.However, due to his influence , a series of plots were shifted , which caused the butterfly effect and freed Guina from the fate of death .

.” Nissan , do you think the Golden Lion will appear on Dawn Island ?”

.At this time , Robin suddenly asked Cang Yue .

.After Cang Yue came to the East China Sea , she sailed all the way by boat . During this period , she did not stop at any island , but went directly to Dawn Island .

.This shows that Cang Yue should know some clues .

.” When I’m here … then the golden lion will come . ”

.Cang Yue smiled slightly .

.The reason why he is so certain is not because he can predict the future .

.But because he triggered the system task again , he got some clues .

.The ice boat quickly approached the dock .

.Cang Yue and Robin got off the boat and walked to the pier step by step .

.Not far .

.Both Guina and Zoro were looking at them .

.Seeing Cang Yue and Robin go ashore , Guina hesitated for a moment , then stepped forward and asked , ” Excuse me , why did you come to this Dawn Island …”

.Cang Yue smiled and said, ” We just happened to pass by here and prepare to supply some supplies . ”

.Hearing Cang Yue’s words , Gu Yina breathed a sigh of relief , and then persuaded : ” That … you should leave here as soon as possible , this place has been targeted by the Flying Sky Pirates , and it is very dangerous now . ”

.Since Cang Yue is not a member of the Flying Sky Pirates , she can’t just watch the other party suffer , she still has the responsibility to remind them .

.If Cang Yue stayed here , he might be attacked by the Flying Sky Pirates .

.” Thank you little sister for reminding me . ”

.Cang Yue smiled and did not explain much .

.After responding to Guina’s sentence , they walked with Robin to the kingdom in the middle of the island .

.Watching Cang Yue and Robin go further and further , Gu Yina looked tangled and puzzled .

.Ordinary people should immediately change color when they hear the Flying Sky Pirates , and then flee as far as they can .

.But Cang Yue was the complete opposite . Not only did she not panic , she actually did n’t care about the Flying Sky Pirates .

.Haven’t these two heard of the Flying Sky Pirates ?

.Just when Guina was hesitating , Zoro walked over at an unknown time , staring at Cang Yue’s back .

.” That man … is a swordsman !”

.Although Cang Yue didn’t bring a sword , Zoro’s astonishing intuition told him that the man in front of him was a swordsman .

.And also a very powerful swordsman .

.Guina was thoughtful . Although she didn’t have Zoro’s amazing intuition , as Koushiro’s daughter and Kosaburo’s granddaughter , she was also very sensitive to sword intent .

.” That man … at least a powerful swordsman with strength close to Master !”

.Zoro retracted his gaze , shook his head and said , ” It’s a pity , if it’s normal , I really want to ask him to learn from him !”

.Although he is only five years old at the moment, he has already begun to show his amazing talent in kendo .

.In Yixin Dojo , even adults are no longer his opponents .

.The only opponent he can’t defeat now is Guina .

.As for Koushiro , of course, being a teacher doesn’t count .

.When encountering a powerful swordsman , he always has the idea of a contest .

.But now because of the matter of the Flying Sky Pirates , he doesn’t feel that challenge .


.”The girl just now is the granddaughter of Kosaburo Shirogue , a famous swordsman in Wano country . ”

.Cang Yue and Robin walked towards Goa Kingdom , opening the mouth as they walked .

.Robin was surprised : “I didn’t expect … Nissan actually knew this kind of secret . ”

.Although she didn’t know the entire history of Wano Kingdom , she also knew part of the history , so she also knew Kosaburo .

.Cang Yue nodded and said, ” I only found out by chance , but that little girl’s talent in swordsmanship is indeed outstanding . I guess it has something to do with her bloodline . ”

.Sauron is already an out-and-out monster , but Guina’s ability to suppress Sauron shows that she also has an extremely terrifying talent for kendo .

.” Are you going to train them ?”

.Robin looked at Cang Yue curiously .

.Cang Yue shook her head : ” I don’t have that much spare time … With that kind of time , I might as well study the structure of the human body more …”

.Hearing this , Robin rolled his eyes at the other party .


.At the same time .

.At an altitude of 10,000 meters , a hundred miles away from Dawn Island, there is a large floating island .

.At this time , a huge roar was erupting on the island .

.” Eight-foot Qionggouyu !!”

.Kizaru’s voice came from the island , and countless laser light bombs fell , bombarding the surface of the island .

.” Lion Power Earth Scroll !”

