be careful about side effects.

However, he was completely caught up in Lee Soo-ae’s tricks.

Here, they were proudly proclaiming, ‘Innocent!’

However, the next camera’s destination was right outside the courtroom after the trial.

There, lawyer Kang Tae-hoon and the director who performed the operation suffered from Parkinson’s disease! If you include an interview called Also, what if it is known that the doctor who performed the operation is not the director, but a young doctor who has not yet performed many surgeries at the Gyeonggi branch?

game over.

Literally, it’s a one-punch three-corn slap.

“Thank you for responding today.”

“no. Let’s go have a drink.”

“no. next time work hard.”

Soo-ae Lee refused. The thought of his soon-to-distorted face brings out a laugh, and the drink doesn’t even run down his throat.

especially me.

This was a scoop of scoops.

As I said before, the reverse of everything is fun. Is there a way to only enjoy dramas and movies? When we do a documentary, we will create an atmosphere that deliberately creates an atrocious situation.

One big room at the end! Whoops!

ratings? Soaring, real-time search terms are winning dangsang.

It was only natural for the director to rub his flattered hands.

When I thought about the special bonus, I laughed out loud.

What’s even more satisfying is the story of real people. It was that Kang Tae-hoon’s story could end successfully.

“Senior, what do you like so much?”

“It’s good. It’s really nice to see many people that I live like a real person.”

She said that to the cameraman who had just come in, then went out with them and got into the broadcast vehicle and disappeared.

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