.But it’s all an attack .

.When it came into contact with the boundless blood-colored iceberg , it collapsed one after another as if it was destroyed .

.The top forces in this world are very strong , and the strongest of them can smash islands with one blow and easily penetrate mountains .

.But this kind of power system still has a lot of gaps compared to Stealing Stars .

.Not to mention the Cang Yue of Ice, which Cang Yue inherited , almost stands at the top of Stealing Star !

.Of course , it does not include the true god form !

.Although this world is bigger than Blue Star , a giant island can be compared to a country .

.And the Red Earth Continent , which divides the entire world , has an area larger than the sum of the Blue Star countries , enough to cover a world .

.But even so , comparable to a country’s blood-colored iceberg , it can still easily cover the entire Holy Land and spread to both sides of the Red Earth Continent .

.The next moment , the bloody iceberg fell !

.The entire Holy Land was like being hit by a meteorite , the ground was pushed out layer by layer , all the buildings collapsed and destroyed in an instant , and the bodies of countless people were crushed by the air pressure .

.” No !!”

.The Five Old Stars and the CP0 members were stunned and tried their best to resist , but they were finally suppressed by irresistible forces , and their bodies were pressed to the ground .


.Right now , at the edge of the artificial forest .

.The slaves who had been transferred to this place by Cang Yue watched the distant Holy Land Mariejoa collapse little by little , and their expressions fell into deep shock and sluggishness .

.” This … what is this ?”

.The three Hancock sisters are also blank at this moment .

.” Is this … a dream ?”

.Hancock murmured , unable to believe the sight in front of him .

.Suddenly , a loud bang came .

.The aftermath of the violent shock caused her to stand unsteadily , which made her with a blank mind , and suddenly woke up .

.I see .

.The location that was supposed to be the Holy Land Mary Joa was now occupied by an endless blood-colored iceberg .

.Wherever she could see , it spread to the end of her sight , except for the iceberg .

.The Holy Land Mary Joa … disappeared !

.Hancock stretched out his hand to cover his mouth , and there was speechless shock in his beautiful eyes. This scene simply refreshed her cognition .

.In shock , she looked up at the sky .

.In the sky , a figure can be seen sitting cross-legged on a lotus flower and slowly descending downward .

.That is Cang Yue’s figure !

.this moment .

.Hancock’s mind kept reverberating , it was what Cang Yue had said to her before .

.” My name is Cang Yue !”

.”The world calls me … the Ice Emperor !”

.For Hancock , she knows exactly what the Holy Land stands for .

.The Holy Land represents the supreme power of the world , and the World Government located on the Holy Land represents the ruler of this world .

.No matter the navy headquarters or the CP0 organization , they are nothing but their minions .

.No one dared to rebel against the World Government , because that would be tantamount to fighting against the whole world .

.But now … the Holy Land is destroyed .

.It also means that the World Government and the Draco … are also destroyed .

.The figure sitting cross-legged on the ice lotus , one finger to the sky and the other to the ground , made the world feel the pain .

.At this moment , it has been deeply imprinted in her heart , and the traces will never be erased .

.After a moment .

.The bloody iceberg that covered the sky finally dissipated , and Cang Yue’s figure also fell into the ruins .

.In the eyes of countless slaves , Cang Yue at this moment was like a god descended from the earth , sacred and inviolable .


? Ding ! Mission 1 has been completed , rewarded with the inheritance of the Cangyue of Ice +5%, and the inheritance of the Cangyue of Goodness +5% ]

? Ding ! Mission 4 has been completed , reward light element +10% ]

.” Have you only completed two missions ?”

.Cang Yue frowned , then shook her head .

.” That mysterious power just now … it should be the King of Heaven !”

.Standing in the middle of the ruins , Cang Yue sighed, ” Having ruled the world for 800 years , it really still has a bit of background . ”

.His blow has exceeded the upper limit of this world , and it is impossible to resist it head-on , it can only be avoided .

.At the last moment when Wu Laoxing was killed , someone used a power similar to time and space to forcibly transfer Wu Laoxing and others out .

.That mysterious power is either the fruit of time and space , or the king of ancient weapons .

.” Forget it, let them hide in fear like bereaved dogs !”

.Cang Yue’s eyes were deep , she spoke lightly , and then disappeared in place .

.In fact , he can use his eighth sense to interfere , but due to the instability of the time gate , he should still be escaped by them .

.Since it was destined to be unstoppable , Cang Yue was too lazy to interfere .

