Chapter 201

Attorney Kang Tae-hoon Episode 201

Chapter 55 The King’s Death

It was about 1 billion won. It was natural for Taehyung to be upset. Am I worth this much money? I also had such a question.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t accept this.”

Taehoon shook his head. The old gentleman had a soft smile.

How many people are like this in the world? It was a time when not many people were reluctant to give money. Perhaps someone like Tae-Hoon will be counted in the hand.

That’s why Mrs. Oh will trust him.

“Accept it. If I don’t give it to you, I may be kicked out by the president.”

With a mischievous smile on his face, the old gentleman did not take it from Tae-hoon’s hand as he held out the envelope again.

“What have I done?”

“You’ve done enough. Thanks to Lawyer Kang, didn’t one person feel more comfortable before going?”

“but… … .”

“Dear President Oh, do you know that 100 million won is a very, very small amount of money?”

It is. Whether Ms. Oh has 100 million won or not, it must be money that doesn’t bother her much.

“If that’s the case, where do you donate? Either use it for a good cause.”

Seeing what he said so far, it seemed that the old gentleman had no intention of getting his money back.

Taking a deep breath, he slipped the envelope into his pocket. He seemed to have to discuss with Beom-hyun how he would use this money.

When the will was handed over, the old gentleman turned around.

It is probably not Tae-hoon’s misunderstanding that his back face looks droopy as he walks around.

He’s been looking after him for the longest time, and he’ll lose the person he cared for.

* * *

Jaehee’s plagiarism accusation won.

The court ruled that it was not plagiarism. The other side seems to be appealing and preparing for the next trial.

Tae-hoon sued the other party for accusations of innocence and defamation, and a bite came after a few days.

At first, the other party, who showed such a tough appearance by cutting it off, began to beg for his circumstances.

Taehoon decided to meet the writer first.

She said she wanted to see her at her own house. When Taehoon questioned her, she said that she had interpersonal phobia.

It was an understandable story.

She drove her car to find her home after she took the address on the navigator.

The place he arrived was a one-room village.

Taehoon entered the one-room building and climbed up the stairs and rang his doorbell.

Ding Dong.

-who are you?

“My name is Jae-hee Han, lawyer Kang Tae-hoon.”

The door opened a little. There was a man who carefully poked his head between them. Soon the door opened wide, revealing her face.Taehyung’s eyes twitched, but it was fleeting. He wasn’t Tae-Hoon, who couldn’t manage his facial expressions enough to offend others.

“Hi… … do… … .”


Woof woof!

Then a little poodle with brown hair ran up and barked at Taehoon.

“I don’t bite. In a little while, you will be quiet.”

She was very different from what Taehoon had envisioned. She seemed to know why she had her interpersonal phobia.

her chin.

That is, her lower tube part was twisted. She also didn’t move her mouth well when speaking. Her lips felt more puffy than normal people. He also appeared sullen when speaking.

Rather than thinking that it was from the beginning, it was probably because of the side effects of plastic surgery.

“Come on in.”

She led Tae-hun, and he cautiously went inside.

A space of about 6 sq. A bed, a work computer, a laptop, a bookshelf, a small TV, and a refrigerator were so small that it seemed full.

The house smells like dog poop. Embarrassed, she went to the window and opened the door wide.

The weather was getting colder, so a chilly wind came in, but it seemed better than this bad smell.

The poodle, who had been barking for a while, was sitting in front of Tae-hoon and waving his round tail softly.

“The dog is pretty.”

“It’s called Kancho.”

“Oh, Kancho.”

It’s the name of the cookie. Taehyung smiled as if he was indifferent. She brought a can of corn beard tea, and the two sat down in front of a small table in a small room.

She scratched her head in her embarrassment. And he looked hesitant.

“sorry. only once… … Please be kind.”

“… … What are you sorry for?”

Once her circumstances were good, she came here as Jaehee’s lawyer herself. And the other party tripped over his client for an absurd reason.

She inflicted enormous damage.

Although she appeared in the article, ‘The court ruled that Time was not plagiarism’. There were certainly people who had doubts about her, and it was heartbreaking to think about the psychological damage that Jaehee had suffered during that time.

It was because the other party felt the intention of extorting some money.

“This plagiarism lawsuit.”

“Hmm… … It would be good to come to an agreement.”

“How much of an agreement… … .”

“well. Because Han Jae-hee’s name is worth it.”

Taehoon smiled shyly.

It was none other than Han Jae-hee. One of the top five writers in Korea.

She stood up from her seat for a moment, looking like she was about to burst into tears, and knelt down on her knees.

“Lawyer. Can’t you be kind to me just once?”

“Annoyance… … It does.”

Taehoon scratched the back of his nose.

“please… … I know I did everything wrong. I know they sued for nonsense. But. Even so, I needed money.”

“Unbelievable… … You haven’t even seen a lawyer in the first place. What, did you decide to file a lawsuit based on allegations of plagiarism floating around on the Internet?”

It was quite possible.

