Assassin’s Adventure

Chapter 84: The storm and the drowning

In the nautical age of the 18th century, although it was already the golden age of capitalist development and the signs of the industrial revolution were about to emerge, the only way to preserve water resources for navigation was to make wine, and other freshwater resources could only be stored in wood for a long time. The barrel deteriorated and moss grew.

If you want fresh freshwater resources, you can only find freshwater rivers on small islands, and another method is rainfall.

After Gordon had a delicious breakfast, he came back to the deck. The Jackdaw had raised its sails again and headed for the islands in the south.

The dark clouds coming from the east had begun to cover half of the sky, and thunder exploded in the air, accompanied by downpours.

This is a very strange sight. The sun and the rainstorm coexist. At a distance of less than 30 meters from the Jackdaw, the raindrops caused ripples in the sea water, and in the western sky, the sun can still be seen falling.

The strong wind came from the east, deflected the Jackdaw's course a lot, and stirred up large waves, which were not huge at this time, but such horizontal waves were very dangerous.

"Prepare to block the storage compartment!"

This time Gordon made preparations in advance. They didn't have much food, but they couldn't be damaged because of this.

Allen hurried down with several sailors, and then began to block the gap with canvas and oil paper.

At this time, the heavy rain poured down directly towards the Jackdaw, the thunder exploded above the head, and the sky was completely dark, like the night.

"Hahaha, what a rare rainstorm, everyone, are you ready?"

Gordon took over the control of the rudder, and then opened the compass with one hand, constantly correcting the course.


The torrential rain was getting bigger and bigger, Gordon was soaked all over, and his lips were even a little blue from the cold, but he still stood up straight, his eyes were still sharp, and in the flash of lightning, he could clearly see the heading ahead.


The sailor on the watchtower shouted loudly, pointing one finger straight ahead.

Coolidge, who was beside him, quickly pulled out his telescope and used the weak light to see the situation ahead.

A cylindrical reef about three meters high stood there, but it became the deadliest killer in the torrential rain.


"I know!"

Gordon exclaimed.

"Raise the half-sail and pull it up for me! All sailors, prepare to resist turbulence, haha!"

The sailors, drenched in heavy rain, removed the slippery rope from the fixed position on the side of the boat, and then yanked up, restraining the sail in half.

"Right full rudder!"

Gordon turned the rudder quickly to the right, and with the east wind blowing, the whole ship began to set foot on the downwind.

"Go ahead with full sails, let me down again!"

The half sail is just to turn the bow faster, and to get out of the collision position, the only way is to re-accelerate the full sail and stagger this reef.

A huge wave pushed the entire Jackdaw westward for a long distance, and the sea washed the entire deck directly, almost washing Gordon down the ship's building.

"Inspectors!" This big wave hit, swept away a lot of things on the deck, and even two big fish washed up on the deck.

A sailor suddenly found that the other sailor who was standing with him was gone, and there was only the sail rope that had not been tied in time.


Boom! ! !

A beam of lightning flashed directly above the Jackdaw's head, splitting into countless streaks in the air, and the thunder that followed was even more deafening and mighty.

"Check the staff!" Gordon continued to repeat aloud.

"Someone fell into the water!"

Several sailors shouted loudly, which directly caught Gordon's attention.

"Alan, take over the helm!"

Alan, who was pulling the sails below and washed over and over again by the sea, stood up again and heard Gordon's cry.

"Yes Captain!"

Then he staggered up to the ship building and took the sail from Gordon.

At this time, Gordon came to the side of the ship and opened his eyes wide. He wanted to find the sailor who fell into the water in this sea full of hurricanes and rainstorms, which was tantamount to reaching the sky.

"I'm a captain, but I want to bring everyone home, hurry up!"


Even the eagle eye can't play a big role in this environment. The heavy rain poured down, directly obscuring the eagle eye, which uses infrared light as a sensor.

Rumble boom! !

Another thunderbolt exploded above his head. As expected, the height of this thunderbolt should not exceed eight kilometers. With this beam of light, Gordon finally locked a figure holding a wooden plank floating in the sea. Countless seawater hit the sailor's head, and the plank was just like the last straw.

The Jackdaw, which relies on sails to move forward, can't go in the reverse direction in this kind of storm. Now every minute and second is the key. The longer the time passes, the farther they will pull.

"Mickey! Bring the rope."

"Gordon, you've figured it out clearly, how could it be possible to be saved in such a rainstorm..."

Coolidge grabbed him The probability of surviving is too low. The people on the boat can't protect themselves, let alone the people in the water.

"I'm the captain. I carry their lives on my shoulders. How can I know if I don't take a gamble?"

Gordon pushed him away directly, looked at the long rope that had been tied to the mast, tied the other end directly to his belt, and began to run fast towards the building.

Every step I used almost all my strength, stepping on the water, and then jumped out of the ship building and jumped into the sea full of countless storms and waves.

The ship is still moving eastward, and at this time, it does not dare to completely withdraw its sails. Withdrawing the sails means that the ship has lost most of its control ability and is drifting with the current. In the vicinity of the Bahamas, a reef island, this kind of The act is tantamount to murder.

The only good news is that the sailors who fell into the water were still pushed towards the west by the big waves.

Gordon kept swimming towards the position of the drowning man, trying his best to fight the waves. In this case, going upstream is simply an unrealistic behavior. He can only make himself Drift slowly and wait for the sailor to approach.

"Gordon, hurry up, swim faster!"

He kept pumping himself up, got through one wave after another, and the goal was getting closer and closer.

The sailor who was carried by the wooden board watched the Jackdaw leave and had lost any hope of survival. At this time, he saw his captain struggling in the sea in the sea and wanted to save him. He felt some tears in his eyes. No captain would do this to an ordinary sailor.

The desire to survive regained the upper hand, and the sailor also began to slide his hands and feet on the water and began to approach Gordon.

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