Chapter 160 The Yin Yin Rubbing the beam, the floral fragrance is full of clothes

Oh, this is definitely not that I can’t play well. I thought about it. I felt that it might be. He didn’t want to be tone by Qin Yin, evoke those memories!

It seems that this song will not be played tomorrow.

You still can’t follow the rhythm of the deity.

At this time, in my hands, Qin Yin didn’t stop, but my mind was completely on him.

In my heart, there is an inherent admiration and longing.

The purpose of my birth is to get close to him and improve his favorability.

June 12: Continue to fish.

On this day, she was earlier than me.

Sure enough, like previous lives, she was a little girl.

Today, it was not Su Yan, but Gu Nanyi.

The deity has always called her to begging, but I can’t call her that.

She is really gentle.

On this day, I was invited by them to have dinner.

Nan Yi understands the piano and can hear my realm.

She should have moved the idea of letting Xiao Xueer learn the piano.

On this day, I quietly observed that she got along with Xueer. When she found that she was waiting for her daughter, she really depends on her own.

She must love Su Yan, so she loves the house and Wu?

But people are still different, just like this deity, and they must love Su Yan, but if Su Yan has a child who is not her biological, she will never be so good to Nan Yi.

In the gap of eating, I quietly wrote down a few dishes that Su Yan loved, ready to go back and try. In the memory of this deity, there is only fierce love and hate, and there are few these.

Alas, that drunk chicken is really delicious!

June 16: I have the opportunity to play the piano in front of Su Yan. This time, I did not play the mountain city. As a result, the favorability really rises. At present, it is a bit far from the goal of the deity.

June 25th: Su Yan and Gu Nanyi, formally brought a teacher to worship the teacher.

Su Yan asked me, Xueer may not have only one master, can I accept it?

I naturally agreed.

Su Yan’s favorability of me broke through twenty.

I pulled Xueer and strolled around Qu Shuifeng.

I do n’t know how long I can save the world, I just hope to teach her all the time.

June 26th: From this day, they will send Xueer every morning and get back later.

Cher asked me if I could bring rabbits and little beasts, and I agreed.

My Qu Shuifeng also started to become lively.

On the first day of August: This month, most of the time, Nan Yi who sent Cher.

To be honest, a little disappointed.

I dress carefully every day.

However, unlike the deity, I don’t hate Nan Yi, but slowly become a girlfriend with her.

She once said that there can be some flowers in my small building.

Gradually, she was filled with flowers here.

And I gradually like this state of flower aroma.

She really understands flowers.

Although I can’t see it, the small building is decorated with how beautiful her, but every morning, from the first floor to the third floor every morning, I can smell dozens of different floral fragrances in turn.

Going downstairs at dusk is a different taste.

The same room in the same room is layered, and it is not mixed at all.

Such a woman is no wonder Su Yan will choose her.

I gradually felt that Su Yan was with her, so I had to be with the deity.

As for myself, my life is like a dew, and as long as I look at him well, it will be better to redeem some sin for the deity.

To be greedy, I just hope to leave a beautiful shadow in his heart.

Every night, I always take care of my life lights.

My birth is to improve Su Yan’s favor.

But I am different from those who have no self.

I can have some choices for myself.

To enhance Su Yan’s favor, it is not to snatch him for his deity.

The deity was dissatisfied with my thoughts, and I wanted to seal me, but I still resisted when I saw the favorability of 50.


Sixth day of June: Hee hee, today is my three -year -old birthday.

Unconsciously, it has been three years, and Xueer is seven years old.

Now, she can already feel faintly induced to the world. When she is high in the future, she can feel the threshold of the realm of turning and the law.

Today, Su Yan all came to Que Shuifeng to celebrate my birthday. I am really happy.

Su Yan’s favorability also exceeded a hundred today. Happy! But after thinking about it for three years, it’s still very slow.

On the eighth day of June: Someone came to worship, and I still refused. I am not good at being a teacher. In this life, there will be only a disciple of Xueer.

June 23rd: There were flies to harass and hit it.

Although I won’t go to Lu Yan with Nan Yi, my heart can only accommodate Su Yan and Xueer. This is doomed from the moment of birth. It is impossible to accept other Taoist couples.

On the second day of July: On this day, Nan Yi told me her little trouble. It seemed that Su Yan had a cough in a certain aspect.

Ah, although I was a piece of white paper, I recalled what I saw in those dream projection, and reminded her.

You can let him call your sister first, and then he will become obedient.

Ah, so shy!

The deity seemed to be angry. She took away the control of her body that night. When my consciousness returned, the whole woods were moved to her.

I can notice that these years, because I chose to help Nan Yi, she has already wanted me to disappear several times.

In the end, it was for the sake of Su Yan and Xueer’s favorability.

I think, one day, she feels that she feels good enough, and it is the end of the character Gu Xixue.

Maybe I should restrain the growth of the favorability.

But it cannot be done.

I just can’t help but want to get close to him, want to please him, and want him to be good.

On the first day of September: Su Yan told me that he and Nan Yi were going to settle a restricted area, and it would take about a month or two.

In the past few years, in order to redeem the life lights, they occasionally pick up the tasks of the Holy Land, about two or three times a year.

This time, there seemed to be no danger, and they were going to take Cher.

In the past, I did not dare to disturb the two of them alone, but this time, if they took Xueer, I greeted the courage to propose whether he could go with him without hesitation.

September 12: We are acting.

The restricted area that is settled this time is located in the northwest of the Dayan dynasty.

This is the first time I was born. Although I couldn’t see it, they were telling me about what I saw and heard along the way.

I don’t worry about my blindness, but they seem to regret it for me.

Su Yan told me that he would find medicine that could cure my eye disease.

Although I was moved, I didn’t hold hope. Of course, I was very clear that my eyes were not injuries, but the system settings.

If you do n’t see the third eye of the past and the future in the future, what are the puzzles that can make it grow?

The settlement of the restricted area was smooth, and I also stretched out my hand.

They all said that I did not expect that my piano skills were already a realm.

Haha, yes, as early as a year ago, my piano skills broke from semi -stereotypes and broke through.

After that, we did not return immediately, but traveled to the outside world again, and did not return to the Holy Land until March of the following year.

At this time, Su Yan’s favorability of me was close to two hundred.

(This chapter is finished)

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