For these message replies, Lin Zihang just smiled and stopped talking.

Once upon a time, he thought the same way, and it was a scam software.

But now it’s different, he has no money, so he will go and slash on the night, and go when he has no money.

How much!

What conscientious software.

From last night to today, Lin Zihang cut a total of 80 million yuan from the boss.

The boss didn’t say anything, how good!

However, what Lin Zihang didn’t know was that Wang Fugui, the boss of Xixi, had already cried and fainted at this moment.


“What? What did you say? Within an hour, another 30 million was chopped off? I’m a wow, who did it? What’s going on here? ”

In the imperial capital, in the office of the Xixi headquarters, a middle-aged fat man cursed while answering the phone, and had bitter tears in his eyes.

“Quick, hurry up and call Liu Huangfei here, I’ll ask him, what the hell is going on!”

“Yes, Chairman!”

After the manager of the finance department hung up the phone, he quickly called the supervisor Liu Huangfei to find Wang Fugui.

As soon as Wang Fugui saw Liu Huangfei, he was angry and shouted: “Liu Huangfei, look at the good things you have done for me!” Last night, 50 million were cut in two hours, and today, within an hour, another 30 million were chopped off? Liu Huangfei, what am I raising you for? Did you send me money? ”

Liu Huangfei’s frightened face turned pale and trembled.

Liu Huangfei trembled and said, “Chairman Wang, I, I don’t know what’s going on?” We are not Xixi Group, or operate according to the previous business model, and there are no loopholes in the bargaining activities, if it is really 30 million cut by someone, then relatively speaking, we are not Xixi system, at least forward links more than a billion times! ”

“So how many times now?”

“Return to the boss, only, 38.09 million times!” Liu Huangfei answered truthfully.

Wang Fugui said, “Isn’t that enough?” You are a waste, we and Xixi Group, must be targeted by some organization industry, they, must want to take advantage of the loopholes, bargain from it, and then make money! ”

“So boss, what do we do now? Or call the police, call the police, and arrest all the people who are bargaining! Liu Huangfei said.

Wang Fugui said, “Call the police? It’s useless, people are legal haggling, and there is no violation of the law, in addition, this kind of sales activity is also arranged by ourselves, people bargain reasonably and legally! So, you have to find me now, who is the leader of this organization, give me his contact information, I think, I need to talk to that person, let him not come and cut me and more! ”

Wang Fugui’s heart was dripping blood.

You said that if you cut tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, Wang Fugui can still accept it.

But what about the team organization? One cut cut off 80 million ah!

Could it be that there really 100,000 people in that organization?

Therefore, Wang Fugui knew that he could not afford to offend that organization, and only if they negotiated, was the best way out.

Soon, Liu Huangfei ran to Wang Fugui’s office again.

“How’s it going?” Wang Fugui asked.

Liu Huangfei gasped: “Find, found it, boss, I found it!” It is a WeChat name called Night Moon Time, sent a link! Moreover, as soon as he sends out the link, he will immediately be forwarded 100,000 times, and then those people will frantically bargain and cut each other, and in an hour, they can cut off tens of millions of money from us and the Xixi Group! ”

“Sure enough, I guessed that such an organization existed! Hurry up and give me his contact information! ”

“Okay boss, this is his mobile phone number, you put it away!”

“Well, it seems that it is necessary to discuss with this person!”

Wang Fugui took the paper handed by Liu Huangfei and sighed heavily.


Soon, Wang Fugui called Lin Zihang.

At this moment, Lin Zihang was lying on the bed brushing the circle of friends, and suddenly a strange call came, and Lin Zihang felt a little inexplicable.

You thought it was your own company boss to urge yourself to go to work tomorrow?

So Lin Zihang connected the phone and said, “Who?” ”

On the other end of the phone, Wang Fugui said: “This boss, I don’t think you know who I am, but I know who you are!” ”

“Who are you?” Lin Zihang asked suspiciously.

“Ahem, I, I’m the boss of Xixi, Wang Fugui! Boss Lin, please raise your noble hand and let me go and Xixi Group! In one day, you asked someone to cut 80 million yuan of our group? Boss Lin, we have never entered the river without violating the river, why are you here? ”

“Oh, so you called to tell me about it!”

Lin Zihang smiled, he didn’t expect that the boss of the Xixi Group would actually call himself personally, so that he wouldn’t ask someone to cut him?

How is this possible, the activity was sent by you, I Lin Zihang, just act according to the rules.

This one who does not steal and does not rob, you ask me not to cut, I will not cut?

Lin Zihang said, “Boss Wang Fugui, how do you know that I did it?” ”

Wang Fugui said: “Because, every time you send the link, my financial headquarters will lose tens of millions of yuan, that is not your doing, who did it?” Boss Lin, let’s discuss something now! I know that you may have a huge haggling organization team behind you, so I want to pay you 1 million yuan to let you, don’t let them haggle, okay? ”

Lin Zihang said: “No, boss, others want to bargain, what does it have to do with me?” Moreover, this activity was sent by you, and we all follow the rules and do not break the law! ”

Wang Fugui said, “I know that this matter is not illegal, but I think brother, you let those people be high-ranking and noble, don’t cut me and more, okay?” I give you 1 million as a reward! ”

“No, I don’t have the right to restrict the freedom of others, unless you shut down that activity yourself, soon?” And why paint bread to fill their hunger, cut it for others, and not let people cut money? ”

Lin Zihang won’t be so stupid.

A million, just want to buy yourself?

One hundred thousand virtual dead in your own system, an hour, directly cut you 20 million, believe it or not?

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