.At this time , the voice of the golden lion also sounded .

.The mud rolled and turned into seven or eight huge lion heads , roaring and bombarding the yellow monkey .

.Seeing this , a beam of laser light was emitted from the foot of the yellow monkey .

.Boom ! !

.The lion’s head collided with the golden laser , and a mushroom cloud suddenly rose .

.But at this moment , seven or eight golden slashes came from the face , and suddenly split the body of the yellow monkey into light particles .

.These slashes are domineering , but Kizaru has already sensed it in advance with the color of seeing and hearing , and used elementalization in time , so he was not injured .

.Countless light particles reorganized in an instant and turned into the body of the yellow monkey again .

.” Tiancong Cloud Sword !”

.Huang Yuan pulled his palms together , and Tian Cong Yun Jian slowly emerged .

.The figure of the golden lion descended from the sky , and the dead wood sword with its right foot slashed towards the yellow monkey .

.” It’s scary !”

.With a wretched expression on his face , Tiancong Yunjian boldly greeted him .

.The two swords collided in the air , making a fierce roar .

.” Go down !”

.The golden lion grinned , and then with a sudden force , it knocked Kiwi flying away and landed on the outside of the island .

.In the world of One Piece , strength and battle are closely related .

.If you don’t fight all year round , your strength will decline rapidly .

.Armament and seeing will fade away quickly if they don’t exercise regularly .

.Golden Lion Shiki and Moonlight Moria are typical examples .

.At its peak , Moonlight Moria dominated the great route all the way , and after entering the new world , he was even more rigid with the beast Kaido .

.Although he was finally defeated by Kaido , the battle also made Moonlight Moria famous , and his strength was recognized by countless people .

.Otherwise, the world government will not let him be Qiwuhai .

.Moriah in this period was undoubtedly extremely powerful at 4.9 . Even if he didn’t reach the general level , he was at least a general candidate .

.But after being defeated by Kaido , he lost his confidence .

.If the plot has not changed, it is estimated that he has now hid in the Devil’s Triangle Sea and started a decade-long decadent life .

.In the end, he was defeated by Luffy and became the shame of Shichibukai .

.In this regard , the golden lion is the same .

.In the plot of the movie , since he escaped from prison , he has spent twenty years on the island .

.During this period, there was no cultivation or battle , and whether it was domineering or swordsmanship , they had already fallen several levels .

.So in the end , he was defeated by Luffy who had not yet mastered the domineering , which also became a shame among the three legendary pirates .

.But now the golden lion is different !

.Due to the influence of Cang Yue , he did not choose to hide after escaping , but soon came out again , so he participated in many battles during this period .

.He even encountered Karp , and after the two fought for a day and a night , he finally lost and escaped .

.After the golden lion lost both legs , although the strength has dropped a lot , it still has the general level of combat power .

.Otherwise , why would he be able to escape in the hands of Peak Garp .

.Today, the strength of the yellow monkey is still a little short of the peak .

.Therefore, in the face of the general-level Golden Lion , although he can contend , he cannot win .

Chapter 81 _ Kizaru : You, a pirate, still insist on principles ?

.After flying out of the floating island , Kizaru hovered in the sky .

.” It’s scary … slip away !”

.He stared at the golden lion from a distance , then did not continue to attack , but chose to retreat , and activated the Yata Mirror to refract downwards .

.He was a little difficult to win in the first place , but now he was pushed out of the island by the golden lion . Even if he was a shining man , he could not fly for a long time .

.An aerial battle with the Golden Lion is undoubtedly stupid , and there is no chance of winning at all .

.” Humph ! It’s so slippery !”

.The golden lion didn’t chase after him either , just watched Kiabou leave , snorted softly , and flew towards the floating island .

.Kizaru originally planned to sneak into the floating island , secretly report the situation to the new navy , and then gather troops to deal with the golden lion .

.But he didn’t expect that the golden lion’s sense of sight was so keen .

.As a result, he was discovered , leading to a failed infiltration .

.But it’s not a waste of time .

.Because he left a phone bug somewhere on the floating island , which could send him a positioning signal at any time .

.Through the positioning of this phone bug , the new navy can lock the position of the floating island , and then formulate a plan to capture the golden lion .

.As for the pirates recruited by the Golden Lion in the East China Sea , they were nothing more than a mob , which could be easily solved with only a group of elite navies .

.The most difficult problem is that the golden lion’s fleet and islands can fly high in the sky .

.If you don’t lock the location , you can’t hunt at all .

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