She nodded her head.

And if you take time, you’ll get old from there, eat this and leave. She thought she might be able to.

It was a very stupid idea, but she was in desperate need of money.

Even if she knelt down on her knees and cried, only a sign of distress appeared on Tae-hoon’s face, but when there was nothing else to say, she was frustrated.

Of course, Tae-Hoon didn’t make himself like this. Han Jae-hee was not made like this.

However, she was resentful of the world, who did not recognize her own injustice, and said that she was the only one who was wrong.

“Hey, I needed money, money.”

She wept non-stop. It was natural for Taehoon to be embarrassed and embarrassed. It was true that Taehoon was also frustrated because a woman was crying and ejaculating on her knees in a small studio.

However, he couldn’t forgive easily if he thought about the damage Jaehee had suffered.

“I was going to sue, and I needed money to file a lawsuit through a lawyer.”

“A lawsuit?”

In the end, the reason why she needed a power supply burst out of her mouth. She got her body up and went to her own desk and rummaged through her drawers. Soon she pulled out her little photo album from her drawer.

“Look at this picture, and look at me now.”

She pointed to herself in the photo album.

From the moment she was born, she had a chin. Grade 3 malocclusion.

But she wasn’t as confused as she is now. Because she now looked like her lower tube was paralyzed.

“If you have two jaw surgery… … Are there any side effects?”


“On the hospital side?”

“I was notified of the side effects in advance, and they said it was difficult to compensate because I signed it. Does this make sense? You made people like this!”

Recently, there have been frequent cases of surgical side effects related to orthognathic surgery in Korea.

double jaw surgery.

This surgery was recommended in cases of mandibular dwarfism, or chin, facial asymmetry, protruding mouth, etc. However, the problem is that these days, there are more people who perform double jaw surgery to preserve the aesthetics rather than the functional.

Orthognathic surgery is a risky operation that damages the bones. In addition to the nervous system in the jawbone, there was clearly a dangerous place that could be life-threatening if touched incorrectly.

Nevertheless, seeing people who achieved dramatic results through double jaw surgery on TV, many people were taking risks and undergoing double jaw surgery.

It was not easy to receive compensation if side effects occurred.

The biggest problem is that the hospital was not sure whether the reoperation would be successful or not, and even patients are scared when they recommend reoperation.

For patients who have already had double jaw surgery once, they know how difficult it can be for several months after surgery.

Moreover, in the case of the previous woman, the side effects had already occurred due to the double jaw surgery once. She may not have reoperation because she fears that she will die on her second reoperation.

But the bigger problem was that she had been stripped of her life’s identity as a woman.She was in her late twenties. Her occupation is romance web novel writer.

Although she pursued a slightly different field than Jaehee, it was a case in which she fell because of a similar cliché in her work.

She was less well known among romance web novel writers. So, her income is almost non-existent.

There her face was ruined like this. Now that she has been decorating for a long time, dating her, and preparing for her marriage, her life as a woman has been taken away from her.

She had the surgery thinking that her own face would become beautiful, but her return came with even greater side effects and ugly facial paralysis.

“She has no sensation on her lips,” she said.

It looked more serious than she thought.

When she heard the ejaculation, she was saddened. Taehyung let out a shallow sigh.

“It is not something I can decide on my own.”

Taehyung shook his head sharply.

“After asking Jae-hee for a doctor, I will either give her her number or arrange for the two of them to meet. And it’s not just Jaehee. The publisher’s image was also damaged by this incident, so I think you should meet the publisher’s representative as well.”

“together… … Can’t you please go?”

“Well… … .”

I’m afraid to go anywhere by myself because I’m such a molgol because I’m very popular. It was Tae-hoon with her car, so if you pick her up, she can go straight.


Taehyung got up and went outside.

He took out his cell phone.

He first called Hyun-ji Lee.

He told her roughly her circumstances, and she said that this man was begging her to do her a favor.

– Good luck? Of course you have to ask for forgiveness! Where would you like to see that mug?

Lee Hyeon-ji was also in a situation where he was horned. Who wouldn’t be offended by a work published by his publisher as plagiarism?

When she called Jaehee, she told him to visit her, as she might be writing her articles at her publishing house. On the other hand, she was also curious about Tae-hoon, who arranges a direct meeting rather than a phone call.

“I think you should see it for yourself. As a lawyer, you shouldn’t say things like this, but the other person’s situation is very bad.”

Taehyung said with a bitter smile.

He ended her phone call with Jaehee and went into her house and told her.

“Let’s go.”


Her face brightened even more. She prepared to go out in a hurry. She wore a pressed-down military cap and a mask that covered her face except for her eyes.

Her always going out to her, was fear.

Fear of people’s gaze.

Fortunately, her mask and hat cover her.

“Kanchoya, I’ll go to my sister.”

“Keeping, biting… … .”

She whined from the seated position of the brown poodle, knowing she was about to go out as she stood at her door. It was also one aspect of how she was living in her house.

Taehoon left her house with her.

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