.Immediately , Cang Yue looked in another direction , a look of coldness flashed in her eyes .

.” Since the Holy Land has been destroyed , it is better to work hard and destroy the Navy Headquarters by the way ! ”

.” But such a wonderful scene , if no one appreciates it like it is now , wouldn’t it be a pity …”

.Cang Yue pondered for a moment , her eyes lit up : ” Hey , I can bring Robin sauce , so that there will be no audience , and I can also vent her anger , killing two birds with one stone . ”

.” Okay , that’s it !”.

Chapter 36 _ Imam’s Fear , Navy’s Shock

.A place like between flowers .

.A wormhole tunnel appeared out of thin air , and a group of people fell out of it .

.After they landed , their bodies were still eroded by the blood-colored freezing air , which spread in all directions in an instant .

.Kacha Kacha ~

.Where the blood-colored freezing air passed , the surrounding flowers were instantly frozen , then shattered and annihilated .

.As for those few people, it was even worse , with blood-colored freezing air all over their bodies , continuous coughing up blood in their mouths , and large areas of frostbite on their skin and internal organs .

.” Cough … cough …”

.” That guy from the Ice Emperor … how dare … cough …”

.Before Wu Laoxing finished speaking , blood spurted out of his mouth again , staining the clothes on his chest red .

.They climbed up with difficulty , shaking violently , not knowing whether it was anger or fear .

.Except for the Five Old Stars, only one person from the CP0 organization survived .

.At this moment , their expressions suddenly changed , and they hurried forward and knelt down to the ground .

.” I … Lord Imu … ”

.Saint Medinan, the head of the Five Old Stars , trembled : “I ‘m very sorry … Lord Yimu , we failed to protect the Holy Land …”

.Saint Mohanda endured the severe pain , and he said with difficulty : ” Sir Yimu … What should we do next , please clarify . ”

.At this moment , Im sitting on the throne finally spoke up .

.There were violent fluctuations in her indifferent eyes , as if she saw something fearful .

.” Don’t provoke him any more… He is not an outlier in this world and will leave sooner or later , we just need to wait silently . ”

.This sentence caused everyone below to fall into a dead silence .

.Wu Laoxing’s face was sluggish , and his breathing became more and more violent .

.As the high-ranking person who has ruled this world for 800 years , Wu Laoxing and others have long known fear in their hearts , and they do not know what pain is .

.But today , they finally realized it .

.Compared to that god-like man , they are only mortals after all !


.Naval Headquarters , Marin Vando .

.The huge fortress guards the sea , and it is also the largest war fortress in the world .

.The front of the fortress is engraved with two big characters of navy , and in the center is a seagull pattern .

.At the moment .

.High-rise meeting room of the Navy Headquarters .

.Karp said solemnly : ” According to the urgent report from the World Government , the Ice Emperor has invaded the Holy Land Mary Joa and is now freeing slaves and creating chaos . ”

.Gang Gukong said solemnly : ” It’s too late to mobilize troops to suppress the unrest . We can only let the high-level naval forces provide support first , and then the large troops will follow from behind . ”

.Sengoku , who was wrapped in bandages , nodded in agreement : ” This is the only way to do it now . ”

.” Well , I will order the high-level combat forces to be summoned now . As for the injured Sengoku and Sakaski, they will stay at the headquarters for the time being . ”

.Cyborg Kong quickly made arrangements .

.At this time , Garp’s face showed a strong fighting intent : ” Speaking of which , it has been a long time since such a powerful character has appeared in this sea, and he is not even a match for the Warring States period . I would like him to taste my iron fist . ”

.” Don’t underestimate him , Karp !”

.Sengoku said solemnly to Garp : ” That guy’s strength may be stronger than you , don’t do impulsive stupid things , at this stage, protect the Holy Land as the first task . ”

.” Haha … I don’t care about that !”

.Garp raised his head and laughed : ” I just want to wrestle with the Ice Emperor and see how powerful he is !”

.” Cap, you …”

.Warring States wanted to be angry , but at this time, a navy colonel broke into the outside , and interrupted him abruptly .

.I saw that the navy colonel looked terrified , and said in a hurried tone : ” Marshal Kong , something big has happened !”

.” Huh ?”

.Cyborg Kong , Sengoku, Garp and the others looked over .

.At this time , fear and disbelief remained in the eyes of the captain of the Navy .

.” According to … the latest information , the Holy Land Mary Joa has been … razed to the ground . ”

.” Nani !!”

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