Soon, Lin Zihang called Huang Xuewen, the dean of scientific research.

On the phone, Lin Zihang said that his Super Star Destruction Cannonball had been studied.

When Huang Xuewen heard this, he was surprised on the spot, and quickly took the car and rushed towards the takeaway side of the Flash Delivery Group.

Because Huang Xuewen knows that the kind of weapon studied by Lin Zihang’s scientific research team is a super new type of weapon, so powerful that it can be compared to a small heel.

It’s getting late in the blink of an eye.

Huang Xuewen, after a day’s drive, came to flash delivery within the takeaway group.

After seeing Lin Zihang, Huang Xuewen was speechless with excitement, and quickly held Lin Zihang’s arm and said, “Quick, Mr. Lin Zihang, quickly show me what your developed Super Star Destruction Cannon looks like!” ”

On the side, Wang Bingbing was also surprised.

Because she has seen Huang Xuewen from TV, but this is the first time she has seen Huang Xuewen so closely.

Moreover, Huang Xuewen is a scientist at the level of a Chinese elder, but he didn’t expect that he actually respected Lin Zihang so much? In his expression, there is even a hint of expectation?

Soon, Lin Zihang took Huang Xuewen and others to his research institute together.

As soon as the gate was opened, several gray-faced scientific research dead men, carrying a black piece of iron, walked around the house.

Lin Zihang said, “What are you doing?” When you’re done, go to rest! ”

The scientific research dead man grinned and said, “Boss, this is the super star destruction cannon we made, we have to find a place and put them up, otherwise it is not good to be seen by others!” ”

“This, is this the superstar shell you are studying?”

With an excited heart, Huang Xuewen slowly stepped forward.

Those few scientific research dead at first did not let Huang Xuewen touch the bomb, and finally Lin Zihang spoke, and they let Huang Xuewen observe.

Huang Xuewen, who is 72 years old this year, is not as good as before.

He crouched down, took out the magnifying glass he carried with him in his pocket, and began to observe the shape and structure of the Super Star Destruction Cannon.

Huang Xuewen asked, “Mr. Lin Zihang, how many tons of TNT bomb is equivalent to this shell?” ”

Lin Zihang smiled and said, “My scientific research team said that there is at least 100 tons of TNT bomb power!” They can also make it bigger, but for the convenience of carrying around, so they also know about 100-ton bombs, but I think it is enough, right? ”

“Enough, enough! 100 tons of TNT class bombs, which is quite enough for use! And, can it be made even bigger? What raw materials are they made from? Isn’t this thing a bomb? ”

Huang Xuewen was stunned.

Even as a top scientist, he could not observe the structure of this bomb.

Lin Zihang said: “The raw materials are all provided by you!” As for how they made them, I don’t know! Because I’m just a businessman, not a scientist! ”

“Good, good, very good! Well, this bomb …”

“Oh, it’s given to you, Mr. Huang Xuewen, take it away if you can!”

“Just, just give it to me? Don’t you, Mr. Lin Zihang, have any other requirements? For example, things like state application grants, and invention awards? ”

Huang Xuewen looked at Lin Zihang with a puzzled face.

Lin Zihang shook his head with a light smile and said, “No need, Mr. Huang, I only have one condition, that is, there is no problem in using these weapons to defend the security of the motherland, right?” I thought, how about letting them, shock the world, and defend the peace of our country? ”

“Okay, no problem, no problem at all! Thank you, thank you, Mr. Lin Zihang, if it were not for you, I am afraid that our motherland would still be in a backward stage! However, now with this kind of lethal weapon, I think that even if they have the advanced weapons provided by the United States, they will not dare to come to our border to make trouble! ”

Huang Xuewen was so excited, he didn’t know how to express his feelings, so he kept holding Lin Zihang’s hands tightly.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Zihang told Huang Xuewen that their scientific research team had developed a hundred such superstar destruction shells, let Huang Xuewen call people to move away.

Huang Xuewen was surprised, but also agreed.

He also said that he would report this matter to the state and present Lin Zihang with an award for the new scientific research team of Superstar.

Lin Zihang didn’t say anything, just smiled and waved goodbye to Huang Xuewen.

The next day, Huang Xuewen really brought a group of teams to carry all the Super Star Destruction Cannonballs made by Lin Zihang away.

Before parting, Huang Xuewen also awarded Lin Zihang a first-class meritorious award, and awarded him a special medal: the medal for members of the defense secret agency.

Before Huang Xuewen parted, he smiled and said to Lin Zihang: “Although this medal is not valuable, it can still protect your safety at critical moments!” At least now, in the entire Huaxia, there are no more than three people who can move you! ”

After saying this, Lin Zihang himself was also stunned.

It is estimated that it was Mr. Huang Xuewen who invited him to join a mysterious organization.

Lin Zihang gladly accepted such a feat, because this was what he deserved.

In addition, Huang Xuewen also said that in the future, he will strongly support Lin Zihang’s research team to develop science and technology.

You can study what raw materials you need, just talk to me, and I will provide it to you.

Lin Zihang also thanked Mr. Huang Xuewen.

To put it bluntly, the scientific research team he set up is still to prevent the war and let the domestic room warm up and rise, otherwise there is no benefit, why did Lin Zihang develop these bombs?

In addition, the bridge across the gorge is now about to be completed.

Once the completion is completed, the north and south of the imperial capital will be opened to traffic, that is Xiajiang Real Estate, the best sales period.

If it can’t be sold because of the sharp drop in housing prices, then Lin Zihang will lose more than 20 billion yuan, and this kind of loss-making transaction cannot be worth it.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Xuewen took his scientific research team and left with the hundred superstar destruction shells.

And Lin Zihang, too, followed suit, put the medal that Huang Xuewen gave him and put it in his pocket.


“Boss, the work is done, what do we need to do now?”

What, a scientific research dead man with a dark face came to Lin Zihang with a grin.

Lin Zihang looked at them with a frown and said, “How long have you not bathed?” ”

The scientific research dead man grinned and said, “It’s been more than a month, right?” No way, because I’ve been studying the Super Star Destruction Cannon! ”

Lin Zihang nodded and continued: “Well, now you guys hurry up and give me a bath, and after you come back, develop an electronic chip to make a technology mobile phone, is there a problem?” ”

“High-tech phones? How tall is it? Boss? The dead man asked.

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